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D.murphy man

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Everything posted by D.murphy man

  1. D.murphy man


    Ok i might release within the hour, i am just doing some final touches here and there and fixing the ammo box bug. Seems it was a lot more faffing around then it should of been to randomly arm an ammo crate. Doesnt seem that addmagazinecargo or addweaponcargo are global commands, which meant i have to publicvarible the results of the randomly armed box and use a publicvariableevent handler to broadcast it to all clients. Then i had to stagger the sending of the publicvariable for each crate on the map, (rather then having 100 odd eventhandlers for each crate) resulting in a lot of head aches. However i do believe i have fixed the problem once and for all. You guys *could* expect a release of v2.05 either today, or Wednesday (got work soon, busy Monday and Tuesday). So fingers crossed.
  2. D.murphy man

    City Life

    This does indeed look excellent, i was just wondering is all scripting in this 100% built by you guys, or have you used third-party things for instance Spon_Money, or Saharani Life scripts? I love how you can build houses! the effects are brilliant. (Are thous sounds from Constructor by any chance?) Will be looking forward to playing this.
  3. D.murphy man


    Ok guys, good news is the increase in zombies hasnt seem to cause much lag at all (should be even better performance on a dedicated server) and increase the difficulty a lot, the zombies are now more numerous and lethal, especially with the newly implemented knock down feature (mentioned in the last update of the change log). I was busy shooting into a swarm of zed that where running at me and one the bastards snuck up behind me, got a lucky hit and i hit the ground, luckily my AI survivor managed to pick him off before he ate me, however before i managed to get back up the swarm where all over me beating me to death... So with the new random chance knock to the floor attack id highly recommend teaming up with either another player or AI. If your by your self and a zombie manages to hit you to the floor you usually don't stand a chance in less you got a buddy to pick off the attacker whiles you get to your feet. At the moment the only thing thats holding back release is the strange respawning as seagull bug that seems to have every one iv asked baffled. However im tempted to just go ahead with the release and keep my fingers crossed the bug doesn't show up again/not often. What do you guys think?
  4. D.murphy man


    Yes it does, as soon as a zombie is killed, it is respawned again, this keeps happening for the duration of time then the spawn is deactivated and the zombies deleted. So you can play with that too to adjust the length of zombie attacks.
  5. D.murphy man


    Any specific reason why you cannot play online? any error messages, CTDs, etc... @Narc Just open up BoxArm.sqs, delete all the code init and paste this into it:
  6. D.murphy man


    @narc I wasn't aware of that bug, but i shall look into it, seems to be a simple local/global mix up with the random arming script of the ammo box. and if by respawn rate you mean how often zombies attack the base then simply edit <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_randomtime=random 600 ?(_randomtime<100):_randomtime=_randomtime+180 6th line down in the sqs. 600 is the random amount in seconds between attacks, (so any where between 0 - 600 seconds) where as line underneath makes sure to add an extra 180 seconds should the random time fall below 100 seconds (so zombies wont attack base straight after last attack). Just play with these vaules as you wish. 300 secs=5 mins, 600=10 mins, 1200, 15 minutes...etc... I have previously thought about adding positive and negative rep to players in the past, and what there effects on game play and such would be. But currently any thing like will be in much later updates (as its quiet a large feature to implement/balance/get working right) if it gets added at all. Players can always actually role play rather then rely on hard coded game mechanics should they wish to be evil or good. Especially in the latest version (when i get round to releasing it) there will be incentives for player conflicts with the possibility to sell vehicles (ambush and steal other players high value cars and such) gun smuggling, survivor stealing, etc.. Plus now players can hide there location better further away they are from the boarder. Id imagine players who have made a few enemies would have to stay away from the border in case they get lynched by players they have crossed out in the zone. Since your player marker is more accurate closer you are to the border.
  7. D.murphy man

    Dawn of the Yomies

    I was wondering would it be possible to spawn yomies into the same group? as currently they all spawn into there own separate groups individually. I do understand why they are spawned into groups individually currently because of problems with squad leader over riding fsm. and such. But i would like to tinker around with and to see what happens when the yomies are all grouped together, it also be great if a new group was then created and yomies spawned into that once the previous group reaches maximum number of units init. As spawning them like this could be useful for my needs in my Quarantine mission (not to concerned about yomies not wandering around and sharing info on targets) I'm currently looking into this but if any ones got a quick answer it be much appreciated! *edit* Just reading back through the thread and relized that the above will not be possible since yomies targeting and chasing fsm are also effected! so scratch that idea! is there a way to perhaps keep track of how many groups there are for each side, then when the cap is hit for one side, say 144 civ groups, next yomies that spawn are spawed as east groups intill they cap 144, then west, then resistance, etc.. I believe sleeper said it was possible but i am not sure how to do it my self. This however would be a perfect solution for my quarantine mission allowing me to up the number of yomies spawned in each city and town without having to worry about capping the 144 limit. Since the limit would be expanded to 576* edit 2* Found the solution: Edit your init_game.sqf find ySide = createCenter Resistance; and change it to: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> ySide = createCenter Resistance; ySidee = createCenter East; ySidew = createCenter West; ySidec = createCenter Civilian; edit "spawn_yomie.sqf" <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">/* Spawn yomie of desired type, at the desired coordinates, and for desired spawn area specified by index of the appropriate trigger in the array 'aSpawn'. Usage: _yomie = [_pos,_type,_i] call fSpawnYomie; */ private ["_grp","_i","_pos","_type","_yomie"]; _pos = _this select 0; _type = _this select 1; _i = _this select 2; //edited part _grp = createGroup ySide; if (isNull _grp) then {_grp = createGroup ySidee;}; if (isNull _grp) then {_grp = createGroup ySidec;}; if (isNull _grp) then {_grp = createGroup ySidew;}; //end of edit if (isNull _grp) exitWi...rest of the sqf..... My pc started chugging at around 390 yomies being spawned on that small island with airport up north, that was while testing within my quarantine mission with all other units and such else where and in window'd mode. I guess you'd get decent performace on a clean mission in full screen mode with about 400+ yomies.
  8. D.murphy man


    In the latest version the military base is surrounded by land mines (as mentioned in the change log up there ^ ) and as such now lasts much, much longer. @narc It could be possible to use NEM zombies but im not entirely sure how to do off top of my head as all the spawning etc.. is handled with the Yomies package and scripts that came along with it. It could simply be a case of swaping a few class names around editing out a few yomie related scripts. However for the 'Official' Quarantine i am sticking to using Yomies, as they are much more 'intelligent' then NEM zombies, as they can climb ladders and follow players into buildings, however feel free to edit it to use other addons and zombies if you wish. @TJ72 Currently (since the base now takes much longer to fall) i do not want to add the ability to take back the base after it falls. As it should be a critical task for players to keep it supplied and running rather then a 'Ah dont worry we can always retake it later' attitude towards it. But trust me the base can now last much longer unassisted by the player in the newest version. Also you refill the M2s ammo (and in new version restock the mine fields) by delivering the supply convoy truck from the supply base in the safe zone to the supply depot in the base. Current zombie groups are as large as i believe i can make them possible and still have the mission playable in MP. Its not down to performance but rather Arma 144 group limit. If i make the ammount of zombies that spawn in cities any larger then if player A is in a city, for example, spawning 140 zombies (each zombie is his own group) and player B is on other side of the island, entering another larger city shortly after player A, player B will only have 4 zombies spawn in that city. As the other 140 are being spawned in player A's location. Of course if this was an SP mission that wouldnt be a problem since theres only one player to worry about spawning zombies around. But since this mission is also MP with a possibility of 12 players, i have to keep the number of zombies that spawn in each city and town down to a minimum. If i remember correctly the largest amount of zombies that spawn in any one city is about 60. Of course once you kill a zombie, another one spawns in its place some where else in the area. So you'll never clear out a city after killing 60 odd zombies. All the other stuff you mentioned about detecting ammo levers, baiting zombies, etc... Is all way to complicated, especially in an MP environment, and with the limited levels of zombies i can currently spawn. Also i do have bandit civilians planned, they will attack the player, most properly be implemented in the near future. another small update: Repair kits have been implemented. *EDIT* Well! been a fast day or two when it comes to implementing features and improvements, after my reply to TJ72 it got my thinking on how i could go about increasing the group limit cap of 144. well as you can see over at the yomies thread i have now worked out how to increase potential unit cap to roughly 576 zombies (and survivors)! So i can now increase the density of the zombies in every town and city without worrying about a rather small 144 cap, as well as the amount of survivors for you guys to rescue from the increased hoards. I shall get on increasing the hoards and report back on my findings.
  9. D.murphy man


    I was planning on adding a repair kit like the current antirads and medkits. It would repair the nearest vehicle to you in a few meters radius (so you'd have to get out your car, stand next to it, then repair it) and cost about $600-$1000 to buy, so it wouldnt really be worth it repairing a damaged skoda, as they currently sell only for $800, however it certainly be more value for money repairing higher value vehicles like army 4X4's that sell for about $10,000 fully repaired.
  10. D.murphy man


    Nubbin, that does indeed sound like an excellent idea! I too however are still using .sqs rather then sqf. and im afraid anything to do with dialogs is way above my head, i have tried to learn to use dialogs in the pass but i am utter useless with it. (the dialogs for shop menus etc.. is thanks to Spooner and his SPON_Money+core package) But i would certainly be interested in expanding the mission in this way in the near future once some the major flaws are ironed out the current version. Also update: Now added a Used vehicle buyer, you can now drive your unwanted vehicles here and sell them. You'll usually get 3 3rds of the price it was to buy the vehicle and deductions on how damaged the vehicle is. So now if your stuck without any cash or weapons you have the option to go out into the zone and jack some cars for profit. Or even steal fellow players vehicles.
  11. D.murphy man


    Ok guys im not dead yet, just been quiet lately. Heres the current change log for the next version: Currently working on : fixing dynamic time and weather and trying to figure out whats causing the seagull thing to happen.
  12. D.murphy man

    Dawn of the Yomies

    from my experiences it is indeed possible to give Iviewdist a fixed value and comment out setviewdistance Iviewdist;. Thats exactly what i have done in Quarantine (hence why yomies will spawn in front of you occasional when your playing it)
  13. D.murphy man


    Also make sure your running latest version of Armed Assault.
  14. D.murphy man


    I highly doubt it is. That seagull thing is really weird, i might make a post about it over at OFPEC too see if any ones got an answer on it. Also a minor fix i think every one will be happy about in next version : You can now be rewarded when mission is completed even when your INSIDE a vehicle! AND your now rewarded for zombie kills when using a vehicle weapon.
  15. D.murphy man


    Hm strange. I used doolittles time scripts from his batch-o-scripts release over at ofpec, just a direct paste into the mission. Will report it back to him.
  16. D.murphy man


    Well in next version the Geiger counter actually works, and the LOW zones are much larger to give you more of a chance to turn around before u hit medium and high. As for the guard thats now been fixed. When you shoot him his weapon will be deleted (like the M2 gunners). And the subject of AI: I have been working on the atmosphere elements of mission, especially around the border. The border is now more built up with military personal patrolling, and sitting around relaxing (playing random animations). You can now also go up to any AI soldier and 'talk' to them. They'll say a random line of dialog giving insight into the back story and other random stuff. I am also planning to add some characters you can talk to that will have some more in depth dialog and maybe even give you 'personal missions'. As the current missions at the moment id consider 'Global missions' since any player can join in. Where as personal missions given to you via talking to AI will be only for you to complete (and be rewarded for). The other difference would be that personal missions would be more story orientated, Unlike the current generic global missions. It now feels really great with the music as you start off, look around to see soldiers standing around chatting, smoking, patrolling, and helicopters flying over head to places unknown. It now feels a lot more alive and interesting compared to the bare empty border area of previous versions. I've also edited the punishment for killing AI. You're now find $2000 (like before) and sent to prison for x amount of time (undecided yet) as well as all your weapons removed. Also now if you kill a fellow player inside the border you will be sentenced to death by firing squad! You will be lined up with other convicts in front of a line of soldiers, and as you'd imagine, shot. But out in the quarantine of course, your free to slay fellow players as much as you want.
  17. D.murphy man


    Sorry guys i wont be slipping any one an early beta of course ever release i make is pretty much a beta, as you guys have noticed with all damn bugs But don't worry, ill have new version out soon enough! @Wolfrug Thanks very much wolfrug! I have now finally manged to get my little ambient sound addon working. Your help is very much appreciated! My little addon now also contains a few tracks from 28 days later sound track as well as fallout2. I doubt ill be adding any more to keep the size down (before all of you start flooding me with suggestions! ) However i am going to ask for help from you guys with something else sound related. I need 2 or 3 heart beat sounds and heavy breathing sounds (be great if heavy breathing and heartbeat where one sound clip together) ranging from light to heavy. With this i intend to play them as the player comes into close contact with infected (closer they get, louder and heavier breathing/hearbeat) to create some tension when combating zombies and to add to the atmosphere. Along with the ambient music it should hopefully sound great! Im also looking for some voice acting or free generic voices from else where for the survivors when there rescued or answering the players calls out to them and for when the player 'calls out' to the survivors. Somthing along the lines of 'Hello! is any one out there?!' for the player and 'HELP! im over here!', 'HELP ME!', 'Oh thank god, take me out of here.' 'i thought id never make it out of here!' etc... for survivors. And before i forget, this isn't essential, but if any ones got some military radio sounds laying round that be great also! Mainly general radio chatter that can be played randomly, and perhaps things like "Our perimeter is under attack!" for when base is attacked, and "Refugees needing evac over." for when players cash in there survivors at the evac pad. Cheers guys!
  18. D.murphy man


    It was indeed freaky, especially since it seems he was just about to get attacked by a few zombies that followed him up there after he was shooting from the roof down onto the street. It looked like he jumped to his death rather then being eaten by zombies I was walking along shouting for survivours and trying to home in on them when all sudden 'bang' right in front of my face a survivors drops out from the sky, i look up to see a bunch of zack staring at me from a roof top, after which they promptly ran down the stairs to come get me. Certainly a rather freaky moment. Another was being stuck in a stair well after going up stairs to rescue a survivor, he was laying on the stairs with an AK, i had a crappy pistol standing above and behind him, we where fighting for our lives as the infected flooded the door way and up the stairs blocking our only exit out the building, a sheer 5 mins of terror as me and my AI counterpart slaughtered a meat wall of about what seemed 100's zeds, both coming out of it with a good few scratches and half a mag left. Terrifying. Any way i best go back to bug fixing rather then adding features and playing with them
  19. D.murphy man


    @Prototype Will look into it. The two problems however are not related. @andersson Music will be optional. @Weaselboy Well this mission wasnt really designed for using helicopters in mind, so i can see how radiation zones could be pretty dangerous in helicopters. Also radiation zones do move around the island randomly every 10 mins, so if a mission is in a hot zone you can always return to it later to see if its cleared up. The zombies shouldnt stop spawning as all spawns are set to INFINITE meaning as soon as you kill one zombie, another is spawned in the area. So no idea why they'd try up in less flying around in a helicopter has screwed up the spawns a bit (since you'd enter and leave spawn zones pretty quickly zipping round in a helicopter) but i will look into it. Also the Kill X infected counter was a bit unreliable in counting how many zombies you actually killed. and as been fixed. EDIT: im now having some very strange bugs concerning the Geiger sounds. They where working, but now i try to test them out again and they wont play at all. No idea what is causing this as no errors are thrown up. I simply cant seem to play the sounds in game any more. I'm also having the problem with trying to get my addon of ambient music working, none of my custom sounds seem to be working what so ever. EDIT2: Progress update: Today i added a new little feature and changed a few things. Surviors are no randomly placed inside/on top of buildings in cities. This not only protects them a little longer but also means the player now has even more of a incentive to search buildings (and hopefully get trapped by zombies in them). However, the player now has the ability to 'call out' for survivors. Players will be notified if they hear any survivors within a 100 meter radius, theyll either hear # of distant cries for help, # of close cries for help (50m), and # of very close cries for help (15m). Any survivors who 'hear' the players call will try and move towards the players last known position when the player called. (which lead to an amusing scene of a survivor jumping to his death from top of a building trying to get to me whiles testing)
  20. D.murphy man


    I've got some ambient music to add the mission (ripped from Fallout 2), but the size of all the music files alone is 19.3 MB, plus 451 KB of the mission. I think this might be a tad big for a mission file (especially if players try to connect via the server and have to d/l the mission file) so i was considering either making the Ambient music a separate addon so you can download separately to the mission, then have server option to turn music on and off (so you dont have to have the music 'addon' to play) or release 2 separate mission files, one with music, the other without. What do you think guys? (Also any tips on how to make a sound addon would be welcomed)
  21. D.murphy man


    @Weaselboy Only men set off the land mines (so youll be safe driving over them in vehicles). The 'mines' are also pretty basic, its simply just a trigger that covers an area and sets a grenade off when it detects a man class unit entering the trigger area at the units location. This however doesn't make the mine field an impassable wall of explosions. As now and again when a lot of zombies are running at it at same time the trigger doesn't activate fast enough, only knocking out one or two of the zombies while rest run past without harm. Each mine field (4 of them covering 4 sides of the base) have a limited amount of mines, 30 max in each mine feild. Each time a mine goes off it subtracts from that total and adds 50 to the convoy delivery reward. Once it hits 0 no more mines will go off in that field. That 'bunch of players' at the island might simply be the markers, there all placed there at the begining and only follow players round when one connects. On that note when players connect they should respawn into a playable unit and not into a seagull. I have set the spawn up like your meant to and how its set up on just about every mission with respawn. So no idea why you'd spawn into a seagull. Did you try disconnect, and reconnecting again when you was in seagull mode, and try different player slots? @RedJugo Sorry i have no idea what might be causing your problem. Try taking the AK pack out (i belive the AK pack requires Queens Gambit) and try running with just the pistol pack. @Xawery Ill certainly be looking into adjusting the layout a bit of the guns. However at the moment the bases survivability as increased considerably with then new mine field. Also:New mirrior for the last hot fix release, Thanks big.
  22. D.murphy man


    Right iv been on the tinkering with the mission and so far: Survivors being deleted from the your group - FIXED! Geiger counter sounds - FIXED! Eliminate infect missions counter not counting yomies death reliably - FIXED Using med kits would take away Anti-rads by accident - FIXED Can still use med kits when health - FIXED Soldiers not remanning the m2 guns when convoy deliver - FIXED Radiation now server option - ADDED! Land Mines surrounding the base to stop it falling so easily that can also be restocked by a convoy delivery- ADDED! New "high" geiger sound, thanks Ravenholm - ADDED Anti-Rads now take off 20% exposure. Radiation zones now larger so you'll stay in a "low" radiation zone for longer before hitting "medium". New "high" geiger sound - thanks Ravenholm Will look into : Seagull thing.
  23. D.murphy man


    @Ravenholm Yes the sound do work, it was just me yet again being sloppy and rushing the release before i had to go to work seems i cocked up and missed out a few " " meaning the sounds wouldnt play. @Weaselboy If by refugee camp you mean the military base then im not sure about that. I really wanted players to feel under pressure to keep it going rather then be "ah don't worry if it falls we can always restore it". Of course at the moment it does fall rather easily, ill hopefully fix this so players don't have to baby sit the base 24/7. And no currently theres not a way for admins to give cash. @Blazin Yes i have consider it, however for the time being i am going to keep it to a bare minimum whiles i iron out bugs and to keep the player base as wide a i can (as not all people like downloading ten ton of non essential addons to play a mission). But once i reach a stage where i can call it either final version or near perfect and bug free ill go about making an addon version as well as converting it to different islands. Cheers again all!
  24. D.murphy man


    @Weaselboy 1. I think i know the solution to this after a bit of investigating, and shall fix it swiftly! It is indeed the fact that players leave an area and the zombies/survivors are deleted as far as i can tell. 2.Confirmed this my self also while playing earlier. Will look into whats causing it and fix it. 3.I am planning on beefing up defences around the base with land mines (that can be replaced with each convoy delivery) and perhaps putting the M2s on top of watch towers (as long as zombies can still climb up and attack them) and perhaps lowering the amount of zombies (at moment its only 15 of them). 4.Sounds like a good idea, i shall add it in next version. 5.Ha iv done this also. 6.More and different missions shall be added in time, currently i am concentrating on getting a stable version before adding feautres. As for friendly fire stuff, you do get a rating of +9999999 when you shoot or kill a zombie, i guess if you just hop in a car from begining and drive to the base running down zombies with out shooting any one of them you'd still get a negative rating. Ill make sure to add a rating of +99999999 from the get go to all players to avoid this. Also i have noted some bugs my self whiles playing earlier today on a server: 1.Some extremely odd cases where i would suddenly die, especially when going back to a previous bodies of mine, id die instantly. NO idea what would cause this, but i am guessing its something to do with the radiation scripts.(Being as thats the only set of scripts in the mission that effect players health directly) - if any one else experiences this please let me know, and under what conditions. 2.Elminate # of infected missions body count killed zombies is a bit unreliable. 3.No geiger sounds playing when in radiation.
  25. D.murphy man


    Hm not entirely sure, but i will look into it. Could perhaps be some issue with other players 'rescueing survivors' and some how instead of running client side (so only survivors under there command get unjoined/deleted) its some how ran on all clients would be my initial guess. Or it could be a bug when leaving a spawn zone, all the spawned units should be deleted, however i did make sure it wouldn't delete units under players command, but it might not be working as smoothly as hoped. (If a unit gets deleted when in vehicle it still stays inside the vehicle but your unable to command it, Arma bug.)