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Everything posted by Dschulle

  1. Dschulle

    Mapfact leaked WrpTool

    I distance myself from that position, since it was discussed with Snake Man and sniping-jack before and it's therefore not to be seen as a leak. I request to lock or even better delete this thread.
  2. The news was allready on german sites and in one thread here, but it didn't had an english readme at this time. Sorry that the name PaNTool is quite similar to feersum's paatool (great tool!), but it existed for too long to change it  Ok a short description: PaNTool is designed to be a texture browser in first place. It should help people to "recycle" textures, which are allready in the game. Great examples were shown by the mapfact team (esp. JoergF). While the program can also convert textures Paa <-> tga, jpg, gif, it doesn't contain the improved texture converter provided by feersum yet. (Might be included in next version). By building up your own favorites "texture" tree, you can access often used textures fast and can easily copy their name to O2. Screen: -> DL Link <- Greets, Dschulle
  3. Dschulle

    AEF-Campaign: Train Addon FINISHED

    The point about attacking is due to the reason, that the train is allways "on the player side". This will be changed in next release.
  4. Dschulle

    AEF-Campaign: Train Addon FINISHED

    What kind of objects do you try to move? Currently only class "car" is supported.
  5. Dschulle

    AEF-Campaign: Train Addon FINISHED

    In the init line of the stakes waggon call: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">this exec "\AEF_Train\script\transport.sqs" As K@voven stated, every stakes waggon needs to start this script, if it's planned to transport vehicles on them. btw. If several stakes waggons are attached to each other, you can driver over them till you reach the last waggon.
  6. Dschulle

    AEF-Campaign: Train Addon FINISHED

    Placing them inside editor is very hard, since they have to match well to look good and to keep the script functional. We do have an old script, which lets you place tracks on the island along WP's, but I have to check if it's still functional. We'll keep you informed, maybe it's allready included in the next tutorial ;)
  7. Dschulle

    AEF-Campaign: Train Addon FINISHED

    There will be another small train lesson in the next few days including info about how to build a track system and how to create new trains.
  8. Dschulle

    AEF-Campaign: Train Addon FINISHED

    Before someone asks, this is NOT the MP version yet. ;) .. MP-version will be included with Phoenix Island.
  9. Dschulle

    AEF-Campaign: Train Trailer

    Ohh, yes. Will it be MP-useable? And what about this nice "vehicle transport" option. Will it be possible to "attach" any kind of vehicle (like Combat! Bradleys/M113 etc) or "only" the BIS stuff? MfG MEDICUS Â We haven't tested the MP capability yet, but we'll tell you when we know ourself. About the vehicle transport: Atm only a few predefined vehicles can be transported, we do think about other solutions, but I'm not sure if they are included in the first release.
  10. Dschulle


    Munich, Germany ... and Oktoberfest comes in sight
  11. Dschulle

    Third world explosion team

    Another solution there could be to define animations for walls, like this you can "fold down" a complete wall. Animating only vertexes also gives interesting results, which might look quite good for destruction.
  12. Dschulle

    Disappearing object!

    Does this happens too, if you don't have alpha channels in your textures?
  13. had anybody success in changing landgrid? Because I failed...
  14. Dschulle

    Pantool 0.4 (texture browser)

    What do others think of this idea? How do you think, would a useful GUI approach look like? I have a drag'n drop interface in mind, which lets you position smaller textures in one big one. Any other idea's?
  15. Dschulle

    Pantool 0.4 (texture browser)

    Yes thought about it, but after having a short look into PS-SDK, I dropped it again
  16. Dschulle

    Tornado addon by alexeyz - beta

    Have to say that this tornado is great work! Didn't know about this syntax of "nearestobject", which offers a lot of new possibilities  btw. from SM_sm.sqs: Thanx for first version better go to Take of Tim  But as vektor said, AlexeyZ's Tornado is not related to "our's" and his is even better, so again: great Work!
  17. If I get your post right, you want to know if there is anything like an init eventhandler for islands? Imho there's no such thing, which is very sad. Therefore you have to put it into every mission, via init.sqs or special object, which has to be placed in editor, and runs an init eventhandler or executes some scripts in it's init line. You could think about an "InitWindmills" object, which has to be placed to make windmills work
  18. Dschulle

    How to make an animation that moves?

    Did you check the "Total Move" Values in OFPAnim?
  19. <deleted> should read complete post before answering
  20. Dschulle

    Rtm animations on vehicles

    The only animation applied to a vehicle is done to the Scud launcher, but this is also kind of hardcoded I played a bit with it, but didn't had too much success.
  21. I tried to build a JeepMG-like model, but encountered the well known muzzle flash bug. All entrys in Cfgmodel / Config should be ok. The thing is, it works in MLOD! But after binarizing it, the bug is there. Has anyone encountered sth. like this? I remember that the uaz+mg from BAS is also MLOD, while all other models from BAS are usually ODOL. Any help?
  22. Dschulle

    Ofp two, ii or 2

    OFP Too
  23. Dschulle

    What the feck!!!

    have you checked if the "IncomingMissile" - handler also works for bullets?
  24. Dschulle

    Pal2pac.dll texture handling

    I don't want to keep this cool info away from you, even if most editors might have no use for it. The Pal2Pac.dll is included with O2. The rest of the info is inside the header. Big THX to SUMA! Â Here you are: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">#ifndef _PAL2PAC_HPP #define _PAL2PAC_HPP #define MYDLL _ _ declspec ( dllexport ) _ _ stdcall //the spaces should not be there, // but iconboard does not like it without them // dynamic linking types etc... extern "C" { // Objektiv Interface int MYDLL AddTexture( const char *libPath, const char *textPath, int size ); int MYDLL UpdateTexture( const char *dest, const char *src, int size ); int MYDLL CombineTexture ( const char *D, const char *S1, const char *S2, const char *S3, const char *S4, int size, const char *bank, const char *water ); // Visitor Interface void MYDLL TextureMix ( const char *t, const char *s1, const char *s2, const char *s3, const char *s4, const char *bankDirectory, const char *bankTexture ); struct TextureDataStruct { int _w,_h; // data dimensions DWORD *_data; // pointer to ARGB 8888 data }; void MYDLL CreateTextureData( TextureDataStruct &data, const char *name ); void MYDLL DestroyTextureData( TextureDataStruct &data ); COLORREF MYDLL TextureColor( const char *s ); DWORD MYDLL TextureColorARGB( const char *s ); typedef int stdcall UpdateTextureT( const char *dest, const char *src, int size ); typedef void stdcall DestroyTextureDataT( TextureDataStruct &data ); }; extern UpdateTextureT *UpdateTextureF; extern CreateTextureDataT *CreateTextureDataF; extern DestroyTextureDataT *DestroyTextureDataF; void InitPal2Pac(); // class encapsulation of TextureDataStruct class TextureData { struct TextureDataStruct _data; public: TextureData( const char *name=NULL ) { if (!CreateTextureDataF) return; CreateTextureDataF(_data,name); } ~TextureData() { if (!DestroyTextureDataF) return; DestroyTextureDataF(_data); } void Load( const char *name ) { if (!CreateTextureDataF) return; if (!DestroyTextureDataF) return; DestroyTextureDataF(_data); CreateTextureDataF(_data,name); } int W() const {return _data._w;} int H() const {return _data._h;} const DWORD *Data() const {return _data._data;} DWORD GetPixel( int x, int y ) const {return _data._data[y*_data._w+x];} private: TextureData( const TextureData &src ); void operator =( const TextureData &src ); }; #endif If you think anyone else can use this for the benefit of OPF community, feel free to share it. You can create and load pal/pac files with this interface. It is far from flexible, but it may help you.
  25. Dschulle

    Pal2pac.dll texture handling

    I don't want to keep this cool info away from you, even if most editors might have no use for it. The Pal2Pac.dll is included with O2. The rest of the info is inside the header. Big THX to SUMA! Â Here you are: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">#ifndef _PAL2PAC_HPP #define _PAL2PAC_HPP #define MYDLL _ _ declspec ( dllexport ) _ _ stdcall //the spaces should not be there, // but iconboard does not like it without them // dynamic linking types etc... extern "C" { // Objektiv Interface int MYDLL AddTexture( const char *libPath, const char *textPath, int size ); int MYDLL UpdateTexture( const char *dest, const char *src, int size ); int MYDLL CombineTexture ( const char *D, const char *S1, const char *S2, const char *S3, const char *S4, int size, const char *bank, const char *water ); // Visitor Interface void MYDLL TextureMix ( const char *t, const char *s1, const char *s2, const char *s3, const char *s4, const char *bankDirectory, const char *bankTexture ); struct TextureDataStruct { int _w,_h; // data dimensions DWORD *_data; // pointer to ARGB 8888 data }; void MYDLL CreateTextureData( TextureDataStruct &data, const char *name ); void MYDLL DestroyTextureData( TextureDataStruct &data ); COLORREF MYDLL TextureColor( const char *s ); DWORD MYDLL TextureColorARGB( const char *s ); typedef int stdcall UpdateTextureT( const char *dest, const char *src, int size ); typedef void stdcall DestroyTextureDataT( TextureDataStruct &data ); }; extern UpdateTextureT *UpdateTextureF; extern CreateTextureDataT *CreateTextureDataF; extern DestroyTextureDataT *DestroyTextureDataF; void InitPal2Pac(); // class encapsulation of TextureDataStruct class TextureData { struct TextureDataStruct _data; public: TextureData( const char *name=NULL ) { if (!CreateTextureDataF) return; CreateTextureDataF(_data,name); } ~TextureData() { if (!DestroyTextureDataF) return; DestroyTextureDataF(_data); } void Load( const char *name ) { if (!CreateTextureDataF) return; if (!DestroyTextureDataF) return; DestroyTextureDataF(_data); CreateTextureDataF(_data,name); } int W() const {return _data._w;} int H() const {return _data._h;} const DWORD *Data() const {return _data._data;} DWORD GetPixel( int x, int y ) const {return _data._data[y*_data._w+x];} private: TextureData( const TextureData &src ); void operator =( const TextureData &src ); }; #endif If you think anyone else can use this for the benefit of OPF community, feel free to share it. You can create and load pal/pac files with this interface. It is far from flexible, but it may help you.