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David Shipley

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About David Shipley

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  1. David Shipley

    Officers with helmets, not caps: config.cpp!

    MSpencer, Thanks for the tips, but *making* a config.cpp file from nothing sounds like too much for little ol' me - sorry. I'm just your average gamer, here, really. :-\ See, here's the E-mail I got from Fisher: "You have to track down the unedited decoded v1.92+ config.cpp and we can make changes from there. It's been a while and I've been out of it." Is there anyone here who can help me find what he's looking for, please? This is very important to me. I promise, if this works out, I'll put the new config file up for download for anyone who, like me, like their officers realistic and with helmets on their noggins. ;-) Anyone?
  2. David Shipley

    Officers with helmets, not caps: config.cpp!

    Blink Dog: Wow! Really - just update the data3d.pbo file, myself? How would I go about doing that, anyway; what program do I need? I tried with Notepad, and nothing. Are you sure I don't need a config.cpp file? If I did, though, where would I find such a file? Messiah: No, this is done so officers in every mission look like regular soldiers (like they do in real-life), including the official campaign. This is not for a single mission to have an officer with a helmet on. I'm not a mission-maker. You see, there's lots of infantry missions out there where you play the role of an officer. Me, being the realism freak that I am, would like to have all the officers in all those missions wear helmets instead of caps. This can be done through an edited config.cpp file, according to Fisher. But Lord knows where I can find such a file. :-( Help!
  3. Howdy, I was wondering: how do you make a config.cpp file? A modder, by the name of Eric Fisher, says he'll edit the game for me (so officers will wear helmets instead of caps) if I give him the latest version of the game's config file in .cpp format; he's been out of it for a while, so he can't do it for himself. I would love to have all officers in the game wear helmets instead of hats, since I'm kind of a realism-freak. So, how would I come about a new config.cpp file for Operation Flashpoint 1.92+? I don't really know anything about mods, so I'm at a loss, here. Maybe someone can send me their config.cpp file? I need it for the latest version of Operation Flashpoint; the latest official patch, not the beta ones. Could anyone be so kind as to help a poor guy out? :-) My E-mail: davidshipley@planetavp.com. Oh, and if someone was willing to send me a config file already edited with officers wearing helmets instead of caps, that would mean the world to me. :-) I'd be willing to pay them back with a favor of my own, maybe. I'm not sure if this'll entice anyone, but maybe I could post about your mod in an off-topic news post on my site, www.PlanetAvP.com? We receive upwards of tens of thousands of visitors a day (we're part of GameSpy), and while it is about Aliens vs. Predator, I'm sure there'll be some interested in Operation Flashpoint. Like I am. ;-) Thanks in advance, David Shipley
  4. David Shipley

    Officers with helmets? config.bin edit...

    Wiggum: Thanks! I'll look for him there. Landwarrior: If I manage to do it (or if someone did it for me), I'll host it on my site for other folks to download. Deadmeat: Sounds way out of my league. Since you do Ballistic Mods work, maybe you could try? (Love your group's Rangers mod, man, by the way.)
  5. Hey guys, About two years ago, PitViper (Dynamic Sound guy) edited my config.bin file so all officers in the game wear helmets instead of caps/berets. It was cool and much more realistic, in my view, though much harder to figure out who the commander now was -- which was the whole point, I guess. Sadly, I lost the edited config file, along with all contact with PitViper. *Sigh* So, I want to try to edit the config file myself. PitViper said it was a very simple procedure; something about changing the "headgear" for all officers. What do you need to edit the config.bin file? My version is actually one I downloaded from the Dynamic Sound pack. It shouldn't be too hard to change. Maybe an experienced modder could do the same for me as PitViper did? He/she could even put it up on OFP.Info, or something, so other people could download it. Certainly it's not just myself who thinks it's a bit odd how an officer wants a "Shoot Me Now" cap on during battle. Please, guys, this is important to me. I'd really appreciate it if one of you could give me tips on how to do this, or (praise be to the Lord) if someone could do this for me. :-) My E-mail: davidshipley@planetavp.com My config file for download (and edit by some talented modder?): http://www.planetavp.com/config.bin Thanks in advance! David Shipley www.PlanetAvP.com
  6. David Shipley

    .config file: officers wearing helmets?

    coporal_punishment, Sounds great! Thank you so much. I'll be more than happy to change to INQ's (?) to have that officer's helmet. Yummy! Could you give me a link to where I can download the file? I don't suppose I could just send you my .config file, so you could quickly change officer/cap to officer/helmet? (davidshipley@planetavp.com) Anyway, thanks again. The next time you'll see me, you'll see an OFP soldier running after a tank -- knowing in safety his kevlar helmet will protect him from any 120mm tank shell.
  7. David Shipley

    .config file: officers wearing helmets?

    And it probably doesn't help that I'm using the .config file provided by Satchel's sound mod? I think it's version 1.90 for Resistance.
  8. David Shipley

    .config file: officers wearing helmets?

    Yeah, maybe that's it. Is there anyone here who can do that and put it up for download - or send it to me? The guy who made that realistic "Satchel Sound Pack" used to be able to do it. Certainly there's someone else who can?
  9. David Shipley

    .config file: officers wearing helmets?

    Well, all I know is that it has been done before -- a friend of mine did it for me years ago, but now he's long gone. Even the General in the single-player game wore a helmet, then. :-P Anybody here know how to do the same? Going into battle with a cap sucks!
  10. A friend of mine told me it's possible to edit the .config file in OFP so all officers wear helmets, instead of those stupid-lookin' caps -- which would be more realistic, anyway. Is that really true? If it is, I'd LOVE IT if someone could put up a downloadable .config file set that way. Wouldn't you? Officers wearing nylon caps, instead of kevlar helmets, gives me a feeling of peace time, if you ask me. For true realism, everybody gets kevlar to shield their head from shrapnel! Maybe someone could send me a reconfigured .config file? I run OFP: Resistance with the latest official patch (1.91). Please send it here: davidshipley@planetavp.com. Of course, something for everyone to download would be better. ;-)
  11. A friend of mine told me it's possible to edit the .config file in OFP so all officers wear helmets, instead of those stupid-lookin' caps -- which would be more realistic, anyway. Is that really true? If it is, I'd LOVE IT if someone could put up a downloadable .config file set that way. Wouldn't you? Officers wearing nylon caps, instead of kevlar helmets, gives me a feeling of peace time, if you ask me. For true realism, everybody gets kevlar to shield their head from shrapnel! Maybe someone could send me a reconfigured .config file? I run OFP: Resistance with the latest official patch (1.91). Please send it here: davidshipley@planetavp.com. Of course, something for everyone to download would be better. ;-)
  12. David Shipley

    Downloaded the new radeon patch...

    Yes, and it still restarted. I even tried deleting the entire config file, to no avail. Every other game works with the new drivers, though...
  13. David Shipley

    Has anyone tried not fighting in ofp?

    Walker: All right, you convinced me. ;-) I'll go download it today, and try it out after work. Deadmeat: Hey, no hard feelings, man. I'm just here to talk about my experiences, and not argue about them. I'm sure you do good work as a modder. Keep up the good work!
  14. David Shipley

    Downloaded the new radeon patch...

    Hey guys, I just got the Radeon 9500 PRO for a cheap price a few days ago. It works great. I'm absolutely amazed at the picture in 1200x960 and full FSAA. It's a whole new world. :-) Yeah, there were some flickering problems, but they seem to be minor, and only appear in some missions. I saw they released a new patch (http://mirror.ati.com/support/drivers/winxp/radeonnowdm-xp.html?cboOS=Windows+XP&cboProducts=RADEON+9500+PRO&eula=&choice=agree&cmdNext=Next), though, and went and downloaded it right away, along with their new "control panel." After installing it, I saw there were new graphic settings to try out, including some other supposed random fixes (yes, I know it won't fix the flickering problem). And while that sounded great, my computer instantly restarts the moment I launch the game. What gives? I'm back to my old driver now, and while it's fine, I want some of those new graphic settings. :-) Please help! P.S. I can't wait for the NEXT patch that'll supposedly fix that flickering problem...
  15. David Shipley

    Has anyone tried not fighting in ofp?

    Deadmeat, I don't know why, but I never experienced what happened to you. In fact, I'm absolutely sure that the AI will stay still if I tell them to stop, and go exactly where I tell them to. (Hint: don't give too many orders at once like a madman.) Are you sure you downloaded the latest patches? Might fix some AI pathfinding issues there. I still feel Operation Flashpoint is too much like Half-Life if you don't learn to use your men - at least from the infantry POV. I'm in for a change. :-)