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About DimaS

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    Private First Class
  1. DimaS

    Russian ww2 infantry beta online

    I am very glad, that the heavy Stoppel's work has found a recognition at the admirers of game. Of some time I can tell, that it is really one of the best variants Soviet infantry, in general - it is nice infantry addon. I am ready to advise the author on any questions of appearance these the soldier. I hope at us it will turn out even better.
  2. DimaS

    Ww2 russian infantry

    to Desantnik mozech otpravlat perevod zamechanii dlja Stoppel ego adress yze y tebja est
  3. DimaS

    Ww2 russian infantry

    2 pzvg http://armor.kiev.ua/Tanks/WWII/SU76/su76m.html
  4. DimaS

    Ww2 russian infantry

    2 desantnik Do you read my letter? ...21 january...???
  5. DimaS

    Ww2 russian infantry

    2 pzvg Do you have  contact with Steam? If not - take to me you e-mail in private message... About you work. Some moments  is very nice. I'am  about BT-5.  But you must modificate  model of SAU (SU-85/100) Look this pics and you saw, that you mistaked strongly :-)) http://armor.kiev.ua/Tanks/WWII/SU100/su100.html http://armor.kiev.ua/Tanks/WWII/SU85/su85.htm p.s. And what about more details at BT-5 texture? When do you want finish  working?
  6. DimaS

    Ww2 russian infantry

    2 Desantnik Privet. Mne napisal v privat Stoppelhopser. On zdet ot tebia pisma s perevodom. Uspehov. Ne ischezai. DS
  7. DimaS

    Ww2 russian infantry

    2 desantnik Napisal predlozenia. Sozday gde nibut adress e-mail i prishli ego v privat mne. Moi teksty v formate BMP, vse smozech prochitat i perevesti to english for stoppelhopser Davai, davai!!!
  8. DimaS

    Ww2 russian infantry

    2 stoppelhopser I can agree with you... I saw some  infantry coats, they look as you said. They have  small tinged with "khakki".  But: basically shinel had obvious grey color. In sometimes solgiers can wear the winter coats with small "camel" shade. It is near brown, not "Khakki"... Incidentally, CanadianTerror  put in Forum nice pictures. In one word - we can see this  link and make beatifull WW2 Russian's infantry addon. Â
  9. DimaS

    Ww2 russian infantry

    2 stoppelhopser Excuse me for my poor english! I think, that I'm some competent in russian uniforms history. But language border... To my mind, you made one mistakes... The winter coat (in russian mean "shinel") must be grey. In you's skreens - soviet soldier have "khakki" long coat without shoulder-straps and  collars insignia ("petlizi"). Small ingeneer's spade must  be stationed in right side, near the flask (water-bottle). In left side must be  granatebag Good luck to you!!! Â
  10. DimaS

    Ww2 russian infantry

    To stoppelhopser Pardonable... I want know: when you  intends to relized WW2 Russian infantry addon? In this month, or later??? And what about  nice Walker"s addons of russian guns? Do you want use this guns?
  11. DimaS

    Ww2 russian infantry

    To stoppelhopser Some links with russian military uniforms (1941-45) I think that you need the good materials.... http://www.ipclub.ru/arsenal/platz/ww2/redarmy/ You can develop this addons more and more...