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Everything posted by DPS -CCCP-

  1. DPS -CCCP-

    Mi-26 "Halo" and soviet pilot pack relased

    There is restrictions for "Tank" class. You can not lift tanks. But you can lift anything by using script "movie.sqs" (watch readme file).
  2. We glad to show some screensots of new Mi-26 model. Some times ago we relasing beta-version of our Mi-26 (http://www.ofp.ussr-online.net/nasheorujie/Html/sbp1_Mi-26.htm), but now we want totally upgrade our chopper. We make absolutely new 3D model and textures. Â Â It's too far to relase date, because this on very early stage of development. We do our best to make this addon with maximum realism. Â Â This addon will have best known scripts and features ever known in OFP and of course it will have some new. NasheOrujie E-mail: no@ofp.ussr-online.net
  3. DPS -CCCP-

    Absolutely new mi-26 under constructions

    Exact. There is only 3 mi-13 were built in whole history. One of those (on picture that Blackdog posted) stays in Monino museum, second crashed, third i don't know where:)
  4. DPS -CCCP-

    Absolutely new mi-26 under constructions

    I know it, this was a joke:)
  5. DPS -CCCP-

    Absolutely new mi-26 under constructions

    And you MUST fly from the first view, because 3-rd view is closed-off by helicopter tail:)
  6. DPS -CCCP-

    Absolutely new mi-26 under constructions

    Testing on slow computers shows, that is no much lags present. But model is really hight detailed (more of polycount takin' by interrior:) ). It's not recommended, to use more than 4-5 choppers in your missions ( and I belive that is not neccesary, because only one chopper can carry up 70 peoples, or 6 peoples and one vehicle).
  7. DPS -CCCP-

    Absolutely new mi-26 under constructions

    We moved relase date, because we want to make this addon stabile as possible. But we glad to present Mi-26 video trailer (Part 1 - appearance). In that video you should look how how this helicopter is look. In some days, we relase part 2 - capabilities. Screens from trailer: and video you can download here. Video is 7,03 mb size and packed by DivX 5.1.1.
  8. DPS -CCCP-

    OFP Wallpapers

    2 wallpapers with ZIL truck;) Wallpaper1, 1024x768, 173kb Wallpaper2, 1024x768, 146kb
  9. DPS -CCCP-

    General Guba's new dress

    The "car" was unlocked only one week, you must be very fast:) PS I do not want accuse anybody, just want to know were you get it:) Now I know and happy, you must be happy too:)
  10. DPS -CCCP-

    General Guba's new dress

    Picture from a screen, where Guba stays in light parade uniform... This units (in light parade suit) is early alpha of our upcoming Officers and Generals pack. Were you get this pic from? Whats going on here? Who stole this addon from close FTP?
  11. DPS -CCCP-

    Our Weapons MOD contact details

    pogingwapo thits absolutly right. Thank you
  12. Our Weapons Project confirms relase of Zil 130/131 pack in near future. In this pack will be these versions of Zil: Zil 130: - Zil 130 chassis - truck tractor - Zil 130 onboard - Zil 130 dumper - Zil 130 fuel tanker - Zil 130 fire engine - Zil 130 reammo/support truck Zil 131: -Zil 431412 chassis - truck tractor -Zil 131 onboard -Zil 131 covered - light canvas -Zil 131 covered - camo canvas -Zil 131 fire engine -BM-21 "Grad" MLRS on zil-131 chassis And this features: - randomly numbers of trucks - natural sound of Zil truck - highly detailed cabine interior - working special signals on fire fighting trucks Authors of addon: DiDro (models, textures), Kerd (scripts, config). Date of relase: 22 april (birthday of Nasha Armiya (Ours Army) squad). Visit addon page for more screenshots and info. Vsit Our Weapons forum.
  13. DPS -CCCP-


    Nice work! This look very impressive! Keep it up!
  14. DPS -CCCP-

    Absolutely new mi-26 under constructions

    Just replacing IMG with URL:)
  15. DPS -CCCP-

    Absolutely new mi-26 under constructions

    Look at the wrecked model. You can easily hide in this thing:)(long screen) http://ofp.ussr-online.net/nasheorujie/Images/Mi26/wreck1.jpg And screen from one of demo-missions:
  16. DPS -CCCP-

    Absolutely new mi-26 under constructions

    And at what here there ORCS? We are different teams:)
  17. DPS -CCCP-

    Absolutely new mi-26 under constructions

    I have one interesting idea about replacing normal model with wrecked. It would be less faky, more realistic... Trying to realise now...
  18. DPS -CCCP-

    Absolutely new mi-26 under constructions

    Hawk one's still wins for me, mostly because of the animated ramp trough wich the chopper is enterable.... Â if this one had such a thing it would rock SO MUCH!!! Â This feature is already done! You can run, walk, or luying in cargo space, and can shot throught the windows:) But only when chopper is landed.
  19. DPS -CCCP-

    Absolutely new mi-26 under constructions

    This is OFP. Screening on 1600x1200 and half\sized in Photoshop. Everon and Malden islands was used:)
  20. DPS -CCCP-

    Absolutely new mi-26 under constructions

    Polycount is higher than standert OFP models:) This chopper is hight detailed... But it's normal, because it have number of properly worked LOD's. And I don't think that you will use more than 2-3 mi-26 on your missions. Was testing on GeForce 2 pro card, no lags...
  21. DPS -CCCP-

    Absolutely new mi-26 under constructions

    We work hard on possibility to carryng cargos, like cars, trucks and light's APC's in cargo space. And another version, that called "flying crane" can pick up larger cargos (remember famous photo, with mi-26 carryng up CH-47?. Also we think about possibility of carryng big container with weapons\ammo or med.equipment, and of course possibility to paratroop this container:)
  22. DPS -CCCP-

    Absolutely new mi-26 under constructions

    If you have any questions about this, I'll try to answer.
  23. DPS -CCCP-

    Absolutely new mi-26 under constructions

    Work under models and textures now completely done. Now we works on scripts. Possibly date of relase: second half of september. Here some nice screenshots (this and others screenshots you can find here: http://ofp.ussr-online.net/index.php?id=71&sku=271&page=0): Just want to know yours opinions, guys:)