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Everything posted by desertfox

  1. desertfox

    System locks up ! Help please ?

    To all people whos system "Freezes" after playing a certain amount of time: Do a burn-in test of your RAM, CPU and GPU with a tool like Sisoft's "Sandra" to locate the problem. I am 90% certain it's a temperature problem of RAM, CPU or GPU, or FSB.
  2. desertfox

    preNLOD error

    I found a similar error in an OFP forum: And the solution here: In this case the guy is refering to an addon he downloaded and installed. What was important to know now: - Does your error message say Optika_Stryker_gunner.p3d too ? - Where did you have the game from .. CD or Downloaded version ? *EDIT* Everything I found on the internet indicates corrupted files. Mostly through corrupt downloads, during unzipping or in one case through defective RAM. One of the following should fix the problem: - Uninstall game, defrag your harddrive, re-install game - If you have the downloaded version, try downloading it again - If that does not help try installing the game to a different partition to exclude HDD failure.
  3. *EDIT* I can not read anymore lol
  4. desertfox

    Really dumb question, but curious.

    Post processing is used to apply further effects to rendered textures, such as reflections. It visually enhances the graphics.
  5. desertfox

    Arma cant start...

    And on a second thought: Have you got any Antivirus programs or the like running when you try starting ArmA ?
  6. desertfox


    Your Graphics card does not support DirectX 9.0c. It's not shader model 2.0 compatible.
  7. desertfox

    Arma cant start...

    Someone solved a similar problem by setting back the Windows performance options to "Programs". To ckeck if it is do the following: - Right click on "My computer" and select "Properties" - Select the "Advanced" tab - Under "Performance" select "Settings" - Select the "Advanced" tab - Check if both, Memory Usage and Processor scheduling are set to "Programs" Additionally make sure you have enough disk space remaining on both, the windows partition, and the partition where you have Arma installed.
  8. desertfox

    Logitech MX518

    As the above poster indicated .. you might try downloading different drivers ?
  9. In case of doubt: Install it under XP as advised in your game manual.
  10. desertfox

    "bad serial key" after every reboot!

    This sounds a lot like a problem described earlier by other people, which was caused by a faulty authentication server. It should have been fixed by now after all I know. I suggest you contact support@bistudio.com.
  11. desertfox

    Crash after intro screen!?

    I don't understand what AV programs, the Arma CFG file or Bad HDD sectors have to do with your Hardware being 'Top Notch'. You are not the sharpest knife in the drawer, are you ?
  12. desertfox

    Setting and Options Missing

    <S> SWAF meeting ? Erm I mean: The option is not present in the 505 version either ?
  13. desertfox


    Congratulations in any way. ( And even extra congratulations after 1.05 is out ) OFP gave me years of fun and excitement and made me make a lot of friends from all over the world. I know ArmA will continue the Saga.
  14. You might want to try the Omega Drivers for your ATI cards. They don't need the .net package from Microsoft. Actually the damn Catalyst control center has a friggin' 120 Megabyte that are loaded into the system memory as soon as you start Windows. All because of some fancy videos and leet-style menus. No thanks. I gave the Omega Drivers a try and they work fine.
  15. desertfox

    Crash after intro screen!?

    - Try deleting your Arma.cfg file. - Did you have an Antivirus program running while installing Arma or even while running it ? - Did you try installing it to a different location, to exclude a bad sector on your HDD ? - Try running a checkdisk task *EDIT* - Stop bumping the thread or you get a format c: through remote assistance
  16. desertfox

    UK DVD not loading.

    I recommend you try installing the game on a second PC to see if the error can be narrowed in to either the disk or your system. *EDIT* Please make sure to uninstall the game before you install it on a different machine. Otherwise you violate the license condition -Cough nudge-
  17. desertfox

    error cannot compile psalpha

    Can a mod merge this thread with this one please ?
  18. desertfox

    Error Compiling Pixel Shader PSSpecular Alpha

    - Did you try deleting the ArmA.cfg file in your "ArmA" folder located in "My Documents" - What mainboard type have you got, and which chipset drivers do you use ?
  19. desertfox

    Crash after intro screen!?

    How about you post your full hardware / software specs instead of bumping the thread ? I'm certain someone might have a tip or two then.
  20. desertfox

    System locks up ! Help please ?

    @ Someboy: - Uninstall the soundblaster drivers, shut down PC and take the card out - Download these drivers for your mainboard chipset ftp://www.uli.com.tw/driver/Integrated220.rar ( I assume you have Windows XP ) - See if that gives you sound and fixes the problem please. @ Bobalobmitchell - Check if disabling silent mode for the cooler fixes the prob. - What maiboard type have you got ?
  21. desertfox

    Winmm.dll error did you get it?

    I think your problem are the nForce drivers. Try if these drivers solve the problem please. http://www.nvidia.com/object/nforce_nf4_win2k_6.86.html
  22. desertfox

    preNLOD error

    UPDATE: Did some digging and it might turn out to be defective RAM.
  23. desertfox

    preNLOD error

    Sounds like the file optika_stryker_gunner.p3d got corrupted, most likely while downloading or copying it. If you google for "preNLOD" you will get more people with the same error. Worth checking out maybe.
  24. desertfox

    ArmA -> Can't run game.

    I bet it's because you rubbed the Pirate .. they don't like to be rubbed.
  25. desertfox

    Restart during Arma launch

    Hardware specs ? Operating system ? Arma version ? A n y t h i n g ?