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Everything posted by DJOlmstead

  1. DJOlmstead

    Cargo planes

    Does anyone out there know where I can get a modern cargo plane that can carry a group or two of men that is compatiable with v. 1.46? All help will be appreciated.
  2. DJOlmstead

    Code problem

    I am working on a mission where I want a sniper to stay in a position laying down for the whole game. How ever the following code doesn't accomplish what I want: </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">this setunitpos "down"<span id='postcolor'> I put that into the unit init line, and even tried naming the unit and putting it in a waypoint. However, nothing works. It just stands there doing nothing. What could I do to correct this problem? Also, I downloaded a program that i used to write basic scripts, but I have no idea where to put them in order for them to run in my mission. I am aware on where to put them in the mission, but what folder do I put it in?
  3. Try putting a MOVE or HOLD waypoint over the building and putting this in the activation line: </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">chopper1 land "land"<span id='postcolor'> Where chopper1 is the name of the chopper. You could also try "get out" instead of "land" if men are getting out, or "get in" if they are getting in. Not sure if it will work, just a thought. Jus try all three.
  4. DJOlmstead

    Hit damage difference

    For your problem with the ai not being able to see you, go into the difficulty options and turn "Super AI" on. They will see you alright now.
  5. DJOlmstead

    One nagging problem with ofp.

    I don't think it's the recoil, I think it's the ai's inabilty to steady their weapons when fireing. For example, when a human player fires an automatic weapon, we move the mouse around so that as many bullets as possible hit the target. I'm guessing the ai doesn't do this. Of course it's all very different, and I'm just putting in my thoughts.
  6. DJOlmstead

    Code problem

    Thanks for replying. I'm running v.1.46, and I set the unit i wanted to be down on a hill. Could any of this be the problem? Maybe someone could enlighten me? Anyway, the script answer was very helpful, if somewhat embarrassing on my part. Sometimes the obvious doesn't hit me like it should...
  7. DJOlmstead

    [SP] Missing in Action

    I think it's great that there are still good mission around for v1.46. Unfortunately for me, I can't find a copy of resisitance anywhere...
  8. DJOlmstead

    My latest mission

    I am very interested in the voice acting. If you have any open parts, e-mail me (dj_olmstead@hotmail.com) and i'll give you a reply.
  9. I was just wondering if someone from the west side was in an east side tank and driving around, would the east know that it was under west control, even if the unit in the east tank didn't fire at any of the east side units. I know this is a kind of dumb question, but i was just curious.
  10. DJOlmstead

    Enemy knows who you are

    Thanks RED.
  11. DJOlmstead

    Give medics a job

    I just question the logic of it all. In OFP, even when a soldier is wounded, it still possesses a real threat. They are still able to fight, unlike in real life when soldiers go unconsious or are in too much pain to fight. Just putting in my 2 cents
  12. Here's the method that I use: If the ground that the chopper is sitting on in the beggining is uneven, even in the slightest way, this problem occurs to me. I just put an invisible H under the chopper and sync the waypoints as normal. NOTE: I'm running v1.46, so it might not work for you.
  13. I haven't tried this script yet, but I was wondering if it was possible to not call the chemical weapon as an artilery strike, but have it as a stationary effect? Such as have smoke surrounding an area and the chemical effects? I was just wondering because this script could be used by creative WW2 editors to make gas chambers and such. Just some creative feedback.
  14. DJOlmstead

    [production]: script glow effects

    The fountain itself was very amazing indeed, but is it just me, or are the soldiers covered in white? Not to mention specks of white cover the statue's base. If you could get rid of that white, then I'd say you would have a very popular script on your hands.
  15. DJOlmstead

    Engagement times.....

    This answer is just my opinion. I think that reason why they are so short is because in real fire fights the two sides don't engage each other very quickly. The player speeds things up because most players are impatiant and run out with guns blazing. Try being a civilian and get two AI controlled groups to engage each other in a field or some place with a wide view so you can see everthing. You'll notice that they take their time and the engagments last longer than with human players. And of course in real engagements there are a lot more men involved and they miss a lot more. Not sure why they take longer in the SEB nam pack... Oh well, just a thought.
  16. I have this somewhat strange request. I want to know if anyone has made a mission where there are civilians that just go around just doing there thing? In other words, I want a mission where the civilians drive around in cars, get out of their cars, go into houses, talk to each other, etc. I want it so that I can make missions where the civilians look like they are living their natural lives. I've tried to do it myself, but I lack the script knowledge and the skill to make it realistic and natural. And oh yeah, I need it to be compatibale with v1.46.
  17. Not sure, but i think you can use the DOMOVE command or something like that to make the guys get into the right trucks. As for the APC crew to follow them back to the start point, you could use this: </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">this domove getpos "sarge"<span id='postcolor'> Put this into the APC's crew init line, and "sarge" would be the name of the leader of the first group. (you can change the name if you want.) Or you could just have the APC crew to join their group after they load into their APC with a couple of waypoints. Not sure if this all works, but I hope it helps.
  18. DJOlmstead

    Where to buy resistance?

    I really want to buy the expansion pack, but all I can find it the Game of The Year edition, and I don't want to spend all of the money because i already have the Gold edition. Would anyone give me some advice to where I can find it and what I should expect to pay for it? And buying it off the internet is not an option, unfortunatly.
  19. DJOlmstead

    Where to buy resistance?

    Thanks Silent N Deadly, I never thought of that! lol
  20. DJOlmstead


    I'm not an expert or anything, but I read somewhere, (i think the strategy guide or the regular instruction manual) that the skill level effects everything from how fast they can run, how fast they reload, and stuff like that, but humans don't have skill levels. And when I play missions where their are guys in my group that their skill is all the way up, they have no problem keeping up. So maybe the game treats humans like soldiers with the skill all the way up? Just a thought And oh yeah, that whole thing about how human players hold their gun different bothers me too...
  21. DJOlmstead

    Putting men into buildings.

    I have a small problem. Whenever I'm playing a mission and i'm leading a squad, I can never get any of my men to go into a building. This may be a dumb question, but how do I put them inside a building and make them stay there until I give them a different order?
  22. DJOlmstead

    Putting men into buildings.

    Thanks guys.
  23. DJOlmstead

    Domove command

    Thanks Mintyboy for making a topic just for me. Oh yeah, it helped me out a lot too.
  24. DJOlmstead

    Where to buy resistance?

    I live in Maine and there I do have an Electronic Boutique in the nearest mall, but all they have is used copies. Oh well, I'll look around and if all else fails I'll either have to get one used or just buy the GOTY edition. Thanks anyway.
  25. DJOlmstead

    Black hawk down mission?

    Bah, there are too many of those missions running around these days. I say you use those addons on something more creative.