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Everything posted by Donnervogel

  1. Donnervogel

    New irc worm

    Yeah Kege. Why not also "Don't use a computer" ? Ah sorry I'm pretty pissed since I heard that yesterday maye 30 times and was awake from 6 am to 7am (next day). I normally use mozilla but sometimes I activate IE as standart browser when wrtitng html for test reasons and since most internet users use IE. Btw. There is a removal tool released by a guy called HSC. But it doesn't remove all files.
  2. Donnervogel

    New weapons for ADF

    I'd go for Leo2 or Challenger 2. The yank stuff is a copy of those in many important aspects anyway ;)
  3. Donnervogel

    New leo tanks

    @Miles Those are Leo 1's ;) No 120 mm gun. They have 105mm gun and in OFP the uparmored ones seem to be ~ as strong as a T72. So I wouldn't let them get to many hits by RPGs ;)
  4. Donnervogel

    What the hell is going on here?

    1. Play with it and you know what justifies it. 2. What is the problem? Big Addon Sizes is not what challenges your computer. The model itself is very detailed. That's the main CPU load. The model. But the all the model files are maybe 2-3 MB big in size. (without textures of course) 3. You maybe downlaod JAM too with the pack. Jam itself is ~10 MB.
  5. Donnervogel

    What the hell is going on here?

    1. Play with it and you know what justifies it. 2. What is the problem? Big Addon Sizes is not what challenges your computer. The model itself is very detailed. That's the main CPU load. The model. But the all the model files are maybe 2-3 MB big in size. (without textures of course) 3. You maybe downlaod JAM too with the pack. Jam itself is ~10 MB.
  6. Donnervogel

    Hunting the big ctd

    well at first 1.94 b worked fine then all of a sudden freeze galore my freeze is a crash wat i mean is the screen freezes and nothing works except the restart button dunno wat i did i tried everything just 2 days ago every version froze from 1.91 to 1.94 agp 1 2 4 tried all that reinstalling done that a couple of time autodetec coluntless times mod folders galore -nomap command i thought  it couldve been due to the mods but i tried normal bis sp games but it crashed as well, seems to happen from loading and saving not sure though coz it takes around 5 to 10min to crash ive sent context bin etc but dunno if it records my freezes you could test if it's the handgun problem by trying this mission:freeze testmission If it's the handgunfreeze it would crash when the soldier beds down to pick up ammo. YOu don't have to do anything. just watch.
  7. Donnervogel

    New leo tanks

    really gorgeous tanks Sigma. Can't wait for the RHS ones now Also cool scripts I must say. Sometimes the tank is destroyed but you're still alive. Really cool feature. If only the Leo 2's were in this quality :/
  8. Donnervogel

    Bas tonal-tango pack

    Forgive my nit-picking... Ok it's a little AI issue with your Island. Nothing serious. On Tonal in the south-western part, south-west of Zinaba you have some sort of narrow piece of land trough that river/swamp/bay there. I wanted to make a mission there and noticed that it's pretty much impossible for the AI to reach that camp there from the outside. See here for a map. If you're going to update the Island it would be nice to make some paths for the AI to reach that camp on foot and in vehicles.
  9. Donnervogel

    Bends on texturies

    I think he want's to know how to make those crinkles on the arms. And actually I'd be happy too to get some tipps ;)
  10. Donnervogel

    Russian voice pack

    any mirrors yet?
  11. Donnervogel

    Bas tonal-tango pack

    thanks Nagual it's far better now. I like you missions very much. (although I fought trough the campaign with HD mags and now it's easier hehe)
  12. Donnervogel

    Joint ammo and magazines (jam)

    yes in daylight conditions. but at night? the problem is OFP can't differ between daytime tracers and nighttime tracers.
  13. Donnervogel

    Hunting the big ctd

    I know. I didn't want to reawake the topic since it's so old. I wrote it all in my e-mails. I have 512 MB DDR ram: I did test many graphics drivers with no success. Also some different sound drivers (since the onboard soundcard is very new there are only few drivers available) I'll do test with accelleration settings as soon as I find out where to edit it. The thing that bugs me though is that OFP is the only game causing any problems and it's not OFP in general but only with ground vehicles. *EDIT: and not to forget it seems to be triggered when loading forrests in OFP* If there was a HW error I would expect it to happen pretty randomly with any unit and also with other games. could be wrong though
  14. Donnervogel

    1.94 problems

    no it should go up to the north to pass the forrests. since they seem to trigger the proeblems. I don't get crashes with -nomap parameter though. But many many freezes. pretty unplayable
  15. Donnervogel

    Reloading from a death body bug

    I was tracking down the Bug that causes SEB Nam Pack 2 to freeze and I found a Bug in OFP itself. I hope this can be confirmed by other people and then fixed in Patch 1.92 Ok here we go: The problem has to to with handguns. We have this situation: 1 soldier that has a handgun with at least 2 magazines for it and is out of ammo on it's primary gun. 1 death body that contains at least 2 handgun magazines for the handgun of the soldier But on the body and the soldier together have to contain at least 6 handgun magazines for the wepon of the soldier. (Example: Body has 2 magazines, soldier must have at least 4 magazines or body has 3 magazines, soldier must have at least 3 magazines and so on) Now the soldier runs to the death body to reload. When he bends down and picks up the weapon OFP freezes on my computer. But all this only happens when the soldier picking up the ammo is an AI soldier, not a player soldier. I tested it out for many hours with all SEB Nam Guns and later with some BIS guns. It always happened so it seems to be a general OFP problem. I made a mission that has exactly that situation and will crash my OFP for sure. I hope you can try this little mission and tell me if you get a freeze. You can download it here: handgunfreeze.Intro.zip If that is a general problem I hope BIS can fix it. Maybe to clear up why it happens so often with SEB Nam Pack 2 (NP2). This situation is pretty rare in OFP. It has to be a long combat so that a soldier gets out of ammo on his primary gun. Also the soldier has to carry a handgun and reload from a body of a soldier that carried the same handgun. Since NP2 uses high dispersion magazines the units get out of ammo faster. Especialy the m79 grenadier who carries a handgun doesn't need long to fire all his primary ammo. Also the officer in NP2 carries the same gun and tends to get killed very fast ;) Then the m79 often wants to rearm from the officer's body and that is exactly the "crash situation".
  16. Donnervogel

    Reloading from a death body bug

    indeed. 1.92 fixed that. Thanks very much BIS.
  17. Donnervogel

    Hunting the big ctd

    Ok this is the first time I was told to use the -nomap paranmeter. Thanks very much for giving me real advice. Now I can say yes I do not crash anymore. There is a big "but" tough: The crash is now replaced by a freeze for approximately a secound. But the game goes on then but with always new, slightly shorter freezes but in shorter intervalls. With other words: unplayable. Let's say it this way. The reason why I crashed was maybe the same as the other people have. But the syptoms are totally different (that's what pointed out all the time) and therefore there must be a different origin. I mean I can play perfectly with fyling vehicles with absolutely no problems at all. As I understood other people didn't have crashes limited to ground vehicles only. And there are also other differences. It might just be a contruction error of my graphics card or somehting though. I don't know but that's what I'm, trying to find out. But in the end thanks for taking care of my problem. I just somehow did feel as if nobody cared about what I say. I'm sorry when I sounded angry but my nerves are stressed very much lately. (mostly because of other reason than OFP - but OFP adds to it)
  18. Donnervogel

    Hunting the big ctd

    Suma I do that for almost a year now with my problem. BIS suppot has got my e-mail about this. It would just help if soemone would actually take it serious when I say it's not the same problem as other people have. So far I only got "tips" of which I knew that they don't help. Because I was put into the corner of the other people reporting the recent CTD's. But well my CTD is almost a year old not a recent problem and it has nothing to do with addon overload.
  19. Donnervogel

    Bas tonal-tango pack

    now they do with 1.94. It was a OFP saving error of killed eventhandelrs I think.
  20. Donnervogel

    Bas tonal-tango pack

    I did and yes HD mags are not good for long distance fighting (as you wouldn't engage on that distance in RL if you actually want to hit) Solution. Get nearer to the enemy. Use every cover you can get. I suggest you take the AK of one of the enemies (30 rds instead of 20 per mag + lots of "ammo crates" -> bodies) well and you have one save ;)
  21. Donnervogel

    1.94 problems

    me too. Can you please check if it happens with HW T&L disabled and if no then activate HW T&L and make the following. 4 BIS jeeps on nogova in a group and you in cargo of one of them. let them drive from petrovice along the road at full speed to the north-west. If you crash please tell me. I am looking for anyone with the same problem as I have.
  22. Donnervogel

    Hunting the big ctd

    well one cause of SEB Nam pack freezes was fixed with version 1.92. Are you sure that it still crashed afterwards? Because I had found another bug that caused OFP to freeze as you say. Not crash to desktop as most recent problems are. If you're interested here is the topic I had started back then. @all And then I would like to say that my CTD is still there with version 1.94. So if people still have CTD's I would like them to figure out if it only happens with ground vehicles moving in groupes on islands with a lot of forrests. (best area to test is Nogova north-west of Petrovice) If yes please PM me. EDIT: HW T&L must be activated in order to get that CTD I have
  23. Donnervogel

    Joint ammo and magazines (jam)

    This is OFP not RL. You can't tell OFP to make more visible tracers at night. So you have to choose. Or as Aeon showed you could script tracers. But I don't know if it affects performance. We'll see when he releases them.
  24. Donnervogel

    Red Hammer Studios

    oh I did get it. But as I was taught I start to read at the beginning. ;)
  25. Donnervogel

    Red Hammer Studios

    bah now I almost got a heart attack! Damn the maker of that pic. I don't wanna die. Not yet at least!