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Everything posted by Drift

  1. Drift

    Ai response

    Thanks for your inputs. I'm a bit dissappointed in the game structure that doesn't allow you to discreetly eliminate an isolated bogey without putting the whole base on alert.
  2. Drift

    Ai response

    I just started playing this game and can't quite figure out what method to employ when playing single missions "Lone Wolf and Shadow Killer". I can't determine if I'm suppose to avoid killing the AI on these type of missions. I appear to have a silienced weapon, but when I kill someone who looks to be isolated, I hear an alarm. I get the impression that these type of missions should be completed without killing the enemy. Is that true? I was thinking of sitting a top a hill with a sniper rifle and picking off all opposition as a possible approach, but there doesn't appear to be a finite number of enemy AI. They just keep coming. Any experienced players care to clue me in on the best tactics to use in these type scenarios?