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About Doccers

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    Private First Class
  1. That worked - just downloading the STable Scripts thing fixed it. Thankee much.
  2. well,maybe not so much. Ok, so I'm using that single game logic trick, and I've greated a group of two civilians, named "grope" (yeah yeah I'm uncreative), and a single zombie. The zombie will attack the first civilian, who, after being attacked and chewed upon, vanishes, never to be seen again. The zombie then attacks the second civilian, and will continue eating him for eternity without end. second civilian never vanishes, period, and zombie never stops eating him. I have a Zombie Ressurection Daemon logic in the game as well, to no avail. Any help? what am I missing?
  3. You and I seem to have had the same problem. Specifically, I wanted humans to resurrect as zombies EVERY time, but I didn't want zombies to come back to life after they were killed, so simply putting a Hard Game Logic down wasn't cutting it. After two days of messing with this mod I've determined something that I haven't seen mentioned in this thread or the doccumentation; the Difficulty Game Logics will always override any gbl variables you specify after the fact. For example, if I put a Hard Game Logic down, and then put another Game Logic in to try to specify gblIndestructibleZombies=0(to make them stay dead), it will not work as long as that Hard Game Logic is set down because it seems to supercede any other commands I use. I'm not sure if there is a way to change this, I haven't been able to determine that there is. So, the solution I've found is to do away with the Difficulty Game Logics and just put a normal Game Logic down and set all my gbl variables in it's init line as follow: gblAllTargets = units grp1;gblIndestructibleZombies=0; gblInitDone=1; gblZombieDamage = 1;(#1-My target group, #2-Makes it so zombies will stay dead when killed #3 The almighty gblInitDone which you need to specify to begin activity, not sure if I have to put this in or not but since it works I'm keeping it #4-Zombie damage output, to kill with 1 hit) Then, I set down a Zombie Mod Resurrect Dead Targets Game Logic and put these variables in: gblHumanResProbability = 1; gblHumanResrWait = 2;(the first will ensure EVERY human resurrects as a Zombie, the second will make them wait 2 seconds before doing so) Finally, I set down a Zombie Mod Resurrection Daemon Game Logic. All of these together do exactly what I need them to do - Zombies attack the group(s) I specify, kill them in one hit, stay dead when killed and any humans they kill ressurect EVERY time. I'm not sure if some of the GL's I'm using are redundant, but this works perfectly. Hope this helps some of the other frustrated people out there trying for the same thing. If anyone sees a problem with anything I've specified please let me know. You sir, are a god amongst men. Thank you.
  4. Ok, that SORTA solved it - When I use "HARD" mode, there appears to be a 50% chance the humans will ressurect - I was basing my troubleshooting off of the manual, which states that humans will have that ressurection on "Medium", and ALWAYS ressurect on Hard. This mod appears to need some work...
  5. Ok, I'm getting REALLY frustrated now. I've tried *EVERYTHING* in this thread, but humans attacked and killed by zombies ***NEVER*** get ressurected as zombies, even if I set it to hard mode, and set up an "empty" group around one east soldier far off on a tiny island away from the battlefield and add it to the group list. Is there any chance that someone can point me to someone else's zombie mission that does this so I can pick it apart and see what I'm doing differently (IE, wrong)?
  6. Sorry to dredge an old thread up from the dead, but I'm attempting to do the same thing as in this thread, but the this addeventhandler ["hit", {this setdammage 0}];this addeventhandler ["dammaged", {this setdammage 0}] bit doesn't work at all. Did BIS change this in a more recent patch? what is it with them and removing any way to create invulnurable units?!?!
  7. Doccers

    Red hammer stuck/lock-up

    I just ran into this last night, (and it's Vulcans BTW, not shilkas). Anyone have any help for us?
  8. Doccers

    Red hammer stuck/lock-up

    I just ran into this last night, (and it's Vulcans BTW, not shilkas). Anyone have any help for us?
  9. Doccers

    Where has ofpec gone?

    Will this page ever be back up? I bought Flashpoint after it had apparently gone down, so I never got to visit this site, yet everyone keeps pointing me in it's direction.
  10. It's cool, judging by the amount of knowladge floating around on this board, and the fact that I couldn't find what I need with a search, I figured I was doing something so obscenely stupid it would slip beneath most everyone's radar.
  11. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (JAP @ Aug. 19 2002,00:56)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (JAP @ Aug. 19 2002,00:12)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">The truck comes, but you need to repair manualy though, as far as i know there is no autorepair thingy in ofp.<span id='postcolor'> cough<span id='postcolor'> the problem is the truck wouldn't come - there was no command to *CALL* the truck at all in the command window. I solved the problem however - apparently you need to have at least one other person in your squad for this command to appear, it won't show up period while you are on your own.
  12. Well I tried this, and it did absolutely nothing. The guy just sits there after getting out of the truck, and "call support" doesn't show up at all there. Can someone show me where to download an example of this so I know what I'm doing wrong please?
  13. Ok, I've gotten to know the editer fairly well, and even done a little bit of scripting. I've lurked on this forum and tried to find the answer to my question here and a bunch of other places, and yet I am completely baffled. How the heck can I get a repair vehicle to actually repair the vehicle I'm in??? I've tried everything I can think of, and I'm going insane. Thanks for your help, -Doc