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About DRa1N

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  1. DRa1N

    Falklands mod recruitment

    Havoc: Your intrest has been noted. Expect contact soon Jamesia: Instead of saying you'd like to join perhaps you could tell us what fields you might be intrested in.
  2. DRa1N

    Falklands mod recruitment

    For starters, check out our progress report here. This gives a fair idea of what needs doing, however it is a month old and there is quite a bit thats been done since then. There are quite a few units that need doing, some aircraft such as the Aermacchi and Alouette III some land based artillary and a few weapons. Personally I'd say finish the weapons. Then it's one complete set out of the way, then probably work on units. But essentialy you can do a wide variety at different times.
  3. We at the Falklands Mod require a couple of extra helping hands to assist in the texturing and scripting sections of work. You will be working with the best, dedicated team. Our two main textures are currently extremely busy and we have a back log of models that require texturing. We are unfortunately in a bit of a tight situation at the moment. A few people are quite busy with real life, university, school, work etc. However at the moment there are many complete models that require texturing. You are guaranteed to enjoy your work and as a bonus you get to see and play with some of the goodies that are not shown in public! Please contact me, Nick – nicknewman@hotmail.com (I do use MSN) if you’re interested in any of the positions mentioned earlier. Thank you Nick NJN – Falklands Modeller
  4. DRa1N

    Pacific aerospace cresco 750

    NZXShadows isn't a kiwi. He's actually American. Essentialty the Cresco is only slightly (I'm talking one meter) bigger in length and wingspan than the fletcher but it has a larger engine (750 horse power gas turbine compared to the 400 piston engine fletcher.) The Fletcher was way ahead of it's time when it was designed and built. Anyway back on topic. Somebody, please take this project over. I really don't have the time and really don't want it scrapped.
  5. DRa1N

    Pacific aerospace cresco 750

    I can't guess. Please enlighten me.
  6. DRa1N

    Pacific aerospace cresco 750

    Hey mate a fellow Kiwi? Nah this is the Fletchers bigger brother the Cresco, it can carry twice the payload. I worked at the company for a while and really enjoyed working with both the fixed wing and helicopter pilots. Surely someone out there wants to finish this?
  7. I have started this addon and simply do not have the time to finish it. To make it complete it requires - some basic texturing - a cockpit - small model modifications Real life comparison Operation Flashpoint does not have any top dressing planes and it may be cool for some missions. It uses Kegeteys smoke generator to improvise fertaliser. I would really like somebody to finish what I have started and not let it go to waste. If you want to talk to me about it I use msn: nicknewman@hotmail.com and also ICQ sometimes: 20163154 Cheers Nick
  8. DRa1N

    Cannot memory map file res/addons/o.pbo

    I found that removing a specific addon actually let me run FP Res without the memory map error. I am using a Geforce2mx card as well.
  9. DRa1N

    Memory-map error with radeon 9700

    I found that removing a specific addon actually let me run FP Res without the memory map error. I am using a Geforce2mx card as well.
  10. DRa1N

    Red hammer ending... i don't get it

    /me slaps himself Silly me what was I thinking. The end cutscene... they looked like resistance fighters the spetz natz were killing.
  11. Theres the two endings, the one where you get the officers and the other one where you don't The one where you have the officers is weird, everyone knows your a traitor yet your taking the boat back to your fellow country men and then going back to russia. The the cutscene with the music and credits. Who the hell are you fighting... resistance? But you were fighting with them. Someone please fill me in!
  12. For steam I suggest using cloudlets and just making them really small. placing only a few at the end of the catapault. Very good script tho.
  13. yeah i've tried that and it doesnt want to work
  14. hmm nope it didnt work, i just respawn a short distance from my body.
  15. heh sorry mate i'm in new zealand and have just woken up as such I haven't had a chance yet, in another 4 hours or so ill have a go at it. just to clarify i need to create a marker at each waypoint i want to respawn at and give it a name, make respawning true in that sqs file. and then add your code to the onactivation field on every way point that i want to respawn at?