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About DarkPraetorian

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. DarkPraetorian


    A new site has opened up that supports Operation Flashpoint. Squad-Center.com offers forums, news items, and soon a tournament for OPF and other games. Check it out and give us some web traffic!
  2. DarkPraetorian

    What sadist designed the OFP campaign missions?

    If you want your squad to survive, you need to stick with them. This game is designed to be real, and if an important member of the squad (such as the machine gunner) runs off and goes rogue, the squad doesn't have too much of a chance. They've got no covering fire, and get slaughtered. Stick with your squad, and you'll do better. As to PathFinder, you have to start mowing down the infantry in the village with your M60. Keep them occupied from up on the hill while your squad moves in. They probably will die though. I finished that one with 1 guy left. Took the second village with 3. It's possible, but hard.
  3. DarkPraetorian

    HOW DO YOU BEAT Red Hammer mission ALAMOE??!!

    I still think stealing the Abrams is the best way to do it.
  4. DarkPraetorian

    HOW DO YOU BEAT Red Hammer mission ALAMOE??!!

    You all are missing the easiest way to beat this mission. The first wave is a single M1A1, so all you have to do is steal it. How? Simple. You block off the main south road after it gets into the town a bit, and place a satchel charge on each side of the tank (you have to play with the distances a bit). When the tank moves in, detonate the charges, and it'll damage the tank enough for the crew to bail. Kill the crew, get your repair truck over there, repair it, and you've got yourself a brand-new Abrams. It makes very short work of the M-60's and APC's. Simply get in as driver, and get a gunner. You'll be unstoppable. Oh yes, and it also helps to put someone as gunner in the Shilka. He'll take care of the Blackhawk that drops some Black-Ops troops.
  5. My officer keeps looking through is binoculars every few seconds, and it's really making me mad. How do I make him stop that? He's in his own base!
  6. I'm interested in making a campaign, or at least a series of missions. Anyone want to work with me on them? E-mail me at darkpraetorianSA@hotmail.com if you're interested.
  7. DarkPraetorian

    Making a Camp

    How would I make a camp or base?
  8. I have a Hind doing a paradrop in my cutscene, but the Hind isn't high enough, so the paratroopers fall and die. How do I get the Hind to fly higher?
  9. DarkPraetorian

    Lights on Chopper

    That doesn't really matter. The choppers are set not to fire, so they're just an effect. Provide some light too, since the mission's at night. Although I may set them to fire if fired on...
  10. DarkPraetorian

    Lights on Chopper

    Thanks. Makes for a very cool effect.
  11. DarkPraetorian

    Lights on Chopper

    I've got a flight of 3 Apaches patroling over my base, but the mission takes place at night, and I want their lights on. How do I do that?