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D.murphy man

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Everything posted by D.murphy man

  1. D.murphy man

    Script needed

    damn it dident wrk,nuthin happend i did the trigger and went in game and i wlk up to them and nuthin at all
  2. D.murphy man

    Script needed

    thnx ill go off and try this now hopefully itll wrk*fingers crossed*
  3. D.murphy man

    Script needed

    come on,any one got the answer to this q
  4. D.murphy man

    Script needed

    well its goin to be used for a zombie type mission,since i cnt make addons im goin to script it insted,but im crap at scriptin so thas y im askin.
  5. Hey all, Remember me!iv been gone for a couple of months,got bored of OFP and deleted it but now i feel like plyin it agen,so im lookin for sum missions to play.But i want summin differnt such as: *horror type mission *sci-fi *survival mission *ecscape mission or any thin els witch is differnt to tha usall mission,thnx
  6. D.murphy man

    Murphy man is back!

    hey all! Remember me?iv been gone for a couple of months,so im askin wha hav i missed?iv looked round sum sites but askin worth a try i surpose
  7. D.murphy man

    Favourite movie-theme music...

    i cant think of any thems from films at tha mo,but the game war of the worlds,witch is based on a movie i love the music of tha(and i think it was a very gd lil stratergy game too) do do do dudu dudu do do do..ect,ect,ect.....
  8. im makin a big battle only prop is tha ever1 dies to quickly so i want to make all the ai unaccurate so tha they miss all the time puls itll be cool with all the bullets flyin pass ur ed and stuff thx for ur help
  9. ok iv set my alarm clock
  10. iv downloaded these planes to day and as u do i went to exstract them but.... they warnt in a zip file it was just tha addons bye them self no read me or a document just tha addons any way i put them into tha addon folder and i started up ofp and i cloudent find them in tha mission editing can sum 1 help plz
  11. D.murphy man

    Best island part ii

    theses r the islands witch were mentioned in my last topic(best island)so come and vote for witch one u thinks the best.
  12. D.murphy man

    Best island

    i want to know what r the best islands coz im going to but 5 of the best ones mention into a poll just for fun and coz im going to down load them.thx for ur help in advance.
  13. D.murphy man

    Best island

    to late sorry
  14. D.murphy man

    Best island

    so the islands we got r: Ia Trang Valley. Nogojev. dr. no isalnd. Legwania. Winter Kolgujev. Winter Everon. Phaeden's Island. that'll be enogh cool this will be the first time iv done a poll.
  15. or if u need to put 2 way points ova one thing just hold down shift
  16. D.murphy man

    I need a ramp

    look here ofp.gamezone.cz/index.php?sekce=unofaddons/misc
  17. D.murphy man

    Best island

    sorry for the late reply ill be downloading these thx guys i was relly looking for custom made island no nogva coz iv all redy got since iv got res thx any way.any one got any more suggestions?
  18. D.murphy man

    Best island

    any one?i would of thought this wloud of had a reply by now.
  19. D.murphy man

    Need some scripts for my mission

    ok i have 2 proplems 1.i am a member of ofpec but its sayin ur user name does not exis. 2.i have know idea what dismas is saying (u lost me at ; dismas, oh yeah!)remember i cant script at all,just about i only know basic things but thx any way.
  20. heres the things i need: 1.how do u make respawn 2.i want to some how make it so when u kill the other player u ern money and with this u can buy guns and mayby cars. Btw im not very good at scripting and my mission is going to played over LAN if it makes any differce. thx in advance
  21. D.murphy man


    why aint it working any more it is loading up but very slow and most of the time it says connation refused iv got a cable modem btw
  22. D.murphy man


    oh yea
  23. D.murphy man

    Need some scripts for my mission

    b880 will u give us the secret to making money(And dont say get a job ) Edit. if i but respawn_civ thatll mean that all the A.I iv killed will respawn too what about if a name one player man1 and the other man2(its a 2 player map)and put respawn_man1..ect,ect wil that work?
  24. D.murphy man

    Need some scripts for my mission

    the respawn dident work i did test it in single player tho on my self and ai.i think iv cocked up the description.ext what do i call it and what do i need to type it in to coz iv been useing note pad??this is the first time iv tryed scripting out side of the map editor.
  25. D.murphy man

    Need some scripts for my mission

    bn880 thx for the respawn but the players r both civs.And my mission is called living everon were u fight inbtween three towns and theres cops that shoot u if u kill any one part from the other player.Its relly fun on lan at the moment but i have to restart all the time but not any more thx edit. lol this is confuseing were both typing thing at the same time.and im cursed with murphys law ill have to go and chang my seccond name oh and murphy is atully my second name and the D stands for my first if u were woundering