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Everything posted by Dubble0zero

  1. Dubble0zero

    sound fx

    Well, I know that sound are calculated with speed(the doppler effekt for example), but I haven't noticed any change in the sound according to what surface it reflects on, as a matter of fact, I haven't noticed any sound reflection at all... As well as dampening effekts with some surfaces... You could reduce the sound profile of a helicopter for example if you are flying low and stay behind a forest since the trees dampen the sound...
  2. Dubble0zero

    sound fx

    I wonder how much it would take to caldulate the sound and the diffrences when it reflects on diffrent surfaces in real time... One way to do it is to add a sound property to the surface, that way it could act as an equaliser and change the sound according to what surface it is... However, that allso means that the sound will have to be calculated when it travels through the air, so it may be alot of calculations atleast if the computor is going to calculate every soundwave... It would be nice if it worked, but I don't think our computors are going to be able to handle it... Maby if they could make a simplified model that gives a good sound anyway...
  3. Dubble0zero

    OFP Addon Mania

    Is it your own missions? If so, then you have probably placed that unit on the map when you did the mission, even if you removed the unit it has been saved in the mission file (I think) that the addon is needed, and therefore when you start the mission, it is complaining that the addon doen't exists... The way to fix that is to edit the mission file in notepad and remove the addon from there (one of the first lines)... If it is someone esles mission the problem is probibly not that, I have had similar problems before, but I don't know how to fix it...
  4. Dubble0zero


    I am for full realism, but we must remember that it's not only flight models that needs to improve, it would make the game so much better if it could simulate the systems in the aircrafts (computors, radar, weapons and such)... It would be a bit much to ask for OFP with F4, stealbeasts "included", but it would be good if there were a bit more system simulation than what we have now, and if we only get the possibilities the comunity will probibly make mods that can compete with previously named games... And ofcourse it should be an option to use it...
  5. Dubble0zero

    Armed Assault - should the name be changed?

    You can't use this words alone but you can combine them to result in a familiar title I am sure.Check out Flashpoint Germany,it got out last year and there were no problems as far as I know registering the name. So why isn't BIS using: Flashpoint [insert scenario title] Examples Flashpoint Koglujev Flashpoint Basra Flashpoint 2010 And how does the community feel towards such a title name,I myself belive is the best option right now. If this is correct, then it could be named "Flashpoint 2: Armed Assault" The fact that there isn't a Flashpoint 1 is not important...
  6. Dubble0zero

    VTV isn`t working

    Hmm, have you noticed that this new E3 screens is named FP2, not OFP2... They might have gone back to the original name... And if the have done that, they have the right to release it without codemasters...
  7. Dubble0zero

    OFP photography - Questions & comments

    Have you guys seen the last picture (and the name of it), and the name of the author? I think we have accually seen the first screen of OFP2...
  8. Dubble0zero

    VTV isn`t working

    They may ad a live cam from E3 when it starts...
  9. Dubble0zero

    Strange Question!

    You can use a joystick, but you can only have one controller at the same time, so if the pedals are considdered as a separate joystick in windows, it's not possible I am affraid... Alltou, there should be some way of getting windows to use two diffrent controllers as if it were one, but I haven't been able to find such a program...
  10. Dubble0zero

    Track IR support for OFP2

    I have said it before and I say it again, I totally suport this idea!
  11. Dubble0zero

    Behind the scenes...

    In that case he is back again...
  12. Dubble0zero

    forget opf2 for a sec,... TrackIR for OPF!!!

    I totally agree that it would be really great to have TIR in OFP, It is possible to use it with an extra program that transform the TIR input to keys, that way you can use it with the nummerical keyboard, and by that look in diffrent directions... The problem is that if you touch the mouse while looking in an other direction, you will turn that way... It would absolutley be better with a special DLL for it... I'm not really sure how much work that is needed, but I think that Naturalpoint will do most of the programming, and if that's the case, BIS only will have to give them the permission, and some information on how the input in OFP works (I guess)... I have written some threads here before about this subjekt, but I hope that this time BIS will have a look at it (if they haven't before)... By the way, I have read on the naturalpoint forums that they are having contact with BIS concerning OFP2, so hopfully we will have TIR support for that...
  13. Dubble0zero

    Joystick support

    One Joystick for flying, and one steering wheel for driving, the computor counts that as two joysticks... I have wanted this a long time, it has been sugested before, but I that was some time ago...
  14. Dubble0zero

    Ofp combat photography 2. no pics over 100kb

    Well, I took some pictures when that Viper came some time ago, but I didn't have time to put them in this thread then, but now I took the time, so here we go, a little story... A warm summer night, picking up a girl.. Hanging out with some friends... Later: Some one think they are up for a challange? Well, we will se about that... And here we go!!! That Ferarri just didn't have it, what a looser... Leaving the city and the beaten racers behind... To watch the sunrise... Well, that's it, this is my first post in this thread, I just found out about that camera tool before I took theese... And I'm not good in editing with photoshop, so I didn't do that (alltou, it would have been nice with some neon light under that Viper )... Anyway, we will se if I can provide with some more pics some day...
  15. Dubble0zero


    Good points, and dont' forgett to add a god joystick support for all that... ;)
  16. You know, you could open the editor and try to understand it, it isn't hard to do a simpel misson... And then you could train in your own missions, and if you want to go back to the campain afterwards, you can do that, otherwise you can contineu to do missions or download others missions... Personally I think that the difficulty in OFP is good, I have as threat.at had problems in the campains, and because of that I haven't finished any of the campains, and I probibly never will... But I think it's fun anyway, I play CTI and COOP (MP)... And I allso use the editor as a simulator, and just drives around without enemies... That's what I have found fun in this game, so if you have problems with the campain, try some thing else for a change, then you can go back to the campain later if you want...
  17. Dubble0zero

    Ofp and multiple monitors?

    It is just beatuful to play OFP with 3D glasses, and the scale feels more accurate in some way, the trees and  the rest of the surroundings fells larger... But I stopped using 3D glasses beccause I couldn't use the sight since it is a 2D objekt... However there were a thread here on theese forums where some people said that they could make the ironsight look like 3D, and by that they could play with it... I am sure that you will find it somwhere of you search... [Edit] I tried to search, but found nothing, maby that thread was too old and is removed or something... [/Edit]
  18. Dubble0zero

    Track ir and op flash

    Err... HI...
  19. Dubble0zero

    Separated parachutes

    One thing I would like to add is to be able to steer your chute... That would make it possible to make spec-op missions when you land on the roof on some tall building, while some other peolple cower the exits... And then you save the hostage... if you are fast enough...
  20. Dubble0zero

    Track ir and op flash

    A little uppdate... This is probibly the closest you will get for the moment... But I'm hoping for that dll support for OFP2...
  21. Dubble0zero

    Bang bang your dead

    Yea, and then someone will make a monkey island mod with insult gun shooting or something...
  22. Dubble0zero

    Speed up, and hold that speed

    Not a bad idea, it would be good for peolple without joystick or steeringwheel... But the best way to solve it is to use a steering wheel, the only problem with it in OFP as it is now is that you can't have an other joystick too...
  23. Dubble0zero

    Support for pedals

    LOL... Yea, that would make OFP2 the first workout-simulator...
  24. Dubble0zero

    Support for pedals

    Since OFP2 isn't out yet, (and it will take som time untill it gets out) no one knows... But it is not posible to have more than one joystick in OFP...
  25. Dubble0zero

    Maps and mapreading

    The star position is realistic in OFP, if you make a new Island you can accually change the position for the island and it will have a realistic starmap... That's what I have heard anyway...