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D.murphy man

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Everything posted by D.murphy man

  1. D.murphy man


    Thank you pillage, Well the reason not to have AI is the MP oddity of complete idiots who feel the need to shoot everything, including AI shopkeepers. Since the flag pole is undestroyable and a pretty obvious 'Look here its a shop!'. Where as a lot of players who might be new/ignorant will simply miss the AI shopkeeper and flood the chat with 'ZOMG WHERE I BUY GUNZZ'. Of course the ArmA community is a lot more mature then most however you still get the odd person who doesn't read the briefing or even look at the map to see where shops are. I was experimenting with DAC last night and although normally it would be pretty simple i am having trouble spawning zombie units. For some unknown reason DAC has no problem spawning the zombies when i put them into civilian case 3, but when i try to spawn them as independent (which is the side there on in the editor) nothing spawns? And when there spawned as civilians they do not attack and lay down when being shot at on occasion. So im guessing it might be a problem with the addon and its side settings. Of course ill have to do some more experimenting, if i can just get the zombies to spawn, and attack, without a problem, the conversion to DAC *should* be plain sailing and smooth. I've already got the zones set up to activate/deactivate when a player leaves or enters which is a lot easier set up then my current spawning system (and more reliable). *edit* Well DAC seems to work fine with NEM_Zombies but not PROTOTYPES KAOS_zombies (an edit of NEM's) however the NEM_Zombies do lay down occasionaly as well, but they do attack!
  2. D.murphy man


    Hmm that is indeed a possible bug with the zombies drying up, however i cant think why that be. And ill make sure ill move/delete few the ammo crates in next update. And since i been tied up lately with new years and all i have yet to implement DAC, however with all the damn problems my spawning system is causing me i think my next update will use DAC providing the cross over to DAC is a smooth and easy one (very doubtful knowing my luck) edit: changing the respawn to instant could possibly effect the detection of the spawn zone to not detect players and not spawn zombies. Bit hard to explain but that could be the problem. However its more likely my incredibly bad scripting skills to blaim.
  3. D.murphy man


    Thanks! The range intill zombies spawn is of course subject to tweaking and change threw out development of this map, currently the spawns where set up with heavy fog in mind, of course now i have added the options to change the level of fog the spawn ranges may have to be adjusted. As for zombies coming at you in a line theres not much i can do about this and is just a limitation of the AI. Sadly there is no zombie mods in progress and i do not have the know how to make my own zombies. Ideally i would like to see zombies that have the path finding of the Yomies addon (follow you across bridges and in buildings).
  4. D.murphy man


    Hmm thats strange, i cant think what could cause this, ill take another look over it to see if a set up SPON_Money incorrectly, if not i shall ask Spooner for help being its his set of scripts. Edit: Just wondering, what language do you play Arma in, earlier in thread people where having problems with game languages other then English.
  5. D.murphy man


    Yes, hopefully. Thanks to some help from killswitch over at OFPEC forums i limited to spawning so it wouldnt keep repeating over and over (causing the massive pile up of cars) because of the spawn system triggering for each client. Of course it needs testing to see if the fix worked.
  6. D.murphy man


    V1.1 now also Hosted at Armaholic again, thanks Big! AK + Pistol pack over at Armaholic, only pistol pack is need thou. And also, not it does not require queens gambit. Once you buy a weapon try pressing 'F' then reloading, it should work. The not enough waypoint error message is already known, and related to the outpost spawns being too small for coop essentials, shall be fixed in next release hopefully. I think something like that would be hard to implement with current free form set up of the mission. And impossible to tell zombies what to attack without editing the zombie addon its self. Random AI 'Bandits' with weapons that occasionally spawn and wander the zone is planned, and possibly Military patrols also after the initial bug fixing, beta testing, and lag reductions are done in future updates. As my scripting abilities are lacking at best i doubt something as complex would be done in less more experienced mission makers decide to edit and add to my mission. Not at this current time, the money system is SPON_Money by Spooner, i shall have to wait for future updates to his system to see if he adds the ability for players to pay one another. Again i lack any decent scripting skills, also this would require a lot more players to be added, who could be all over the zone at any given time, adding to increased zombie spawning and more lag. My original plan was to add a 'science base' where players could go to get such search and retrieval missions for objects of scientific value as well as 'escort the scientist(s)' into the zone missions. In the future this maybe well get added. I felt the car spawning would add to the post apocalyptic atmosphere with wrecked cars laying about the place. As for the urals i agree, they shall be taken of the spawning system. Most spawn zones are located around cities and towns, and a few large spawn zones are located out in the country, spawning groups of zombies over a large area. Although i agree the whole number of zombies spawned could be tweaked. I am constantly trying to tweak the performance to eliminate lag, hopefully in the future ill get optimum performance. Thanks for the feedback all! Any one had a chance to try in multilayer yet? im eager to find out if the spawning and lag problems are solved.
  7. D.murphy man


    UPDATE! check first post. Sorry im in a bit of a rush as typing this so not all fixes and changes are listed. Hopefully the insane lag should be sorted out.
  8. D.murphy man


    Yea that should be fixed in next version. I recommend just SP play for the time being.
  9. D.murphy man


    1. The vehicles are randomly spawned and placed when you enter an area (just like civs and zombies) and thus most the time they end up in the middle of no where rather then near roads or any thing. As for vehicles randomly disappearing that is not meant to happen and i shall look into it. 2.yep when a player is killed by zombies they will come back from the dead. 3.I want to keep it as fast zombies since the slow ones would be unchallenging to players who can run right around them and take them out before they ever get close. 4.ill look into it. 5.Sounds like a good idea, maybe in future updates but at moment i want to just fix the bugs. Also all typos will be fixed in next version. glad your all enjoying it. Thanks to Killswitch over at the OFPEC forums i should hopfully have most of the spawning and lag problems solved. I am also looking into updating the spawn system to use DAC instead, however i will release a fixed version soon before updating to DAC.
  10. D.murphy man

    Mapfact releases DAC 2.0 for ArmA

    This sounds excellent! haven't had a chance to try it yet but this is exactly what I've been needing for my Quarantine mission. Once i get my head around it and implement zombie units (had quick look over the documentation seems it should be easy) ill start updating Quarantine! Thanks for these excellent set of scripts!
  11. D.murphy man


    Ill look into weather options, my original plan for this was to have dynamic weather and time options so it will all change as the mission goes on, however iv only briefly looked into this and it seems that it could be difficult to sync the time and weather with all clients.(any help with this would be appreciated) As for lag solving i got 2 options, and id like to know what you guys would prefer? Either less zombies spawning in each area (could get boring and be too easy) or cut player numbers down to about 6 instead of 12? (less people to role play with) Edit: I just played a few sessions with people hosting the mission and there is really some awful lag, what appears to be happening is the spawn is repeatedly going off when a player is in an area. Even if its just one player in an area, the spawn just keeps spawning more and more zombies nad vehicles. Which shouldn't be the case, and doesn't happen in SP. I am no entirely sure how to solve this in less i complete tear out the current spawning system (that uses a modified coop essentials) and either make my own (lack of skill,take long time, hard) or find a new set of spawning scripts. If any scripting pros out there that would like to take a look feel free to unpbo and take a look at my messy setup. Also so far i havn't encountered any problems with buy menu my self apart from people failing to look at the map properly and driving to the green X's in the safe zone rather then the yellow flags at the boarder. And i have confirmed the rescue civ bug, no idea why that doesn't work either.
  12. D.murphy man


    7Rnd_50_AE is the ammo for the Desert eagle, all the ammo in the list is done in alphabetic order, and it uses the class names of each ammo and weapon to display the name, this is fine but some times its unclear what ammo goes for what guns when it comes to addon weapons like RH pistols when some of the class names for the ammo doesn't reflect what gun its for.
  13. D.murphy man


    Ok thanks for the feedback, i'm afraid that proplems with the buy menu and systems is perhaps some bugs with SPON_Money scripts, which is by spooner. I shall report back to him with the problems after i check over everything in the mission to see if it isn't any thing done wrong on my part. Did the 'Browse shops' action come up on the flags when you changed to english as well? or just the texts in the dialogs? As for the lag i may have to reduce the number a zombies spawned each time a player enters an area, OR reduce the number of players. Zombies should only spawn once when a player enters, but not spawn again when another player comes into the area whiles the first player is still present. They should also (along with civs and vehicles) delete when no players are present in the area. As for civs not being able to be rescued can you give me some more details? did the action to rescue them not show up or did it just not work when clicked? And reward for killing civs should be an easy fix, its just something i over looked. Thanks for testing again!
  14. D.murphy man


    yea thats why i released it to the public to see is everything works client and server side, i wasn't actually play testing to be fair, rather more of just messing around! I got a few more plans mainly for the outposts for future releases, i want to know if every one is happy with there current layout (not very realistic but easy to get to from main base) or want them more spread out from the military base and more 'Out' posty. I might also include rewards for players for helping fend of attacks at outposts (if possible). I also need to know how people feel about the current prices for every thing, whats too expensive, whats too cheap, etc.. so i can tweak it all for the best experience. At the moment i feel the prices are good, making players work for cash to afford better weapons with out it feeling like to much of a grind, but without it being too easy to get powerful weapons.
  15. D.murphy man


    Just play testing it now hosting my self online and found another bug to add to the list. Once you die and respawn the player markers no longer follows the players. This also means the game logics (that are grouped to a west officer) is no longer following the players, i was using the gamelogics as a cheap fix to a weird problem i was having with the delete triggers. Ever so rarely, when the player entered an empty vehicle, the not present trigger for west would activate and thus delete everything in the area even thou the player was still present in the area. So a made gamelogics grouped to an west officer to follow the players around to avoid this problem. So just to warn you guys, it happens randomly but some times if your within a infested area surrounded by zombies and empty cars, when you enter a car, ever so rarely everything around you will get deleted suddenly, that is if you've already died and respawned. *EDIT* also one of the 'under attack!' markers for the military base seems to stay there even when theres no zombies present. Also zombies some times cant kill off the last soldier in an outpost because hes inside a sandbag bunker and there too stupid to be able to enter it. I shall look into fixing these in the next version. As well as a better briefing/instructions.
  16. D.murphy man


    Thanks for the feed back guys glad your all having a good time! Well actually the main base comes under attack occasionally as well as the outposts. However for every outpost that falls, the main base will come under attack more frequently. The way its set up means every 15 minutes an outpost or the base is attacked, chosen randomly, for every outpost that falls the spawn zone associated with that outpost is simply moved to outside the base, thus giving the base more chance of being attacked 15 minutes later. Outposts and bases are considered 'Fallen' when no one is left alive within them. Currently i think its pretty unlikely the main base will fall within an average length play in less players them selves attack and kill every one in the base. Which is indeed a viable option considering the amount of weapons you'd gain to sell to the gun smugglers. Of course that also means players will then have to travel back to boarder for less powerful weapons and the refugee camp later on. I think that be a great idea for all the community so people could create there own zombie missions as well as maybe improve and build upon what you have for even better zombies.(with credits of course) I only used running zombies for the mission, i feel they present more of a threat to players then walkers and also the ammount of zombies spawned is subject to change on feed back from players concerning lag and difficulty. Also i cant take any credit for interface and money system. Thats all down to Spooner and his excellent SPON_money I also wouldn't hold so much faith in my scripting abilities most of the stuff was mainly simple editing of Coop Essentials pack, LOTS of trial and error, and a few small inefficient .sqs scripts and triggers for spawning.
  17. D.murphy man


    Should be fine now, not sure what happend link worked when i posted but then suddenly became all screwed up.
  18. D.murphy man


    Well Proto i can send you my RPG zombie map if you like, it has shops and stuff already on it im using spooners excellent SPON_Money scripts for all shops etc... its incredibly easy to use. spon money linky My RPG map in its current state is pretty much playable but i still want to sproose it up when i get the chance i also need some one to host it when i get round to releasing it. Ill most properly start a new thread for it since we sort of hijacked this one.
  19. D.murphy man


    Hey guys sorry i haven't been here to keep you all updated iv had some connection problems lately, that means however that i haven't had any distractions and been constantly working on my RPG mission. So far every thing seems to be working fine, Every city and town is covered in triggers that will spawn zombies, civilians, and randomly damaged empty vehicles and delete them all when players leave the area. Civilians will randomly run around and can be 'rescued' by the players via the action menu when your close enough to one. Once 'rescued' the civilians join your group and you must take them back to the refugee camp for a reward. Currently its $2000 each civilian saved and $50 for each zombie killed. Players start off behind the boarder that separates north and south sarahani, North of the boarder is the safe zone where players spawn, can use the bank, buy vehicles and some cheap weapons and where the refugee camp is located. South of the boarder is the quarantine zone, as you guess its where all the zombie spawns and such are. also deep within the quarantine zone is a military base with surrounding outposts. At the military base you can buy military vehicles, expensive military weapons (like SAWs and Rifles), and use an ATM. Theres also a 'Refugee Evac' that acts the same as the Refugee camp where you can get reward for rescuing civs. Each Out post around the military base, and the base its self, is randomly attacked every 15 minutes. Players can see what currently being attacked with there maps. for every outpost that falls the main base is more frequently attacked, once the main base falls all options to buy military equipment and civ evac are taken away which means players must travel all way back to the boarder to buy less powerful weapons and rescue civs. Theres also a 'Gun smuggler' in a far out location in the quarantine zone, Players that fancy making some bigger profits other then zombie killing and civ rescuing can buy weapons from the military base or the boarder, and sell them at higher prices to the smugglers to make a nice little profit. I shall update with some screen shots of the map layout and things soon! Also expect a beta in coming week. All i need to do is tweak a few values and fix a bug or two and add some aesthetic qualities.
  20. D.murphy man


    PROTOTYPE iv sent you an email with attached template. Feel free to ask if you have any questions but hopefully it should be simple enough to follow. Theres 20 spawn zones set up in all (10 large 10 small) on the template that iv left you free to place your self around the island. Also last night iv been working on a zombies MMORPG using SPON money by spooner. So far every thing is going well and is all working. You can buy weapons and vehicles and bank your money outside of the quarantine zone (north sahrani) and the boarder is guarded by AI with South Sahrani being the infested zone. Players start at the field hospital in the refugee camp and im planning a number of ways for them to make money. Firstly killing zombies will give you a small amount of money, something like 10 credits each (not sure if this is possible). And payers can take on missions such as rescuing civilians and bringing them back to the Refugee camp for money or doing patrols for the military and other objectives. As soon as i get some spare time (got a busy weekend ahead and other things) i *should* be able to release a beta for testing.
  21. Thanks for the reply, just tested it and same problem thou unfortunately Edit: Ok got it working now, found out what was wrong it was the activation in the trigger it should of been ["m1"] exec "conespawn.sqs" instead of just [m1] without the " ". Thanks again!
  22. using "coop essentials" package i'm trying to set up a simple trigger system to allow units (in my case zombies) to spawn every time players enter the area, instead of just one off spawn as "coop essentials" currently does. Now in theory this should be simple, using an object (a roadcone) with an attach init to activate coop essentials will spawn the desired units and delete the object, thus meaning no more spawns when player unit enters the same area again. To get around this i have created a trigger covering the desired area, when player enters it should create a roadcone at a marker in the centre: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> Trigger set up: activation BLUFOR, repeat. Con: This Activation: [M1] exec "conespawn.sqs" Conespawn.sqs: _marker=_this select 0 _cone = "roadcone" createVehicle getmarkerpos "_marker" nul = [_cone, 200, 200, [[Resistance, [], [], [], [], [1,2], []]]] execVM "coop_essential\cep_zone.sqf" However this does not seem to work at all, it also doesn't show up any errors either? But if i replace the _Marker with just M1 (the name of my marker) it works perfectly? How ever i want to be able to set what markers name is within the trigger so i can have multiple markers and triggers for different areas? So any help most appreciated!
  23. D.murphy man


    Right i was up intill 3 this morning going over the coop essentials documentation and experimenting with a few things, I stripped out the mission folder to scripts that i actually need since there where a few other non coop essential scripts in there like OFPEC blood and something called guncontrol.sqs. I've also notice that the spawns do not repeat, as in once they spawn once, they will not spawn again once the player leaves and reenters the spawn area. However i believe this is easily fixable using a trigger or two and some createvehicle commands, I got most of the today free so ill go and try get something working. Ill let you know when im finished with something that works and send out the mission templates to anyone who's interested. *EDIT* Righty'o folks! I've manage to make up a nice little template, with which *should* have the zombie spawn repeat every time a player enters the area, exits, and reenters. I've also manage to implement a trigger that deletes all the zombies once the player leaves the area, as to cut down on lag. Otherwise, for example, a long MP session with players entering and exiting multiple areas all the time the zombies would start building up causing massive lag. Its all a simple set up with one .SQS script (or two if you want larger spawns and small spawns) 3 triggers and a marker. Although its easy to set up its a bit tedious when making more then one spawn as you must change the name of the marker, and then make sure the triggers associated with the marker also have the corresponding name in the activation fields as well as declaring new variable in the init.sqf. However you can have the option not to use the zombie deleting script, which cuts down on setting up time. You can also adjust the area the player must be away from the centre of the spawn intill zombies delete by simply adjusting two of the trigger sizes. If any one wants a look let me know, Ill email you a copy. Only addon needed is PROTOTYPES edited zombies. (which you will have to ask him for)
  24. D.murphy man


    Cheers PROTO, iv already de pbo'd the missions but haven't had much time lately to look over them. Who would of thought being unemployed take up so much time, heh.
  25. D.murphy man

    Your favourite warfare era!

    I voted post apocalypse, just because that sort of surviving against the odds, scraping together rag tag assortment of vehicles, weapons and equipment to survive in the aftermath of a global disaster appeals to me.where there is no opposing sides, just groups of people trying to survive. Plus zombies are just f*cking cool.