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D.murphy man

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Everything posted by D.murphy man

  1. D.murphy man

    A brand new real life mission

    Sounds good! ill give it a try when it released, and is that island released already or is it one youve made and are planning to release with the mission?
  2. D.murphy man

    Turn Based War

    Wow sounds very intresting.. i was planing on seeing if i could make a turn based sort of RTS game but i never got round to it, or thought of how it could work. Deffinitly going to try this out!
  3. D.murphy man

    Need a little help with SetVelocity.

    Ah yes but there seems to be a proplem with the zombie mod, even though there on east side they dont activate triggers that are ment to be activated by east, only if its set to 'AnyBody' which i find very wierd. Any way i think ill remove the use of your function for this, and simply add _object=_this select 0 with a distance command then just put [this] exec "script.sqs" in all the objects on the mission instead. Should make things a little less laggy.
  4. Hey guys, i recently been making a nice little script for my zombie mission. What it basicly dose is allow the player to pick up objects such as barrels, chars, bedframes, boxes, etc.. and place them some where else. Which will come in handy when players need to barracade them selves in houses or bases. Well i got every thing working fine and dandy but i want to add somthing else the script, the ability to 'throw' the objects at zombies and kill them! Now i presume if i use setvelocity fast enoguh itll dammage the zombies, if not i can always use 'object distance zombie <1:zombie setdammage 1' but any way im straying away from my point.. Heres the script that is activated after a player walks up to an object and selects via action menu to carry it. It simply makes the object 'float' in front of the player (dues ex or half life 2 style) intill he chooses to drop it again. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_dude=_this select 0 exitscript=1 PickupB=_dude addaction ["Drop object?","check.sqs"] _dude removeaction pickupA dropit=0 _objects=[_dude,["barrel4","barrel3","barrel1","barrel2","Table","ExcerciseTrack","AAA709","AAA763","GAA768"]] call NearestObj #loop _x1 = getpos _dude select 0 _y1 = getpos _dude select 1 _dir1 = getdir _dude _objects setpos [_x1 + (2.50*sin(_dir1)), _y1 + (2.50*cos(_dir1))] _objects setdir (getdir _dude) ?dropit==1:exit goto "loop" now what i want to do is change the line: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">?dropit==1:exit with <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">?dropit==1:_objects setvelocity [make it fly away from the player in the direction hes faceing];exit Now how might i do this? ive already tried many combonations with getdir _dude, and such but i aint got any thing working yet. the object just simplys stays there and dosent move
  5. D.murphy man

    War of the Worlds

    Hmm looks intresting, i take it it stays true the the novel, the special effects arnt very good but hey being a OFP fan who cares about graphics
  6. D.murphy man

    The War of the Worlds?

    *cough*Bump*cough* So with the release of the new film (w00t! ) any one feel like making some tripods i aint seen the film yet but im planning to, i wanna see how speilburgs tripods look like - if theres tripods init at all.
  7. D.murphy man

    War of the Worlds

    This looks great, im going to see it soon with a few mates most properly...once i get some money and a job Maybe i can revive my war of the worlds Mod topic on the addon discussion board again now the movies been released
  8. D.murphy man

    Need a little help with SetVelocity.

    Hmm the proplem with the first option is that every zombie on the map is spawed, meaning that i could do an array by adding the zombies in the array every time there spawned but im pretty inexperienced with arrays and it seems things will only get too messy. the second option well, i could use the nearest object function (which i belive you your self barron wrote) and detect when the type of zombies are close enough and then hurt them. Although im worried about useing another nearest object loop as i already have one or 2 running (one for my player being grabed by the zombies script and another to detect when the player is close enough to a 'pick up'able' object.) And yes this dose work with other objects but some it dosent, barrels,tables,and beds ive tried so far. it seems the tables and barrels work but the beds dont, which is handy as in real life you cant throw a bed
  9. D.murphy man

    Need a little help with SetVelocity.

    well i did some testing and manage to make the barrels be thrown, <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">?throwit==1:_objects setvelocity [((velocity _dude) select 0)*2,((velocity _dude) select 1)*2,0.5];_round = "glocks" createvehicle getpos _objects;_round setvelocity [((velocity _dude) select 0)*0.1,((velocity _dude) select 1)*0.1,0.1];exit As you can see i simply just camcreated a bullet straight after and it works a mijority of the time (now and again faceing certain directions the bullet misses), and of couse i wont let thrown objects hurt the zombies too much,so guns will still be usefull just be cool as a last defence to players - that is this will work at all in multiplayer, as complex script have a tendancy to completely screw up in MP in my experience. Now im having trouble working out which is the best way to detect if a zombie been hit by a barrel (or any thrown object for that matter) and do dammage to it. I tried a loop ?distance type script but it didnt seem to work. i supose i could use another closest object array with my funcation but im afriad this might cause a bit of lag trouble as i feel im useing the function on loops too often and as we all know, lots of loops = bad idea for MP
  10. D.murphy man

    Need a little help with SetVelocity.

    well wiper your suggestion worked but it seems to 'prime' the barrals with setvelocity, when i drop the barrel it just sits there - intill i shoot it then it flys off!, but if i shoot the barrel whiles 'holding' it then it works fine, also i found out that it dosent hurt AI so ill have to do some sort of distance loop when the barrel is thrown then setdammage - or send a bullet the same direction as the barral and see what happens.
  11. D.murphy man

    Need a little help with SetVelocity.

    ah i cant remember correctly i was just doing things like setvelocity [getdir _dude,3,3] and other combonations
  12. D.murphy man

    Unified zombie pack release imminent

    Just talking scott tuntal (the main guy who made this mod) and he said hes left OFP now, and might return with more zombie blasting fun with ArAs or OFP2. So looks like we'll be seeing no more officle updates from the zombie mod...its dead
  13. D.murphy man

    When you see the flash, it's already too late

    Looks kwl he also has a gravity gun on his site, i d/l the old gravity gun was pretty fun Edit: Just tested it! easiest nuke ive seen to use so far, althou its very very laggy.
  14. D.murphy man

    Looking for a zombie script

    you can replace the part : With: Or if that done work
  15. D.murphy man

    new houses?

    Yea i doubt in the aftermath of games like halflife 2 and doom3 BIS can take the chance of not fixing the awful awful collosion and physics of OFP Although im not saying im expecting half life 2 standerd physics but at least good enough to stop 2 cars going through each other at high speeds and to stop me walking through walls.
  16. D.murphy man

    Unified zombie pack release imminent

    Yea that be great My mission progress: Well i made a fog adpater script, i made the fog really thick in the mission that makes driving too hard, so i made script that *should* run on clients seeprately, when the player enters a vehicle it adjusted the fog for the player a little less thick so you can see the road and thus crash and die less often plus finished a raidble building scripts, that means i can simply input building types into an array and when players are near one of the building types they get the option to 'raid' that building, and then recieve a randomised ammount of food rations. Also improted my hunger and eat scripts from fallout RPG to my mission and edited it slightly,removed the 'you are 10% hungery' and such with a much more realistic 'you eat 1 item of food ration, you are still hunger/starving/full up.' asnt really needed but it looks a lot better as in real life you dont actully know what % hungery you are Edit: Woops also made another 2 scripts i forgot to mention! A zombie spawn optimizing script - when there are 3 or less players playing, every spawn location spawns 12 zombies for each player (so if all players are at the same location 12 X 3 = 36 zombies) and if there is 4 or more players playing the spawn locations only spawn 5 zombies per player (so if all the players decide to meet up in one location 5 X 5 = 25 zombies) Hopfully this should help lag out but i will be adjusting it after testing, if the lag is fine ill try and see if i can up the vaule to 12 per player even when there is 5 players playing (12 X 5 = 60 zombie units laging mofo! Also imported and edited my random start location script ofr players. Next on the todo list - first randomised mission, NPC's, and hopfully a weapon jamming script(seen one over at ofpec) with repair and maintance script.
  17. D.murphy man

    Unified zombie pack release imminent

    I can send you an example mission if you want showing how to use the latest zombies, its pretty simple. Just place one of the zombie game logics down (easy game diffculty logic,medium,or hard) then in the init line of the logic put <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">gblAllTargets = units TEAM1 + units TEAM2 Then place down 2 groups, or 2 seperate units and in there init lines put TEAM1=group this and TEAM2=group this. Now just quikly place down a bunch of zombie groups, and begine the mission. Tada! the zombies now target and chaces the closes unit in iver the groups.
  18. D.murphy man

    Looking for a zombie script

    0 setfog 1 the 0 part is the time (in seconds) it takes for the fog to gradually appear, and 1 is the 'thickness' of the fog, 1 being really thick, and 0 being no fog at all. If you want somthing inbetween just put 0.5 or what ever number ya like after the point.
  19. D.murphy man

    Unified zombie pack release imminent

    Never mind then! I might download that animated dog that was releaed a while back, then edit the config to use the Zombie mod scripts I have little experience of config editing but i imagine it should just be a simple case of pasting a few things out the zombie mod config and simply changing one or two names and vaules and such. Wish me luck! Edit:Well that was easyer then i though it was going to be i now got some zombie dogs! although i think ill change there amour vaule a bit as they die too easy. Edit2:Hmm dunno how to change the amour vaule of the dogs, the configs alot different compared to the zombie mod where i can edit there amour with ease. Any one know how to do it? also any one know how to edit the speed of units, if its possible in config?
  20. D.murphy man

    Unified zombie pack release imminent

    I cant host, no idea why its most properly got somthing to do with running my internet through my older brothers PC via LAN. But thats a different story all together
  21. D.murphy man

    Unified zombie pack release imminent

    _victem playmove "CombatStrokeGunEnd" the player cant move whiles the animation is playing, thus making him easy pray for zombies . I also been playing around with genral barons vampire pack just now and im very impressed with the hell hounds. i might use them but i dont think they work in multiplayer
  22. D.murphy man

    Unified zombie pack release imminent

    Yea me too, what i really would like to see is some big 'boss' like zombies that are hard to kill and have some sort of special attack. instead of waves and waves of zombies. any way i just finished my 'grabing' script for the zombies and it works like a charm. Been killed a good couple of times by them now.
  23. D.murphy man

    Unified zombie pack release imminent

    Yes at the moment i havnt really started work on the mission yet just need to get this music question i got in the editing section answerd first before i do any thing major. But im torn between having one single way to escape being randomnised every time the mission starts, or have sevral ways of escapeing (all involving mini quests and sub missions) being randomised every time, or having sevral ways of escapeing but, for example collecting the radio parts, all the radio parts would be in randomised locations but escape points stayin static. Although i love your idea about having to hold out for a few days. Especially with implemented hunger it could be quite intresting for players to hold out and wait for rescue. Ammo running out, food running out, ect.. Im also trying to think of clever ways of restricting player movment and avoid the old trick of just running through the crowd of zombies and none of them manageing to 'catch you' and hurt you. At the moment its just too easy to run pass the zombies and not get killed. I am thinking of maybe useing a randomised chance of a zombie 'grabing' you if they get to close to you. Simulated by the player not being able to move, and playing an animation that looks like your pushing or fighting the zombie of you (stroke fist?) that takes X amount of seconds to finish which by time you might be rather dead.. just to make things a little more harder
  24. D.murphy man

    Unified zombie pack release imminent

    Sure send away! Dmurphyman@hotmail.com
  25. D.murphy man

    Unified zombie pack release imminent

    Im the maker of the skye virus, made it way before the zombie mod, actully it was what inspired these lovely chaps to make this mod I could send you it but im afriad ive lost it long ago, the latest version had a serious bug init any way concerning a tough unit script i used to make the zombies toughter not working and giving very strang results (non hosting players seen the bodys moving across the floor and couldnt kill them) i think youd like to know that im making a brand new mission similiar to the skye virus on map fact nogova island useing the zombie mod.(as soon as some one answers my question in the mission editing section) What i have planed so far is multiple choices on how to escape (one of the options being the classic 'collect all radio parts to call help' which many of you will remember from skye virus) also random NPC's servivours who will help you out, if you find one he will join your group and possibley give you ammo or reveal to you where a weapons stash is (randomly places on the map). Other features are going to be, like yours, the ability to raid houses and shops but not for points like yours but for food/equipment. Yes the players will have a need for food (to add to the survivile theme) and this food and equipment can be traded with a gun shop owner (gun shop will be randomly placed on the map) for ammo and weapons. (the gun shop owner is holding out and staying put in his shop for some story related reason i aint thought of yet) Im hoping to aim for a very open ended dynamic survivile horror mission thats different every time you play and very non liniar.One objective - escape,what you do inbetween achieveing that objective is up to you. Players can choose to compete against each other or work together to escape, its really up to the players weather it plays like a coop or a death match Also last minute thoughts i might add some sort of score board at the end, like who saved the most NPC survivers, who escaped first, who raided the most houses and shops etc... just to add to replaybility and potential for player vs player compition