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D.murphy man

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Everything posted by D.murphy man

  1. D.murphy man

    Unified zombie pack release imminent

    Yay ! Nuthing like you n ur mates running away from horde of zombies with only 2 bullets in ur rifle left
  2. D.murphy man

    Unified zombie pack release imminent

    wooah, that will make mission editing ALOT easier! Indeed! if it works in multiplayer to ill be twice as happy
  3. D.murphy man

    BioHazzard - Apocalypse!

    Cheers, ok new version, this time with research (same link as before) And yes i was thinking about multiplayer but im making this mission to get my memroy joged on OFP scripting. once i complete it ill see if i can convert it to mulitplayer. My idea for multiplayer version is that instead of one base and one commander (the player) there will be multiple bases and each player will have a base, and will have to manage it while fighting the hordes of in local towns around there base. i can imagine players asking for renforcements and stuff of each other. be pretty cool although lag would be an issue Planed for next version - finished off research, at the moment autopsy, deployble MG, and Zombie nest detector array research dont work. Build vehicles - Jeep MG, Ammo truck, maybe few more but no tanks, tanks would be over powerd. Special missions - save VIP's, destroy zombie nests, any other suggestions? Apocalypse mission! - the final mission, zombies attack all towns at the same time at frequent intervals. You must protect all towns for certain amount of time intill civilians are evacuated. (this mission only starts after somthing is researched..suggestions?) buildble defences- mines, deployble MG's. Im all out of ideas. What you guys suggest?
  4. D.murphy man

    The Christmas/New Year Topic

    Well since my other topic got locked and i got kindely directed to this thread
  5. D.murphy man

    Mission Editing Competition 2004 - missions

    Try pressing space, or what ever button it is to change fire mode (been while since i played OFP still stalk to forums though ) any way if its the weapon i think your on about it has 2 different types of ammo for both the fire modes. so try changing modes and then reload. It is that double barrel shotgun thing isnt it? one mode shoots 1 bullet the other shoots mulitple bullets, like a shot gun. any way hope that helps Cheers, Murphy
  6. D.murphy man

    War Quotes/Sayings

    "An eye for an eye will make us all blind" No idea who said that one 23:45!! christmas soon! yay
  7. D.murphy man

    Unified zombie pack release imminent

    Hey guys!! Thought id drop in and see how this MOD and OFP is looking, thoughs of u who thought i dissapeard im still here! sadly OFP has long gone from my hard drive but i still hang around the forums.(might reinstall it soon) Any way im amazed to see how far this had come since the early days of my (extreamly dodgy and crap) scripted zombies in the skye virus mission. You guys are gr8! gd job on MOD
  8. D.murphy man

    Your Favourate MMORPG

    I play it all the time very good game! unlike most MMORPGS (well actully its an MMOFPS) where you have to simply click on ur enemy and depending on wat level u are n wa stats u got will decide if u win it actully requires skill of the player. so some one with low level (or battle rank as in Planet side) could beat some one with higher one! witch is good as well as the HUGE battles tha take place. Also when you rank up u get points to spend to buy certfications with allow you to drive different vehicles and use different guns and amour damn good game.
  9. D.murphy man

    Gun Flashlights

    wow, you could use these flashlights to make some crazy arse MP death matches in the dark!
  10. D.murphy man


  11. D.murphy man

    Zombie Help

    check the Unified zombie pack topic in addons and discussion thread, there are examples posted on there. On page 20 somthing if i remember correctly
  12. D.murphy man

    WRP edit!

    Hey all, i did serch on making island but i came up with a load of crap! So iv just downloaded Wrp edit, (is visitor better and easyer to use thou?) and i have a proplem. Every time i start it up and make new map it says it cant load up any of the objects! even when i load up the example islands theres no objects, or textures,but i only get the warning for object.. help! and yes i hav downloaded the latest upgrade for it. P.S. is there any good tut around for making islands?
  13. D.murphy man

    From the creator of the Skye virus!

    Well its been a while since I made a mission, so here it is! Infection! 1 - 5 Co-op Addons needed:- Editor Upgrade Unfied Zombie pack The mission takes place on Malden island, you and your buddies have been stuck in base for week or 2, and now your going to make a brake to the air port to escape the island, but! it isnt all as straight forward as that. Ill let you lot find out the rest. Note: this hasnt been tested online yet, its a first beta so please report back with bugs. Infection
  14. D.murphy man

    From the creator of the Skye virus!

    Ah well i can jus destroy all the fuel stations on the island wen the mission starts, or see if i can set them all to have no fuel in them.
  15. D.murphy man

    UK Bing drinking

    Hey all, Imextreamly board,hung over,and trying to remember the previous night... Then i decided to make this topic! On the news alot recently theres been alot about 'binge drinking' in the UK,and i was intrested to see what you (mainly people from the UK) think about it? and why so many british men and women go out every weekend to consume dangrous amounts of alchol and cause violence. And why theres so many underage kids drinking and causing havoc. and if any one asks im 18 Â cheers, Â Â Â Murphy
  16. D.murphy man

    From the creator of the Skye virus!

    lol cack i forgot bout that, too end it fly east from airport! i knew i missed out summin
  17. D.murphy man

    UK Bing drinking

    Lmao, thnx for that
  18. D.murphy man

    Is There A Way To...

    The only way to have a wall to be on its side is to destroy it sadly,since ofp dose not have pitch,bank functions. And if u ask what gd destroying it will do as HOBOMAN already pointed out when a wall or a fence is destroyed it falls over on its side.
  19. D.murphy man

    From the creator of the Skye virus!

    lol i hav but the fuel down and the cars, but it seems tha theres still enough fuel, ill fix that in the next release. And yes the mines are scripted, as normal OFP mines dont blow up trucks,or men just tanks.
  20. D.murphy man

    From the creator of the Skye virus!

    lol, ok in the next version i might shorten the distance of driving, or maybe put more things to investigate and keep you occupied on the way. Also im planning to add more objective but cant think of any at the moment. Any one got suggestions?
  21. D.murphy man

    From the creator of the Skye virus!

    well i tried adding some road blocks (crashed buses and stuff) to force to player to stop and the zombies to come and ge them, but ill see if i can prove it a bit more, its a beta after all. (still drunk whiles typing this BTW)
  22. D.murphy man

    From the creator of the Skye virus!

    well if u check ur map the mines r shown... and i was expecting most 'normal' people to take a different rout to the bunker, not threw the mines but behind the mines where road is clear. *spoiler* if u go from west to the bunker you come to a raod block where it explains the story of the bunker a bit more P.S.sorry if this is a bit weirrd im a bit drunk...well very drun k for tha matter
  23. D.murphy man


    looks like a gd place to be infested with zombies, muhaha
  24. D.murphy man

    From the creator of the Skye virus!

    Hmm ill fix it now, seems that instead of saveing it it opens the PBO in explorer, wierd lol Edit: Fixed
  25. D.murphy man

    Sports/American Football?

    I suppose football/soccer (what ever side the pond your on) would be easyer to make in ofp then Amrican football. In one the old editor upgrades there was a foot/soccer ball and i remember seeing a football pitch addon. with a few scripts, useing set velocity,speed, and that you could make a decent OFP soccer game. would make intresting multiplayer game