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About DeLiltMon

  • Rank
    Staff Sergeant
  1. Hmm, not sure then, I don't have O2 installed so can't open up a model to look and (and the models I have would be for OPF), but from what I remember I think turrets were set up the same way in O2 whether it was a car or tank class, so could be worth having a peek at another model to compare with.
  2. At a guess, you're memory lod points are not included in the turret selections, so while the actual turret and gun turns and goes up and down, the 2 points that define the barrel aren't moving, at least that's if my memory of how it handles turrets is correct, I haven't used O2 for a couple of years now.
  3. DeLiltMon

    Falklands mod progress

    Impressive stuff as always
  4. DeLiltMon

    North devon terrain

    From Google Earth: Satelight view of the former RAF Chivenor
  5. DeLiltMon

    North devon terrain

    Hunter F6 XF509 Humbrol's bird had a varied life, beginning with 54 Squadron in 1957 and moving on through the AFDS, RAE Bedford and finally 4 FTS at RAF Valley, ending its days as a gate guard at RAF Chivenor. On the station's closure, Humbrol (owners of Airfix) bought themselves this big kit and stuck it on a pole outside their plant in Hull; the amount of work necessary being considerably less than normal as the aircraft had been placed in similar position at Chivenor after a full restoration in 1990. Taken from http://www.thunder-and-lightnings.co.uk/hunter/survivorspics3.html (first picture on the page)
  6. DeLiltMon

    North devon terrain

    Is it a Sea King or a Wessex?
  7. DeLiltMon

    North devon terrain

    Nice portacabins
  8. DeLiltMon

    UKF Warrior (MCV80) v1.0 Released

    Milk and two sugars please
  9. DeLiltMon

    War against terror

    I didn't know the National Coal Board ever had any weapons, I think you mean NBC The latest I heard this morning are that 3 are thought to have been of a similar size to the previous bombs, while the fourth was smaller and appeared to have been contained in a plastic box.
  10. DeLiltMon

    Project UK Forces

    So you decided to cut straight to the money shot then?
  11. DeLiltMon

    Project UK Forces

    fnar fnar
  12. DeLiltMon

    Project UK Forces

    Thought it was them, got their album it came free with a ford probe... The texture work looks very good on the warrior You bought a Probe? Did you buy it for the album?
  13. DeLiltMon

    Project UK Forces

    It's Hundred Mile High City by Ocean Colour Scene
  14. DeLiltMon

    Irish Interim troops

    Almost certainly a winch looking at the shape of the cover, the stickey out bit at the front is where the guid rollers are. I'd say stick the cover on it unless you're planning on having a working winch then why waste polys on it.
  15. DeLiltMon

    Irish Interim troops

    Warn maybe? They seem to be a pretty popular choice.