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Everything posted by DragoFire

  1. DragoFire

    Weapon standards!

    I come across a number of posts lately (last few months), talking about whether some of the weapons being made available are too powerful. Eg. Plane# 1 has mounted a set of 5" rocket pods, a 30mm cannon and Mk81 GP (250lbs) free-fall bombs. Plane# 2 has 20mm cannon and Mk81 GP (250lbs) Free-fall bombs. Copter has 5" rocket pods and 25mm cannon. When the same target attacked, the following possible outcomes happen; Cannons; Copter fire less shots to get kill, Plane# 2 can kill target without direct hits! Bombs; Plane# 1 can kill all targets within a 50m burst radius, Plane# 2 can kill all soldiers within 25m, kill a tank with direct-hit and damage tanks within 25m brust radius. This gives you an idea of how badly the CPP can be set for the AMMOCFG. What I've done is based AMMOCFG setting based on the WEAPON AMMO setting already available from BIS. And then added or subtracted damage and blastradius based on the explosive playload differrance. As for the models I've found that putting the exact mass to a model has help the flight-path of the weapon, making for a more realistic weapon. This also has effects on the vehicle that is carrying it to (from what I've seem with proxy weapons). Here's what I've done; </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> class cfgammo { class Default {}; class AT3: Default {}; class Hellfire: AT3 {}; class CarlGustav: AT3 {}; class Maverick: Hellfire {}; class LaserGuidedBomb: Default {}; class GBU_10E: LaserGuidedBomb  //2000lb based on the original from BIS { hit=5000;indirectHit=3500;indirectHitRange=15; minRange=50; minRangeProbab=0.500000; midRange=300; midRangeProbab=0.950000; maxRange=2500; maxRangeProbab=0.500000; cost=20000; model="Snake"; proxyShape="Snake"; irLock=false; laserLock=true; maxControlRange=100000; maneuvrability=16.000000; sideAirFriction=0.100000; simulation="shotMissile"; maxSpeed=100; initTime=0; thrustTime=0; thrust=0; }; class GBU_12D: GBU_10E //500lb { hit=1250;indirectHit=875;indirectHitRange=8; model= "\DrF_Intruder\GBU_12"; proxyShape= "\DrF_Intruder\GBU_12"; }; class GBU_16B: GBU_10E //1000lb { hit=2500;indirectHit=1750;indirectHitRange=10; model= "\DrF_Intruder\GBU_16"; proxyShape= "\DrF_Intruder\GBU_16"; }; class Mk_82: default //500 lbs { hit= 1250; indirectHit= 875; indirectHitRange= 8; minRange=50; minRangeProbab=0.500000; midRange=300; midRangeProbab=0.950000; maxRange=2500; maxRangeProbab=0.500000; soundHit[]= {\LaserGuided\expl2,db40,1}; soundFly[]= {"\DrF_Intruder\bmbfall.ogg",db-30,1.5}; cost= 5000; model= "\DrF_Intruder\mk_82"; proxyShape= "\DrF_Intruder\mk_82"; irLock= 0; laserLock= 0; maxControlRange= 20000; maneuvrability= 0.01; sideAirFriction= 0.10; simulation= shotMissile; maxSpeed= 100; initTime= 1000; thrustTime= 0; thrust=  0; }; class MK_81: MK_82 // 250lbs { hit= 625; indirectHit= 440; indirectHitRange= 5; cost= 3000; model= "\DrF_Intruder\mk_81"; proxyShape= "\DrF_Intruder\mk_81"; }; class MK_83: MK_82 // 1000lbs { hit= 2500; indirectHit= 1750; indirectHitRange= 10; cost= 7000; model= "\DrF_Intruder\mk_83"; proxyShape= "\DrF_Intruder\mk_83"; }; class MK_84: MK_82  // 2000lbs based on LASERGUIDED BOMB from BIS { hit= 5000; indirectHit= 3500; indirectHitRange= 15; cost= 14000; model= "\DrF_Intruder\mk_84"; proxyShape= "\DrF_Intruder\mk_84"; }; class AGM_65F : Maverick  // Navy version of Mavrick based on the original from BIS { proxyShape="Maverik_proxy"; reloadTime=1.0; maneuvrability=20.0; irLock=true; airLock=false; laserLock=false; initTime=0.5; maxleadspeed=4000; ThrustTime=5.5; visibleFire=40; audibleFire=32; visibleFireTime=50; minRange=200;minRangeProbab=0.30; midRange=1600;midRangeProbab=0.80; maxRange=27000;maxRangeProbab=0.50; maxControlRange=27000; thrust=700; maxSpeed=980; hit=1900;indirectHit=800;indirectHitRange=2.5; model="Maverik"; }; class AGM_45 : Maverick // Strike { proxyShape="\DrF_Intruder\AGM_45"; reloadTime=1.0; maneuvrability=15.0; irLock=true; airLock=false; laserLock=false; initTime=0.5; maxleadspeed=4000; ThrustTime=5.5; visibleFire=50; audibleFire=32; visibleFireTime=50; minRange=200;minRangeProbab=0.30; midRange=2000;midRangeProbab=0.80; maxRange=4000;maxRangeProbab=0.50; maxControlRange=4000; thrust=700; maxSpeed=900; hit=1500;indirectHit=600;indirectHitRange=2.5; model = "\DrF_Intruder\AGM_45"; }; class AGM_84 : Maverick // Harpoon { proxyShape="\DrF_Intruder\AGM_84"; hit=1900; indirectHit=800; indirectHitRange=2.500000; laserLock=0; maxleadspeed=4000; ThrustTime=5.5; visibleFire=50; audibleFire=32; visibleFireTime=50; minRange=200;minRangeProbab=0.30; midRange=10000;midRangeProbab=0.80; maxRange=60000;maxRangeProbab=0.50; maxControlRange=60000; thrust=700; maxSpeed=900; model = "\DrF_Intruder\AGM_84"; }; class LAU10: Hellfire // 5inch rocket (unguided) based on the original from BIS { hit=700; indirectHit=300; indirectHitRange=3; minRange=50; minRangeProbab=0.200000; midRange=250; midRangeProbab=0.200000; maxRange=1000; maxRangeProbab=0.050000; maxSpeed=1000; simulation="shotRocket"; simulationStep=0.050000; cost=2000; soundHit[]={"Explosions\expl1",100.000008,1}; model="ZUNI"; irLock=0; laserLock=0; maneuvrability=0.000000; maxControlRange=0; initTime=0.050000; thrustTime=3.500000; thrust=500; }; class LAU61 : Hellfire // 2_75inch rocket (unguided) { soundHit[]={"Explosions\expl2",100.000008,1}; hit=400; indirectHit=250; indirectHitRange=3; }; };<span id='postcolor'> What I hope is other addon maker look at this and start to set a standard, base on BIS's AMMO setting or talk with others to set a standard. As most of us don't want some making a great addon that can't be used, due to it's weapons being too powerful and making OPF unplayable. These are my thoughts, but I like forward to read others thoughts on the subject. DragoFire
  2. These were set with manual landing gear and also folding wings for storage. Could even add in the arresting hook and catupt hook too, not a major issue to setup. Example of the folding wings; And the real thing;
  3. ArmA might beable to support the Interchangeable Aerial Weapon Systems (IAWS), but I know OFP could never support it(tried to make it with with one of my addons). I'd be interested in if you've been able to try it ingame yet.
  4. Well not competely true! Here's a trick that can work, something I toyed with but never got the chance to testout. Concept; Dual weapon payload system for aircraft. On the model you plae your proxies for bombs (or simular payload) and then add to hardpoints you missiles (AIM were the best idea), what then do is set the missiles up as a rocketpod, in then in the addon's CFG you config it to be hidden after use (one shoot). The missile uses the normal missiles configuration but as ammo like a normal rocket round. It'll act like the missile should, the key is to set this "rocket pod" to have the correct target locking so it matches that of the missile round. Now please remember I never got the chance to test this in game, as the drive dead on me with all the files on. But it uses ideas that have been used ingame and are known to work. Have a play and see what you think.
  5. DragoFire

    Weapon standards!

    I'll have look through it for you over the week-end as I find time. I did have a quick look a while back at the topic. But not a good look. But from what read it was a very simular idea I was trying to make work on the OFP's A-6E addon years ago.
  6. Mile they fly the same way they did when you and the others beta tested them in OFP. The CFG file's still here for the OFP version and shouldn't be too hard to change over to ArmA. The models have to be re-done as you know from the orginal forum topic in the OFP:Addon area. But hopefully not as long as it took last time. Do you know if the Carrier boys have setup cataputes and arresting cable scripts on the addons?
  7. DragoFire

    A-6 series of 2/4 man aircraft

    To those that are interest the A-6E project has be restarted. I plan to include at full release to include both the A-6E and the EA-6E, along with all the weapons from before. Note the ArmA version will include the undernose Laser turrent/scope and other features. I look forward to any input on this. The OFP versions will be release first due to the lower amount of features.
  8. DragoFire

    V-22 Osprey Tilt Rotor

    That V-22-Osprey-A-Flying-Shame was a very interesting read. Read it a while ago. I think the reason for positioning the gun mount to the side was to allow better access for troops in and out of the back of the V-22, as you know it's a very small opening. Yes it limits the fire-arc on the right-hand side of the V-22, but most pilots position the V-22 so the gunner has the best firing-arc towards the enemy.
  9. DragoFire

    V-22 Osprey Tilt Rotor

    You sure I've seen photo's of it upto -7 degrees below hoz.
  10. DragoFire

    V-22 Osprey Tilt Rotor

    Nop, too high, cant see shyt and also reduced the attack arc Position is somewhat close to the best it gets I afraid. Did you try mounting the gun and gunner proxie to the angle of the ramp? It might fix the problem and also make it look better when the gunner is firing off to the sides (no standing/sit in mid-air), and when facing rear make it look like he's leaning over the gun a little. Just an little idea.
  11. DragoFire

    ArmA Squad Directory

    Squad name; SimCentral unit Squad acronym; [sCu] Squad location; New Zealand Squad webpage; www.simcentral.co.nz Squad contact; Forums Squad status; Active/Recruiting Notes; Active group of players covering Sims, MMO's and RTS style games. Has good relations with OZ clans and other NZ clans.
  12. DragoFire

    V-22 Osprey Tilt Rotor

    You pussys give up way too early ! .... Nothing (well, very little) is Impossible Well!! One solution would be to setup a few axis points to allow gun to be moved into a locked wall position and a script to move ramp gunner into rear cargo manager seat/point and disable ramp gun. Then have the reverse setup so when the ramp is in the down position the gunner/cargo manager can activate the ramp gun to go into position. Key points required; 1/Ramp not able to close it gun is locked in position. 2/Gun can't be activated into ramp firing position if Ramp is not locked in down position. 3/Gun will not work if not locked into ramp firing position. 4/ Script to lock Cargo manager and ramp gunner positions as one position. You get the general idea, it is possible, but will require a bit of work to get pivot points right and parts to move in the correct order, and scripts to work as required. Gnat hope this helps you get to ball rolling. Just had another thought, you could almost use the same concept to add a dropable extraction rope ladder. By using multiple segments that unfold downwards you could give the Ramp-gunner/cargo manager the option to drop rope ladder while rear ramp is down and the V-22 is hovering. It's act like a fold-up ladder that most of us have at home, just a lot more segments. But you'd need to put in a script to stop the from going over a certain speed say 2.5knots, otherwise if the rope ladder hits something it's bring down the V-22. I leave you to think of the possiblities!
  13. DragoFire

    V-22 Osprey Tilt Rotor

    An easy fix for the ramp mounted gun is to simply don't make the ramp movable. Â Make it fixed as I myself don't see the need to have a movable ramp with a weapon mounted on it. Â If the weapon is mounted on it, then the ramp would be open for the men inside to use it. Yeah I agree, a fixed ramp with a MG station is the way to go otherwise the gunner might look a bit wierd aiming at the roof of the aircraft and sitting or standing at an angle facing upwards. Â From what I've seen, the MG mount is on the rear ramp itself so as to have optimum coverage of the rear. Â As the saying goes in the military- Â CYA (Cover Your Ass). Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD. Yip from what I've seen it's @75% down the ramp allowing for full rear arc fire cover and a 15-20 degree coverage of both rear side arcs of cover. @ -105/+105 Degrees of horizon arc fire, and a good vertical cover of @ +25/-45 degrees. These are rough fire arc angle from what I've seen of the placement of the gun and the dimensions of the V-22. Hope that helps.
  14. DragoFire

    V-22 Osprey Tilt Rotor

    Very true statment and I agree with it! It could be used as a support/transport craft in SP missions, but it'd be great in missions like WarFare and EVO when used in it's current config, to airlift vehicles and players around the map fast. Can't wait for a full release and see what comes out then. NP Gnat! You know me research as much as possible on a project so I know all the possible hang-ups and solutions. (my current project not so easy atm, has very limited information and images)
  15. DragoFire

    V-22 Osprey Tilt Rotor

    Ok after some more research I've found the following; As you can see there was a "idea" talked about a chin mounted gun, which never seen the light of day. The current setups invole a rear ramp mounted 7.62mm SAW and optional side gunners. Read next quote, it's very interesting and talks about the chin gun concept. The approved weapon system is the RGS. Here's a quote on the Boeing chin gun again  There was a plan to make in 1997 for a V-22 Escort which was a combat version, which had had a chin turret, missile bays and smaller airframe. Be capable of operating from the same class of Navy ships as the V-22 (LHA, LPH, and LHD). I.e. - must be able to fit into the ship elevators and hanger decks. Have a two-man crew. Have a maximum hover-out-of-ground-effect(HOGE) disc loading of 20 lbs/ft2 at maximum takeoff gross weight (TOGW) to minimize erosion and blowing dust from unpreparedsurfaces during VTOL operations . Have a vertical rate of climb (VROC) of at least 1,000 feet per minute at TOGW, standard sea level, maximum rated engine power (MRP). Have a dash speed of at least 400 knots at an altitude of 3,000 feet, MRP. Be able to sustain a 5.0 g turn at TOGW, flying at 250 knots at an altitude of 3,000 ft. Have a weapons load consisting of: internal or turreted 20 millimeter cannon+1500 rounds of ammunition, 4 AIM-9L air-to-air missiles, and 4 AGM-114 air-to-ground missiles. click have for large image I don't need to find any more ammo to shoot down the chin gun concept now, the US Armed services and other sources have done a better job at it. I would suggest reading the quote links, as these don't post a good picture of the Osprey. Even though I like the look of it, it's seems to have missed a few of it's required requirements put down in the orginal design request.
  16. DragoFire

    V-22 Osprey Tilt Rotor

    You might be right, but if you get the time have a read on the design reasons for the RGS. Remember the V-22 Osprey is not a combat aircraft, it's a logisitics aircraft designed for transporting troops and equipment. The RGS is designed to provide protection for those missions, hence a 360 degree fire arc below the hull. One of the key reasons was to key the center of gravity the same, and also not to reduce performance and cargo capicity. The Nose turret idea is good, but was designed for combat aircraft/copters and has some major issues/limitations when used in logistics aircraft, other wise the BlackHawks and other current transport helos and aircraft would be using then now. A few points; 1/ Nose turret would have the same limited arc of fire as the covra design( forward/side arcs, and no rear arc) 2/ Center of Gravity is more towards the front (making for massive turning and perfomance changes) 3/ Reduced cargo capitiy (due to counter weights to fix CfG) 4/ longer turn around times on repairs (due to ammo feeds and other items) note; if I get the time I'll dig up the designs on the nose turret and some more on the RGS and make a list of pro's and con's for each. I've got a copy of the 2001 pdf you've be refering to for the nose turret and some 2008 RGS ones, I'll see if I can find a more up todate one on the nose turret.
  17. DragoFire

    ArmA Warfare 1.1

    Yeah, but problem is no server could handle the artillery abuse 1.0 allowed. Be nice that when you place more than just the gunner on the guns their have a reduced delay before arty is available again. As most know if you get a full team (gunner and 2 others) on one the ROF is increased when used as a AT gun, same should be true for arty.
  18. DragoFire

    V-22 Osprey Tilt Rotor

    To follow on from what I've posted and Miles Teg's posts about weapon systems for the V-22, here's the official information! (I wish people would do better research on a topic be for they come up with old concepts like the nose mounted gun, which is based in the old Corba system! Media breifing PDF has nice image of bell view of V-22 with RGS mounted RGS PDF with more details and images of most controls and displays 5 minute Live Fire test video (includes configuration and controls) shows mounted version on Hummer for those hummer mod'ers Hummer test mounting; click here for enlarge version The current Ramp Gun/Gunner; click here for enlarged version View of RGS on V-22 (as posted about above and in PDF); click to enlarge
  19. DragoFire

    V-22 Osprey Tilt Rotor

    Primary function Amphibious assault transport of troops, equipment and supplies from assault ships and land bases  Description The V-22 Osprey is a multi-engine, dual-piloted, self-deployable, medium lift, vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) tiltrotor aircraft designed for combat, combat support, combat service support, and Special Operations missions worldwide. It will replace the Corps' aged fleet of CH-46E and CH-53D medium lift helicopters  Variants CV-22 Air Force Variant for their Special Operations missions maintaining maximum commonality with the MV-22. Aircraft avionics peculiar to the Air Force unique mission requirements constitute aircraft differences. HV-22 Navy Variant for Combat Search and Rescue and fleet logistics support. MV-22 Marine Corps Variant :carry 24 troops 251 nm while the CH-46 cannot perform this mission. :cruise at 225 Kts as compared to approximately 100 Kts for the CH-46. :carry an external 10,000-pound load a distance of 66 nm as compared to the CH-53D and CH-46E, which could not carry this load. UV-22 Army Variant Payload The V-22 has a large, open cabin with a rear loading ramp that provides easy access to the cabin. Numerous cabin and cargo systems have been designed for the V-22 and are available to satisfy a full range of mission tasks. The standard configuration is seating for 24 combat loaded Marines (a reinforced rifle squad) and one crewman. The seats are identical to the cockpit jumpseat except that the restraint system is a three-point lap belt and single shoulder harness. The V-22 is designed to carry up to 24 combat troops. Their lives are primarily protected by features that keep the aircraft in flight; e.g., fire and explosion suppression features in the sponson fuel area that greatly reduce the likelihood of fire in areas that cannot be reached by the crew or passengers with fire extinguishers. In addition, the V-22 has been designed with a number features to improve the likelihood of surviving a crash. The V-22 is fitted with two external cargo hooks, either of which can support a load of 4,538 kg (10,000 lbs). If the retractable hooks are used together for stability, the combined capacity can be up to 6,804 kg (15,000 lbs). The Osprey is also fitted with a rescue hoist that consists of a hydraulically powered winch mounted on a removable boom and support shaft. The winch holds 76 usable meters (250 usable feet) of 0.4 cm (5.32 in) diameter corrosion-resistant steel cable. It has a rated capacity of 272 kilograms (600 pounds) with a 2.5 g limit load factor. Cable speed is variable between 0.13 and 1.37 m/s (25 and 250 ft/min). A stainless steel rescue hook is attached to the hoist cable. A remote hand-held control is provided for the crewman operating the hoist. The V-22's cabin and cargo ramp are capable of accepting cargo pallets or containers as large as 68 inches wide, 66.23 inches high, and 250 inches long as long as the object is capable of achieving the necessary restraint criteria. The Osprey has a usable cabin volume of 739 cu ft and is designed to carry up to a 20,000 lb load internally. The JORD requires that the MV-22 provide sufficient cargo space capacity for the safe aerial transport of loads such as one light vehicle with trailer and seating for a 4-member crew, or four tandem-loaded 48-inch x 48-inch skid boards/platforms or two 463L half pallets with a maximum gross weight of 4,000 lbs. each. Weapon systems Optional M240G 7.62mm machine gun mounted on the back ramp. Optional two .50 caliber cabin guns (navy version) <span style='color:red'>amendment</span> BAE Systems has developed a remotely operated weapon turret for the MV-22, the Remote Guardian System (RGS), which provides 360 degree coverage. The RGS can be belly-mounted on the MV-22 and can be armed with a GAU-17 7.62mm mini-gun or other gun up to 0.50 calibre. If funded by the USMC, the system could be ready for installation in mid-2008. Note: While looking through loads information on the Osprey, have found no refereance to door mounted guns like the UH-60. I personally think it'd be a dangerest thing to do, due to the location of the doors and the rotors, if fired in slow forward movement mode or fast there'd be a high chance of rotor damage if gun firing arc is too wide. If it was to be mounted it would be limited to a 35 degree fire arc. Thus r/h gun would be +5 to +40 degree arc and l/h gun would be -5 to -40 degree arc. If rotors are vertical or 15 degrees off you could have the horizontal fire arcs increased.
  20. DragoFire

    Official Addons...

    great film, but I think you mean Red Hammer  Know it was one of the two! :P
  21. DragoFire

    Official Addons...

    True, but remember both ArmA and OFP both have had official released as part of Patches and expandsions like Queens Gambit, Red October, Resistance. So yes BIS do release addons, but not as much as the community. @1976[APS] you of all people should know this as you've been as long as I have in the BIS OFP community! (I'll have to tell Aussie, DarkPhantom and the OGN boys to cut back your supplies of XXXX beer) And don't let Gnat know about this topic 1976, as he'll give you crap over it!
  22. DragoFire

    V-22 Osprey Tilt Rotor

    The V-22 is designed as a transport and rescue VTOL aircraft. So the only armament it might have is a ramp mounted mini-gun like the Seastallion and the Chinnok have sometimes. You could put a disenbark point on the rear deck to allow players to para out the rear ramp. I'd suggest having two controls one ofr ramp and one for side hatches. Gnat you could also do something like I did with the A-6E Intruder for OFP with it's folding wings, but do it for your rotors and wings. Have a look and see what I mean. Miles Teg has seen the effect. I personally don't think it'd take much to mod the CFG command for your use. Here's it in action; And the real thing;
  23. DragoFire

    Armor in Everon

    Just loaded this mission up, as it saided good, but get the above issue when starting MP session. The file that is said to be missing is "villas_forces", I've been able to locate what addon this is in or any reference to it elsewhere. Can someone provide information, otherwise I'll open up the missions and try to figure it out myself.
  24. DragoFire

    1.09 beta patch troubleshooting thread.

    Should be: "G:\games\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA\ArmA\beta\arma.exe" -mod=beta;DBE1 -nosplash Yip fixed that now and both run together ok now. But! if I try to run the ArmA/QG in multiplayer the game locks up, have full HDD activity, but screen stays the same, can't Alt-Tab or Ctrl-Alt-Del, and end up being forced to do a system reboot to get back to windows.
  25. DragoFire

    1.09 beta patch troubleshooting thread.

    Now I have a good working version of Queen's Gambit and ArmA 1.09, but when I try to run both together I get this same issue. I'm currently running command string; "G:\games\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA\ArmA\arma.exe" -mod=beta;DBE1 -nosplash Just the basic's nothing extra and yes I've tried it with DBE1 in front of beta, same problem.