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Everything posted by desertfox

  1. desertfox

    Winmm.dll error did you get it?

    Did you download the chipset drivers from Nvidia.com ?
  2. desertfox

    Winmm.dll error did you get it?

    Okay a last shot .. try installing the Open AL thingy now additionally to the rest. If that does not work I am clueless I'm afraid. You tried disabling the onboard sound in your BIOS ?
  3. desertfox

    Winmm.dll error did you get it?

    @ (1VB)YAKMAN & h.kan Do you guys have Asus mainboards with nForce chipsets, and if so, have you updated your nForce chipset drivers from the Nvidia.com site, prior to installing the Realtek AC97 driver ? You might try that.
  4. desertfox

    Connection Problem !?

    Try installing the OpenAL drivers after installing the Realtek stuff. http://developer.creative.com/article....&aid=46
  5. desertfox

    Veterans with superiority complexes.

    Murphys Public Server Laws: - The person first on the helo pilot seat is always a moron and will always crash it. - One idiot will always climb onto the driver seat of your perfectly positioned tank and drive it right into the enemy sight. - After covering a certain spot for three minutes you get shot in the same moment you look away for the first time.
  6. desertfox

    Is my Gfx card gone to heaven?..

    If the processing unit or the RAM of your card are physically damaged, you had errors when starting up your PC already. Most likely with BIOS beep tones.
  7. desertfox

    Old ATI Cat 6.7 wicked

    I would like to know as well, if and how the person with the X1950 got it running. We have two people in our squad who have this card as well and they would like to use the 6.7 driver.
  8. Confirming that for both, BLUFOR and OPFOR units in varying weapon combinations.
  9. desertfox

    1.05 Server Appearing/Dissapearing

    -Complains- Our server disappears as well ! -Cough snicker-
  10. desertfox

    Connection Problem !?

    You don't seriously think bumping the thread will speed things up. Especially after you have been given advice already. Solution: Install your game under Windows XP. If BIS officially announces Vista compatibility one day, you are entitled to receive support. @ bionic. Support is not a matter of speculating how future decisions might get something to work. It's about providing a solution. So until BIS announces Vista compatibility, I will tell every Vista user seeking support on this forum the same thing: No support. Check the game manual for the correct OS.
  11. desertfox

    Player List not really readable

    I agree at 100% The list background colour has got to be changed. I often was in situations were I spotted a vehicle and it showed me the name of the driver on screen .. and I looked at the list to check if it's a friendly. No chance to read it.
  12. desertfox

    What's the diff?

    Says it all lol
  13. desertfox

    Old ATI Cat 6.7 wicked

    Oh lord I should have read the sticky more carefully when I did read it. Missed the fact that there is no leak present in the 6.7 version. I ended up playing all of last weekend, restarting every hour and a half or so because the lag became unbearable.
  14. desertfox

    8007000e Error in Vista

    Because the only other people who experience this sort of issue all have a Nvidia 8800. Basically everyone has understood by now, that the Nvidia driver support for this card is poor and in beta stage. It appears you have missed this important point. You know .. I could explain what "Minimum" and "Recommended" means .. but your head would explode. Leaving this thread die now to avoid further .. nuisances.
  15. *EDIT* I should read before I post lol
  16. desertfox

    Dissapearing engine sounds...

    Try installing the drivers from Realtek. That should solve your problem.
  17. desertfox

    8007000e Error in Vista

    Ditylarry is perfectly right. As I've pointed out numerously before, the issues you experience are caused by Driver and operating system modules that are partitially incompatible with DirectX9.0 32bit based applications. A sticky should be made that Vista systems are not supported, and all threads except one concerning Vista troubleshooting should be locked. I'm tired of them.
  18. desertfox

    Connection Problem !?

    Try installing the game under WXP32.
  19. desertfox

    Error compling VSshaders?sHADERPOOL"

    How about your system specs ANYWAYS ?
  20. desertfox

    patch 1.05 problem

    Return the game Triangles. Even if you got it to run .. your head would explode figuring it out Seriously, how about your FULL system specs ?
  21. desertfox

    Old ATI Cat 6.7 wicked

    Ohhhh .. I'mma try that tomorrow. I'd be uber happy.
  22. desertfox

    Error compling VSshaders?sHADERPOOL"

    System specs ? I guess your gfx card is too old though.
  23. desertfox

    Connection Problem !?

    @ Troop: I can not confirm that at 100% but after I uninstalled the K-light codec pack my sound was fine. I had severe sound issues in game before. Could not hear gun shots and such. Maybe just a coincidence. @ Sedgie: Please re-enable your AC97 and download these drivers: Realtek A3.98 AC97 drivers @ All: Make sure you also have the most recent chipset drivers for your mainboard installed as well.
  24. desertfox

    Tank combat simulation

    Here's what I think should be done to create an acceptable grade of tank realism. - More damage zones. For engines, Turret, coax MG and CITV. - Improved CITV ( Commanders View ) with zoom option and NV - Smoke grenades launchable - Improved front armour against RPGs - Chance to take out tank with one shot from rear when a certain spot is hit - Laser rangefinder that affects the firing angle of the main gun
  25. desertfox

    Transparent .paa image

    I want to know what options I have to set in the plugin to save it with transparency. Since it appears to be easy, just explain it please ?