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D.murphy man

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Everything posted by D.murphy man

  1. D.murphy man

    A Music question + script help

    *bump* Ok i been here long enough to know bumpings frowned upon so ill add somthing constructiv I got this answer on weather In MP isit possible for each indivisual player to hear different music. So.. can any one go a bit more in depth on this? isit true? is there a work around? do i have to do somthing in my script like ?player==man1: goto "playman1smusic" etc... cheers, Murph
  2. Hey guys, First of i have a question, In MP isit possible for each indivisual player to hear different music? As in my latest mission im working on the players will be split up and scatterd over the island for a while through out the mission. And i was going to make a script that changes the music when the player comes undr attack, so if one players gettin attacked, i dont want the other player on the other side of the island to hear the 'attack' music. Second Question. Edit:Scrap this question i just solved it my self Cheers, Murphy
  3. Hey guys, I recently started work on 'another' dynamic Zombie mission. This one should bring back happy memeroys for Skye Virus fans Any way i wont give to much away at this moment, only collecting radio parts wont be the only option to escape to island this time round.And plus there wont be as much lag iver! After creating a new extreamly dynamic and customizble Zombie Spawning script (PM me if you want it ) Right well to the point of the topic! For this mission im planing on having various music to play to add to Atmosphere. What i am looking for is some Classical type music, and me being no expert on classicle music ill need some help finding some. And thats where you guys come in. The moods of music im looking for are: Action - For when your attack by zombies Horror - Also for when your attacked by zombies some tention building music, to play in the background whiles nothing intrestings happening. And any other type of music you think would be appropiate for a zombie mission. Download Links welcomed. Or send to Dmurphyman@hotmail.com Cheers! Murphy P.s. Sorry mods if this isnt in the right forum, i was torn between User mission and editing and scripting.
  4. D.murphy man

    Some Classicle Atmospheric Music wanted

    Nice should cut down on mission sizes a bit Also dose any one know if its possible to play different music on each machine in MP??
  5. D.murphy man

    OilAddon1 by Flashpoint_K & raedor

    Yea i also had the proplem with the smuggeler tanker, also notice in that picture a section a of the stairs is missing, but u can still walk on it. Just a texture thing i suppose. Also the non smuggeler tanker has this stairs issue as well as in the same room one the walls being see through from the inside.. Other then that, Great stuff! Edit: Actully the stairs is fine in that pciture now i look at it harder, strang in my OFP where that M2 is the stairs is also missing, but u can still walk where the Stairs 'Should' be. Edit2: After further testing the M2 is in the right place when on water.
  6. D.murphy man

    A Music question + script help

    I did it like so: I just edited a script i found whiles searching the forums for the same questions im asking now im sure this isnt the best way to go about it but it works!
  7. D.murphy man

    Some Classicle Atmospheric Music wanted

    Ah save your work for a better perpose! for i have found a perfect source of scary sound tracks from..Silent hill! Whiles googling for TA rip music i stumbled upon Sound Of silence, The best source for all you zombie mission making OFP maniacs as recomended by me. Thanks for your help people, of course keep suggesting. It could still help me, as well as others.
  8. D.murphy man

    Some Classicle Atmospheric Music wanted

    Well i tried Experiment In terror, and well wasnt really what i was looking for. As for the Thing and quake1 OSTs im having a hard time finding... Any one else got any suggestions would be great! Im sort of looking for the type of 'classical' (oratschras and such playing) music that you see in films often, Or even if any of you have played the stratedgy game Total Anilation for example, thats the type of dramatic music im looking for. Actully, i might see if i can find some Total Anilation music, or rip it from my TA cd. Edit - Damn ive lost my TA CD1 and i cant find any working links to riped music
  9. D.murphy man

    Wot missions do u like?

    I voted Other. I like making RPG missions, Zombie missions, and any other unusall fun missions that dont take them selves to seriously
  10. D.murphy man

    Erm, why..?

    Well prepare to get your self baned or very seriously warned he he first one to use that emotion for a good perpose I belive that making profit from making an addon to a game is illigal. And in this case, the guy who making the addon would be profiting from it by yoy paying him.. Although im not legal expert Edit: @ rabbit:He made this post in response to his earlyer topic being locked my a moderator.
  11. D.murphy man

    House Divided.

    Well that was an intresting insight into the story of the mod, cant wait for the 5 part novel on it and feature length film Any way, love the textureing job youve done on thoughs units very good job! And low poly also you say? I presume thats for mass amounts of infantry fighting...yay! O0o new emotions!
  12. D.murphy man

    Unified zombie pack release imminent

    So guys, sorry for dragging a 'dead' topic up any thing new happend with the mod you can update us on? Been having lots of fun recently with a spawning script and Mapfact nogova Air port It be really kick ass if you guys to make the zombies run a little faster, and take a few more head shots? i know i know one shot to the head is MENT to kill them but they die too damn easy to be scary, and plus when they get close you can just run away from them because in OFP the player can run like a bullet with a rifle eqiuped. Also how about taking a look at keycats grouplink II, it has some nice handeling of AI units going into buildings. Be nice to run into a building thinking your safe from the stupid OFP AI upstairs then suddenly you see a horde coming up the stairs after you
  13. D.murphy man


    AFK = Away from Keyboard, same as BRB i supose. inmo/imho = In my opinion/in my honest option/in my humble opinion. STFU=shut the F[bleep!] up pmsl = pissing my self laughing Lmao = laughing my arse(or ass how ever you to spell it) off OMG!= oh my god! As used in OFP CTF after you or a team mate gets killed: < = enemy left << = enemy far left >< = enemy centre > = enemy right >> = enemy far right
  14. Ive voted yes, I did try making an addon once... The thing is i found it too damn frustrating and time consuming just to make a basic shap (a box) with all the Lods and config ect.. Personally i found it too difficult, too time consuming, and too complicated to make addons so i havnt botherd to attempt again. On the other hand i find making Island addons much much more user friendly, less compicated and much more enjoyble. Although my main talents are mission making and scripting.
  15. D.murphy man

    When will the E3 video be on the internet

    Shame i really want to see some new media on 'game2' and Aras (that is what where calling them now days aint it?) even if the media just a few extra screen shots showing up some collapsing building, or a video of course would be hell of lot nicer . Although at this moment im more intrested in seeing more ArAs screens/vids so we can see what the new ArAs egine will be like and can make some wild guesses at what its cable of (multi gunners, improved collsion handeling, better physics, destroyble buildings,etc..).
  16. D.murphy man

    Lost Actions

    It could be some 'bad' addons corrupting your OFP, try deleteing a few non essential addons?
  17. D.murphy man

    The War of the Worlds?

    indeed And ash, we dont have to stick to the story, could do a modern retelling on the story with tanks, planes, and every thing. It'd be damn sweet to see one of these downing waves of jet fighters with there 'heat rays'
  18. D.murphy man

    New Engine

    as stated in the post above yours
  19. D.murphy man

    All men are not created equal!

    If this was implemented i would rather see it as an option for the mission maker as to how fat, skinny, ect.. the player is. Because it could effect how a mission plays on other peoples OFPs if the player can set his weight, build, and physicle abilites like he can his face and voice. Or maybe even have it optional for mission makers to over ride players abilites for certain missions. So you can set your phyisicle abilites and weight etc just like your face and voice in OFP now, and thats how you would be like in all missions inless the mission maker set playble character to have certain abilitys,weight and so on for the his mission.
  20. Well i felt like it was my duty to report this intresting orignal OFP mod. http://ofp.gamezone.cz/ Hope they manage to get it of the ground and make somthing of it! What intrested me was "Possible engine improvments" maybe theyre going to try and improve OFPs handeling of indoor enviroments
  21. D.murphy man

    Group Link II ver. 1.90 released

    Wow just downloaded this and im very impressed, especially with the units clearing out buildings! Ill most properly use this to remake my Gurilla tatics mission
  22. D.murphy man

    Wildlife and civillians

    Yes animals is a must, also the ability to take cover behind dead cows ect.. (saving private ryan style) I would also like to see this, also dont forget Fat and Skinny, built and small framed variation in civillians as well as soldiers. If it isint too much to ask. Also correct me if im wrong but wouldnt the game get banned if it is possible to kill children? I remember hearing some where that children wernt included in games where killing occures because in many countrys its against the law or somthing.
  23. Hey all, With my latest mission a rather strange bug has occured where every one on the map after say 20 mins tends to urm.. die. I am presuming that the hunger script ive wrote is the proplem. Ive looked over the two main scripts related to the hunger script and i cannot find any thing wrong, leaving me with one question. If i have declared a public varible in the init.sqs and later on in the mission this varible changes (like when the player eats food the hunger goes down for example) do i have to declare the varible again? as in: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">Init.sqs man1hunger=0 publicvarible "man1hunger" <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">Eat.sqs Man1hunger=man1hunger-5 man1food=man1food-1 -->publicvarible "man1hunger"<-- The line with arrows pointing at it is the line i am adding on. So would i be correct in the fact the players are all dieing because the server still has the varible 'man1hunger' and is still adding on hunger even though the client has taken away 5 hunger from it when the player chooses to eat? And the server dosent recive the change? So i would have to send the publice varible again in the eat script? I hope you all know what i mean, im getting kinda confused by self
  24. D.murphy man

    Star Wars mod

    Well thats an obvious solution but you still got the proplem of Water, and as far as i kno there isnt no oceans linieing the bottom of space, as far as know there isint a bottom to space!
  25. D.murphy man

    Essential Mods?

    If you want a zombie survival horror twist to any missions you make id suggest you check out the Unified Zombie Mod Also check out a complimentry mod to the zombie mod - Operation farm land Has some nice building and civilian packs plus animals! The big farm house and the Mall go quiet well with the zombie mod