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Desert Eagle

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Everything posted by Desert Eagle

  1. Desert Eagle

    Mid east

    What anti-semitian did M_S_Holder say?
  2. Desert Eagle

    Photoshop camo action

    Right ebud, the plugin's not enough to make good texture.
  3. Desert Eagle

    Idea for a mod.....

    But who'd like to play that? Well, the idea's good, but for me it could be boring to play the same scenario again. I have an idea too: Make a campaign, and use there the best addons were made (by many authors - most of them not from the active mod team).
  4. Desert Eagle

    Idea for a mod.....

    But who'd like to play that? Well, the idea's good, but for me it could be boring to play the same scenario again. I have an idea too: Make a campaign, and use there the best addons were made (by many authors - most of them not from the active mod team).
  5. Desert Eagle

    What about...POLISH version

    And I am Napoleon Bonaparte Â
  6. Desert Eagle

    What about...POLISH version

    And forgot to tell- I bought original game when it was released - in October. Now I have holidays. In September I'll have to study harder than this year, and perhaps won't be able to play any game. IM GRÓB on Kolgujev!! Desert Eagle
  7. Desert Eagle

    What about...POLISH version

    Shoot'em! I demand Resistance in two weeks. If it won't be out then- I'll buy counterfeit copy, like some players are doing now. I had similar situation last year- I didn't want to wait 3months so after EU release I bought counterfeit copy - I had a map from 2000 year, and there was drown  that Poland's in Europe. Is that map out of date yet??? Cheers  Desert Eagle
  8. Desert Eagle

    Mp5 with c-mag

    Hi! I finished my Mp5 with C-mag (100 bullets), but something is wrong in .cpp  I can't change shooting sounds I'll send whole .PBO to someone who wants to fix it. Screen's at : www.flashpoint.imgroup.com.pl/uploads/DEA_MP5C.jpg Plese help I'm stuck
  9. Desert Eagle


    Maa, can you check your message box?
  10. Desert Eagle


    I was going to make SKOT too (for Polish army) but with my dose of free time I won't finish it before July. Nice Tatra
  11. Desert Eagle


    Looks great, but some pictures aren't working:(
  12. Desert Eagle


    Well, here's screen: The light is working, but I couldn't maker it turning with agent's head. Here's beta , if you fix it- send to deagle@interia.pl and tell here how did you do that<a href="http://www.flashpoint.imgroup.com.pl/uploads/ deserteagleagent.zip" target="_blank"> Beta version</a>
  13. Desert Eagle

    Importing gif as textures to o2?

  14. Desert Eagle

    The littlebird!

    I can tes it too mail me : deagle@interia.pl
  15. Desert Eagle

    Importing gif as textures to o2?

    you mean this: "cannot convert "\xxx\xx.gif " to \YYY\xx.pac" ? It happens to most of my textures and blueprints How to fix that?
  16. Desert Eagle

    The m4 family...

    Won't you include Car15 in that pack?
  17. Desert Eagle


    Huh? That's strange- all the textures are from data.pbo And what about that light?
  18. Desert Eagle


    Here is fixed dowload
  19. Desert Eagle

    The m4 family...

    Yeah, that's a pity And about that C-mag (to be sure) it's 100 bullets alltogother?
  20. Desert Eagle

    The m4 family...

    Fliper! DO NOT SHOUT! I DIDN'T Â USE YOUR TEXTURES I asked you where did you get them. I used textures from the picture posted in this thread (that sopmod). So don't get mad so easly (
  21. Desert Eagle

    The m4 family...

    Sorry for so big pics. And the textures aren't good enough, I'll work on it...
  22. Desert Eagle

    The m4 family...

  23. Desert Eagle

    The m4 family...

    Great! Here's one of my M4s :
  24. Desert Eagle

    Help needed for some projects

    Hi everybody! I started this thread to get some more experience in Oxygen. I know somebody here made Uaz with Pk. I attached it to modyfied jeep... and It doesn't turn. I changed Pk model's name for OtocHlave or something, like in M2 MG. If you know how to make it work correctly, may you write it? Or I can send it if somebody has time (I spent 2 hours with Oxygen since Friday:/) And how to switch blocks in O ? What about opening P3Ds from OFP and upgrades (I have appetite for a hummer with MM-1 )))? If I only get a bit more experience in Oxygen, I'll work on several single projects - special vehicles based on theese from OFP (expect of doing my Polish Army mod of course).