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About DavidCR125

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  1. DavidCR125

    securom of my ass ...

    The answer is simple, your games are infected with the malware known as securom. It should not be long before there are clean versions of the game exe floating around on places like game copy world (if not already). Once you get one of these exes your game should run fine again. Â
  2. DavidCR125

    Weird problem (bug?)

    Thats got it. Thanks for the quick responses.
  3. DavidCR125

    Weird problem (bug?)

    I just tried that but it still does not work. I must have broken something. I can't even use the sights on the gun.
  4. I have been having a problem with a script I am writing. It seems that whenever I use addWeapon after initialization the gun is useless. An example mission: Start a new mission and add a single player to it. Then add a trigger that is activated be radio Alpha and in its on activation field put <removeAllWeapons player; player addWeapon "M16"; player addMagazine "M16";> without the < and >. For me when I run this mission and activate the trigger I get an M16 in my hands but the gun doesn't work. By that I mean the little thing up in the top left corner of the screen that shows ammo is not there, the weapon will not reload, I can't use the sights and the only action I can do with the weapon is put it on my back (no Drop M16). I'm sure I used to be able to do this but now I can't. If I put those same commands in the init.sqs file it works fine. I have flashpoint: goty version 1.91, but I have also tried beta 1.96. Can anyone tell me if I am doing something wrong?
  5. Is the Resistance Demo an accurate representation of the full version because it looks and runs like sh!t on my computer. I have a geforce 4 ti4600 512mb DDR Ram AMD Athlon 1400 <-- I know its old Is it the game or am I doing something wrong?
  6. Does anyone know how to get a soldier to carry 2 rifles eg. an M21 and a Dragonov