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Everything posted by Donnervogel

  1. Donnervogel

    Tales of war aav7 released

    That's because the AAV7 has no Anti Armor Weapons. It's not a tank killer or something. If you wish to destroy BMP's and similar vehicles pack some LAW/Carl Gustav/AT4/whatever Soldiers in the AAV7 and unload them when you see the enemy. ;)
  2. Donnervogel

    Ballistic addon studios

    hmm would it be possible to enable the pilot/gunner positions in your MH-47 wreck? I'd love to place a dead pilot in it ;)
  3. Donnervogel

    Tales of war aav7 released

    If only people would read readme's .... Yeah I read it but it still shouldn't replace the old one if it's not an official release of the original autor. It might cause conflicts in MP with people not having installed the AAV7 but using the old grenade launcher because the file size is different.
  4. Donnervogel

    Csla 2 news

    there is an english version ;) Check out the upper right corner
  5. Donnervogel

    Tales of war aav7 released

    try the news page ;) lol
  6. Donnervogel

    Dkm rah-66 v.1.12

    hmm I can't help me but when I read the comments I have the feeling that a lot of people didn't know this AddOn before. Concering the small fixies that were done now it's basicly still the same AddOn as before. I am very surprised about this since this is and was one of the best AddOns out there.
  7. Donnervogel

    Tales of war aav7 released

    PLEASE! Make your pbo Names OFPEC Tag compatible. The mk19gl.pbo is replacing another AddOn from fortress Ofp.
  8. Donnervogel

    Dkm mi-28

    When I was researching on my UH-34 which I was making (had to be halted because I'm in the middle of the most important exams in my life so far) I was really surprised that choppers (espeacially in Vietnam) always were very clean. There was almost no dust or other things. I guess it's because they kept washing them very often because sand can damage a chopper seriously as seen in Afghanistan and Iraq.
  9. Donnervogel

    Piranha 6x6 (tow) v.1.0

    Yeah I agree the reload time after two shots has to be longer. Just experienced what dis baby does to a group of m113's ;) EDIT: I think it should be two rapid shots and then a long reload time And get rid of that installer ;) Otherwise it's a great AddOn.
  10. Donnervogel

    Finnish defence forces

    Wow looks really good
  11. Donnervogel

    Ballistic addon studios

    correct me if I'm wrong (just my theory) but that what SJB did has a disadvantage. To let the goggels work he had to remove the original NVG proxy from them. Because otherwise they will appear under the new NVG's wich would look shitty. Now since the AI doesn't care about what it sees (it cares only about the data it gets) it won't have nightvision abillities because OFP would tell it that it doesn't see anything. So you might have fancy new NVGs but your AI teammembers would be blind at night.
  12. Donnervogel

    Ballistic addon studios

    I think everyone is just too excited about the NVG's from SJB. But if I got it right they actually do nothing besides the visual effect. And that means that it has no effect on the sight of the AI.
  13. Donnervogel

    Piranha 6x6 (tow) v.1.0

    Swissmod AddOns ;)
  14. Donnervogel

    High detail weapon pack released!

    The problem with jpeg textures is this: When the mission is loaded OFP has to load the textures in the video memory. Now there's the problem. pac/paa can be compressed and it will take some kilobytes space. Now the same texture in jpeg format can take over a megbyte in the video memory because it can't be compressed. And when your video card runs out of memory the game will store the textures somwhere on the harddisk (that's what I think - I'm not an expert on this) But the problems is that it takes much longer to access that data than to access data in the video memory. That results in delay wich means LAG.
  15. Donnervogel

    Will this computer play opf well?

    lol Kegtys -VIA Chipset: no major problems. Some older versions may need an update though -Microsoft: Well don't try Unix unless you're willing to spend hours and hours finding out how it works and unless you're a real freak. Otherwise stay with Microsoft wich may not be the best but sureley the easiest for PC. - I can't recommend Creative Audio Cards. They're causing major problems sometimes (often when used with VIA chipsets - but normaly there are patches available)
  16. Donnervogel

    Real taipei city map

    old P2? Well didn't know that AMD XP 2600+ in an "old P2" ;)
  17. Donnervogel

    Real taipei city map

    Actually I believe it will LAG because I can't imagine doing such buildings with very few faces but I hope I am wrong ;)
  18. Donnervogel

    Real taipei city map

    When you can climb trough the inside of a tower and on top you have a rather comlex structure that means: more faces! Ok I haven't found openable doors in the big city but I found some buildings where you can go in. Pic
  19. Donnervogel

    High detail weapon pack released!

    you don't even need a very powerful computer. You just need a video card with huge video memory
  20. Donnervogel

    Real taipei city map

    depends on the building models. I you can go into these buildings it will LAG very much. But if its just one face for one wall with a good texture it might not cause many performance problems Well, you couldn't walk inside any of the buildings in the big Afghan city either.. err yes you could. You could even climb up to some towers or openb doors to some buildings. And all those destroyed buildings have more or less twice as many faces as the others because they have must have walls in the inside too.
  21. Donnervogel

    Real taipei city map

    depends on the building models. I you can go into these buildings it will LAG very much. But if its just one face for one wall with a good texture it might not cause many performance problems
  22. Donnervogel

    High detail weapon pack released!

    he does wat he wants if u dont likem dont dl them lol I knew that would come. Well I can assure you I have deleted them already so you can sleep well. Now to explain a bit what I said and what I didn't I didn't say he should stop making those weapons. I said I can't play with them and I'd like if he could make those weapons with paa/pac textures. I didn't order him to do so. Just a wish. If not well then he won't do it. I just give feedback. And also I wonder how many of you can play with them. Just a question because I wonder if those weapons are playable with a better video card.
  23. Donnervogel

    High detail weapon pack released!

    I really wonder how many of you can really play decently with those jpg textures!? I mean not just one or two units. Make a mission with those weapons/units and say me you don't LAG. Then you must have really huge video memory. I don't like those weapons because they're unuseable. I don't have a bad computer. Actually I have a very good one (AMD 2600+ 512 DDR RAM). I just don't have the latest graphics card (I have a GeForce 3). I don't see the sense in making beatuiful weapons that I can't enjoy because my computer is on it's limit all the time. I would really love it when you'd make those weapons with pac/paa textures Inquisitor, because they're amazing and then they would be useable. I know that pac textures don't allow that level of detail but I'd trather have weapons I can play with than the current ones where I can only look at.
  24. Donnervogel

    Coc unified artillery progress

    Yeah I know there's no such function ;) I would really want such a function. And you'd need 67'600 ogg files ;)
  25. Donnervogel

    Coc unified artillery progress

    Ah, can't this be done with the Format[...] command? Â yeah but the problem is something else. I can't imagine a decent way to analyze a string like HE32 to make HOTEL-ECHO-THREE-TWO. For this you must have a function that let's you adress each letter separately. Ok you could just combine 4 letter strings in every possible way and check if it's the same as the string you get from the function. But that would be a killer.