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Everything posted by Donnervogel

  1. Donnervogel

    Joint ammo and magazines (jam)

    I know I know. I just talk about official Nam Pack ;)
  2. Donnervogel

    Joint ammo and magazines (jam)

    because you will release the best tanks out there with a beautiful crew. I want to use that crew. I also want to use JAM. And it's soooo easy to include JAM compabillity while using your own mags. Just some values in the config.cpp. And also I suggest you to play a bit with Nam Pack 2. That mod has the greatest battles that you can get in OFP IMHO. (ok the sound is crap but the firefights are so cool). I say HD Weapons rock. No 350m headshots with iron sights. (try to do that in real life with any assault rifle with iron sights - it's not impossible but it's extremly difficult).
  3. Donnervogel

    Joint ammo and magazines (jam)

    RHS. I am a strong supporter of JAM. If you don't like it I suggest you make your weapons able to use JAM mags and you can still make your own magazines and use them. Just make the weapon able to use JAM. Because I love JAM and I want to use it. It would be a shame when this major mod team would release addons that are not JAM compatible.
  4. Donnervogel

    Help with ofpanim config

    standart Anim config for play/switchmove: http://forums.ofp-editing.de/viewtopic.php?t=3550 edit: Note that Animation speed has to be a negative number. so -2 is a 2 secounds long animation I think it's clear even if you don't speak german ;) To make it a standart movement animation you have to look in the config.bin for cfgMoves sectins and then rebuilt it from there. I guess there are no tutorials out for that. But it's not too hard if you know something about cpp's
  5. Donnervogel

    Red Hammer Studios

    Actually, the M1A1 is the second Abrams (not that it matters in OFP), it goes like M1-M1A1-M1A2-M1A3(?). Or is that what you meant? Great-looking tank, anyway. Now, if we only had some Ukranian troops to go along with it... well the ukrainians build the tank. The question is if they can afford it for their army? I doub't it and if they can then only few of them. There is a far better chance that the russians buy some of them and use them. @STGN Well Western tanks like Challenger2 and Abrahams have far better Armor than russians tanks as I understand it. But the russians have some nice tricks to prevent rounds hitting their actual hull as SHORTA (?) and ARENA systems and ERA-5.
  6. Donnervogel

    [update] ofpanim 0.981

    Then why is this thread in the AMC forum? Because there isn't a "Tools: Complete" Board? Common stop playing little moderators. If the mods think it doesn't fit here they will move it. If they think this is a good place it will stay. End of story.
  7. Donnervogel

    Red Hammer Studios

    me... can't... speechless...
  8. Donnervogel

    Bas tonal-tango pack

    hmm I didn't follow that "use someone elses work" discussion in every detail. Just overlooked it. So sorry if that was answered already. I'd just like to know if you have problems with it when I edit your work for personal use only without asking for permission.
  9. Donnervogel

    [update] ofpanim 0.981

    I didn't find any tutorials. But it's quite easy to find out how it works. Just try it. And read the readme file on how to set it up properly.
  10. Donnervogel

    [update] ofpanim 0.981

    ahh that's what I always needed! thanks!
  11. Donnervogel

    Ofp combat photography. No pics over 100kb.

    now those are marvellous !
  12. Donnervogel

    Bas tonal-tango pack

    Yes Evis ans I think most people are more than happy with what you provided. I certainly am. Thank you for the effort.
  13. Donnervogel

    Bas tonal-tango pack

    invisible target. or why do you think those rebels are shooting that crazy ;) i suppose it's also what causes the invisible wall thing in that mission
  14. Donnervogel

    Green screen!

    with NVIDIA cards: - Activate Hardware T&L - when you can't or it doesn't help. orgnaize more addons in MOD folders ;) that helped me when I had it.
  15. Donnervogel

    Hunting the big ctd

    This crash address (4F2905) is one of the symptoms of the virtual memory space exhaustion - and this particular crash is caused by OFP bad handling of such situation. Possible workardounds are: - remove some addons - lower your AGP apreture size - wait for the next patch Can't confirm this for me. I have the "ACCESS_VIOLATION at 004F2905" CTD too but it's limited to cars and armoured vehicles that move in groups. Doesn't happen wit soldiers and flying units. Removing addons and all other solutions don't help. Neither do they have any effect. Not even changing Settings in OFP has an effect except deactivating HW T&L which can be used as a workaround for the problem. I have plenty of system memory and virtual memory (over 1 GB). OFP doesn't use it up. I can't tell about video memory because I don't know a tool to measure it. However. BIS support should know about my problem. I just wirte it here because I hope that I find another person who has this problem.
  16. Donnervogel

    Red Hammer Studios

    *sigh with relief* Man you scared me. A RHS release... impossible! j/k ;)
  17. Donnervogel

    Which addon has been done to death?

    Err I'm still waiting for a decent one (espeacially for the BAS ones) ALl hummers I tried were either normal retextures without a gun or if they had guns they usually were bugged or the textures were stolen. So... I have only the standart BIS hummer.
  18. Donnervogel

    Crashing randomly

    or just research better when the crashes occur. Maybe someone knows the problem. From only "random crashes" nobody can be sure. It's also pretty implausible that they are in fact random. Try to rule out when it happens.
  19. Donnervogel

    Csla 2 news

    right! I know some sissies out there have other views. Well In the past people also thought the world was flat. erm.. hmm now Ontopic. This Mod looks more and more promising. The latest shots make me wanna have it. Very good work. I must admit that I thought it would never turn out to be a good mod when I first heard of it. YOu made me believe the contrary. And since I am also czech natioal (and swiss national hehe) I also have some kind of personal connection to it ;)
  20. Donnervogel

    Bas island - working title "lost island"

    Wow I love that video even if it was more about the new Deltas/Rangers than the island
  21. Donnervogel

    Swissmod armored pack v.3.0 beta3

    rebuilding the country. We're neutral but we're not indifferent to what happens in the world.
  22. Donnervogel

    Ofp combat photography. No pics over 100kb.

    Where can I find that boat? Â SEB Nam Pack 2
  23. Donnervogel

    Swissmod armored pack v.3.0 beta3

    Yes. But only light armored vehicles and only few of them. But the Germans are begging us to bring some more MOWAG APCs down. They love them. And they also want more Super Pumas.
  24. Donnervogel

    Schwarzenegger to run for governor

    @toadlife Yeah I know. But I'm not Canadian. I'm Swiss. It's just that we have a very expensive social system in Switzerland (far away from not having troubles). We have private health insurance companies but you're obliged to have one with minimal services by the law. The money for it is taken away from your loan before you get it. For exchange you get all the normal services from the health system. Low bills you usually pay yourself while the health insurance company will pay bigger (up to extremly huge) bills and costs. Same here. We have plenty. The situation I've mentioned can come up in a hospital. But then you'll get trasferred to another hospital - because it's not purely capitalistic - and you get the same service and they can't refuse to take you. The socialized part is only that you can't refuse to have a insurance company. For the doctors it's quite the same as in the US. They work for their own profit and are not emplyed by the state. They only have to guarantee a basic medical service to everyone - and they can do it because they get the money from the insurance company either way. The trouble - if you get it - is between you and the insurance company on how much - if anything - you have to pay yourself. EDIT: I should maybe add that even when you're unemployed/poor you have a insurance company and they will have to pay the mininmal services for you. The company takes the money from the contributions of other people that do earn money.
  25. Donnervogel

    Schwarzenegger to run for governor

    Yes but only if they can prove that their health (mental or physical) is affected or when they have some sort of defect they can get it. It's not that a hot chick can pump up her breasts on cost of the state because she thinks she's not pretty enough.