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D.murphy man

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Everything posted by D.murphy man

  1. D.murphy man

    Mission ideas

    how about a zombie mission as u know if u ever look at the add-ons and mod section im a zombie fan.it could start by u getting stuk on the island of malden or somthing and u have to ecscape by boat or plane and along the way u find ouy that the zombies were put on the island on perpos by the goverment as part of a test.im too excited now iv forgotten to put full stops and that.
  2. D.murphy man


    res evil doesent have a map editor and a hole island.Schultz have u still got that zombie mod plz i really want it.And u wouldent need hundreds of zombies u just have a respawn point for them so u would have like 5 groups or somthing of zombies and when a groups dead they respawn.
  3. D.murphy man


    hmm well im not looking threw all those forms I WANT ZOMBIES I WANT THEM NOW(starts to sulk)I WANT THEM I WANT THEM ect,ect,ect
  4. D.murphy man


    im on it and i cant find the zombies whats the title and what subject is it on
  5. D.murphy man


    hmm looks like ill have to but i dont like to sign up to thing that im going to use ones
  6. D.murphy man


    thx but im not a member of the forum so i cant access it can u give me his email or a link or somthing like that I WANT HIS ZOMBIES!!
  7. D.murphy man

    Idear for a addon

    ok here it is iv been making a mission were you are in a middle of a town and you get attacked by zombies but there one proplem theres no zombies in ofp so you can geuss what im going to ask for and up to now iv been using gimbles tossers for zombies but tossers dont have a zombie feel to them and they toss bottles at u i whant them to bite rraaa!!!
  8. D.murphy man

    Idear for a addon

    cool this is my 2nd ever hot topic any way i got a pretty good story line for a zombie mission you begin as a solider and the first mission is were u first encounter the zombies after u go with your buddy to investergate a town that u have has lost contact with and then the next mission could be based a few years later and the hole island has been taken over and u get stranded on the island u must get of by iver plane or boat and along the way u find out that the zombies are part of a big goverment test and not a accedent like the goverment claimed i got so exsited iv put no full stops and that
  9. D.murphy man

    Idear for a addon

    PLZ some one make this addon i dont whant this topic to rot away in the pages beyound page 2 till some one makes this addon SO PLZ PLZ PLZ MAKE THIS PLZ
  10. D.murphy man

    Idear for a addon

    well theres a big demand for zombies bye the look of it so plz if theres any body that makes mods or addons make a zombie. and hovmand iv all ready tried that idear a part from the face but the trigger needs u to put the name of the person thats going to be the zombie and if your going to be surrounded by thounsands of them its a long and the trigger works when it wants to.
  11. PLZ NO MORE NO MORE!!!I dont know about you guys but im sick of seeing all these air unit addons most of them are just retextured units with a couple of new weapons and some of them are jet planes that go way too fast and your over the island in seconds what i want is some more ground and sea units so many that ill start complaining that we need more air units to balnced it out a little SO PLZ NO MORE IM ON MY KNEES!!!
  12. ok im making a city and has any one got any addons that could be usefel for a city you know like civ stuff and objects and has any one got any advise like scripts wich would be handy i would put pics but i dont know how what does URL mean well ill have a go any way
  13. hmm dident work can any one tell me how to put pics in
  14. D.murphy man

    Aarrr!plz no more air units

    hey cool this is one of the first topics that iv posted that has lasted on the first page for more than one day and one of the first to be a hot topic
  15. D.murphy man

    Aarrr!plz no more air units

    ok ok calm down calm down i just giving my opinion,I dident mean to ofend any one (is that spelt right?)and i would try and make my own addons but i have no idear how!i have no expriece in modeling or that,and most of my spare time is taken up by school and making a city for falshpoint,hmm mayby ill post a topic in about that?so sorry if a ofended any one and i hope every one forgets about this it could seruiosly effect my rep with so little rep i got i cant offerd to lose it.
  16. well is there and not that bludy bird and i need to be able to use the radio aswal
  17. thanks this is just what im looking for i havent tested it yet but i will now.And i whant this cos i got a comand enigine script that allows u to control other groups,and with this free look mode it will be more like a RTS game than flashpoint.
  18. is there any more command scripts out there. command scripts are scripts that allow you to command multiple groups like a RTS game i got all the ones at editing center and im hungry for MORE!!!
  19. So is it possible to have a free look mode and still be able to look at the and radio.If your wondering why i just been playing with some command engine scripts wich you can get at that ofp editng center and they would be better with some sort of free look mode.
  20. D.murphy man

    Weapons we want

    how about a flak cannon that u carry round with u like a RPG it would be so cool to fire in to hundreds of men and they all fall down dead or injured
  21. D.murphy man

    Just thinking is it possible to....

    come on yes or no its getting sad now im replying to my own post
  22. Ok im making a zombie mission and i need some stuff 1.i need some police men and cars 2.im using gimbles tossers for zombies but does any one know any thing better to use in sted of tossers 3.is there any good shotguns out there
  23. D.murphy man

    Making a mission need help

    thx for your help but i want propper police and a good looking police car but some of the stuff on that site is pretty good
  24. D.murphy man

    Flashpoint mod ideas

    a zombie mod would be so cool.iv  made a zombie mission using gims tossers addon its pritty good and all.all u got is a shot gun and thousands of zombie tossers coming at you
  25. D.murphy man

    Hey joehadenuf~moh~

    i did every thing the read me said and it made flash point crash and a message said "missing aa bunker 2" or somthing like that,so whats wrong?