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Everything posted by Donnervogel

  1. Donnervogel

    Would anyone be willing

    Swissmod released a Piranha. It's based as on the tank class so it can fire TOW's but the weels don't work as with cars.
  2. Donnervogel

    Reloading from a death body bug

    Only a French has the courage to test my mission? Who are the real weasels here? And somebody get a BIS guy here
  3. Donnervogel

    Reloading from a death body bug

    Don't be afraid to try the mission people. I really need to know if it's a general problem. And it shouldn't damage anything. When it freezes do the following. Hit Alt+Tab and then Alt+Crtl+Delete and then open the Task Manager. (On my Windows 2000 OS my mouse doesn't work then so I have to use the keyboard for the following steps.) Hit the down arrow key and then the "F"-Key untill you get to a process called "FLASHPOINTRESISTANCE.exe". Then hit a key that does the same thing as the right mouse button. Usually located between the the right Ctrl key and the Windows key. Then select end process (don't know the correct english term) and everything should be normal again. Oh and BTW: Due to the handguns this is a OFP Resistance problem. I can't tell when it was introduced. I tested it with Version 1.91 on a Windows 2000 OS.
  4. Donnervogel

    Red Hammer Studios

    As I said - I don't like too many action. But one doesn't do any bad. I know on BAS Rangers/Deltas the topmost action is raise/lower goggles. You can easily get used to it. But I think we won't agree on this topic so let's talk about something else. Will we ever get an RHS AddOn? Â j/k
  5. Donnervogel

    Red Hammer Studios

    I didn't only write about slowing down the computer. And yes I had this problem. For maybe five minutes then I got used to it. The only life saving action I use is reload which I can access via the keyboard. But for the trouble I got a real cool feature and with the BAS script I even got a reason to use it. As I said when there are many lines in your action menu I share your opinion. But one line doesn't do any bad. And I really don't know what oh so important action I could miss because of it. Enter vehicles is often somewhere in the lower part of the menu too.
  6. Donnervogel

    Red Hammer Studios

    So what. I don't see the problem of just ONE line in the Action menu. Where do you sacrifice gameplay there? I wouldn't want to miss that feature. I see the problem when you have a chopper where you can move every tiny part and then have 4-5 lines in the action menu. But that one line... and I am sure your computer can manage that. Better don't use Inquisitors high LAG weapons on them. That's what is slowing down your computer.
  7. Donnervogel

    Us to liberia?

    This is high hopes but nothing else. Do you think armed forces will throw away their guns only cause I have such a cute face ? No. First they need to know that a new sheriff is in town. Media isn´t available that much in regions far from cities. It´s kind of surprising that people often don´t know that peacekeepers are in their region, but it happens a lot. So presence on streets, disarment operations and tight contact to locals is what will make them aware of you. Some of the militias will choose to attack you. Well they don´t know better and they will try for sure. At least they tried it whenever I was in Africa. It´s kind of a sport for some of them. They want to demonstrate their power and want to make sure that you realizethat they are running the deal not you. This has to be made clear to them. Either with force or not. Remember, Liberia is a kid-soldier country and they are pretty pushed from their leaders. You can tell kids a lot of stories and they will believe their leaders. Facing kids in arms is no fun but a thing to come for the US troops IF (and that is still not sure) the US forces participate in disarming  missions. In my assumption they will leave this to Western africa army men. Bad press will be attached to kidsoldiers like a bad smell. IMO the US will not run into this. Imagine headlines in US papers like "8 year old boy pumped with lead by USMC members". Noone really wants to have that on his/her shoulders, so the US will stay out of this IMO. Sure you have to defend yourself or the civilians. But the mission isn't to go there and shoot bad guys. It's to go there and stop the shooting. The rebels offered a cease fire when the peacekeeping force arrives. So most probably the shooting will stop or at least there won't be major battle activities when the force arrives. The goal will then be to keep that situation and improve it. It's not to start a war again.
  8. Donnervogel

    New bas thread

    ahh now I know what the "hot action tonite" is ;)
  9. Donnervogel

    Us to liberia?

    Your goal is actually not to shoot at anybody. And if you have to shoot then you're on the wrong way. Then you have to create a situation where you don't have to shoot anybody. It's called peacekeeping/making mission for some reason.
  10. Donnervogel

    Us to liberia?

    1. The UN: The UN can't do that. Especially because nations like the US don't let it do it. The UN has NO power. It can't punish anybody nor can it deploy troops. The only way this works is when a coalition or a state is willing to send troops it can get "the approval" of the UN - the UN mandate. Now why has the UN no power. It's becase nations like the US, China or Russia were always very keen on not letting the UN get any power. So they just can ignore it if it doesn't fit their interests and don't have to fear any punishment. 2. "Your" way of peace keeping: It doesn't work. You want to shoot all bad guys? Well that's not that easy. Best example Afghanistan and Iraq. Saddam and Osama are still not found. But the real problem is that peacekeeping is not war. When you go and shoot all bad guy you'll piss of more and more people. Because you will also kill many innocent people or destroy their lives. It's like war then. So you archieve the opposite and you'll get more and more "bad guys" who actually are "good guys" whose home was bombed and whose wife was killed by the "peacekeepers".
  11. Donnervogel

    Kanonenjagdpanzer 90 by bw-mod

    thanks fighter
  12. Donnervogel

    Kanonenjagdpanzer 90 by bw-mod

    hmm can anyone provide me a working link to the BW Mod Demo 1.3? The DL on their page doesn't work for me (yes I have registered) and I couldn't find another source
  13. Donnervogel

    Red Hammer Studios

    oh well - you guys always take it serious. If you read the discussion before again you'll probably see that I didn't wanted to say anything negative. I just continued the discussion in the same way as it already was going on.
  14. Donnervogel

    Red Hammer Studios

    As far as I remember I've never asked when it's going to be released. ;)
  15. Donnervogel

    Red Hammer Studios

    How often have we heard that already?
  16. Donnervogel

    New bas thread

    Look I understand that maybe other mods will make those chopper and they'll be really good. But there are many scripting features that I've only seen on BAS choppers so far. So if you know who is making the cancelled projects is it possible to offer them your scripts so that we can enjoy the same features on those choppers as on the BAS choppers?
  17. Donnervogel

    Ch-53e superstallion

    hmm it seems that the fire geometry can't hande complex structures. you need to make very basic structures. and close all sides so that is is one massive 3d object.
  18. Donnervogel

    Ch-53e superstallion

    yeah but I can shoot trough the middle of the shopper with LAWs. I encountered the same problem with my own chopper. I have a fire geo in place there but I can shoot trough. I'll tell you when I can solve it.
  19. Donnervogel

    Ch-53e superstallion

    Hmm there are strange Bugs with the postion's (downwash, burning script not placed right), then I can run trough the chopper at some places. Then there is something messed up with the fire geo lod. hmm I'm a bit disappointed. But the handling is really much better now. At least that is positive
  20. Donnervogel

    Akm74 released beta of bmd3,btr80,bmp3

    I vote for the scary toy. The russian side deserves some ass kicking stuff too. I'm looking forward to see some m1a1's fleeing the battlefield ;)
  21. Donnervogel

    Mountain elevator

    tram? this is what we call tram
  22. Donnervogel

    Question about hawks mi-26

    hmm I remember a hugerussian army helicopter being shot down in chechenya some time ago. It was on TV everywhere when this huge burning thing crashed. I believe it was a mi26. Not sure though.
  23. Donnervogel

    Reskined go229 gotha

    Ah well, our women look better :P the queen? Margaret Thatcher? Â
  24. Donnervogel

    Enhanced bis model

    lol then I really wonder why I seem to have the crapiest graphic card on the planet. It's a geforce 3. I can show you screens that show clearly that I have less FPS with 4 groups of standart BIS soldiers than with one group. - Not really a surprise, is it? I just say I don't believe that you don't have a slowdown when you have hundrets of soldiers moving in sight. But no offence. I just think it is possible tio make beautiful textures without jpeg and therefore without unjustified perfomance loss.
  25. Donnervogel

    Enhanced bis model

    You know, I don't believe you. Well maybe your graphic card is always at it's limit and that's the reason why you don't notice a difference ;) Because it's pretty clear that with 300 men you have a slowdown. no matter if you use jpec or pac. 300 men alone are very much.