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Everything posted by DarkSyde

  1. Ok. I've made several addons, but now when I try using the textureswap utility, I get an overflow for every single p3d I try opening. Plz help! -DarkSyde
  2. DarkSyde

    Problems with textureswap p3d!

    I didnt try every single one, but went from the a10 to the Cessna Pilot. So, yeah, I think they're all like that.
  3. DarkSyde

    Problems with textureswap p3d!

    1st: Sorry for the bmp. 2nd: No, my p3d was in a new folder I created on my Desktop, then I put unpack-sqm in the same folder. I drug the p3d (named mission.sqm) into the unpack program and it gave me that error. Still clueless.
  4. DarkSyde

    Problems with textureswap p3d!

    I've tried that already. Here's what error I get... http://www.flashpointarena.com/cgi-bin/Attach/unpack_sucks.bmp
  5. I finished adding jungle textures to a MP5, but there's something wrong with my config.cpp. I need someone to take a look at it... // some basic defines #define TEast 0 #define TWest 1 #define TGuerrila 2 #define TCivilian 3 #define TSideUnknown 4 #define TEnemy 5 #define TFriendly 6 #define TLogic 7 #define true 1 #define false 0 // type scope #define private 0 #define protected 1 #define public 2 class CfgPatches { class DSHK { units[] = {}; weapons[] = {DSHK}; requiredVersion = 1.10; }; { class DSHKSoldier { units[] = {DSHKSoldier}; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 1.10; }; }; class CfgAmmo { class Default {}; class BulletSingle : Default{}; class DSHKammo : BulletSingle { hit=12; indirectHit=2; indirectHitRange=0.1; }; }; class CfgWeapons { class default{}; class MGun: default {}; class Riffle: MGun {}; class DSHK: Riffle { scopeWeapon=2; scopeMagazine=2; model="HK_MP5_SD6_proxy"; modelOptics="optika_HK"; displayName="DS HK MP5 Silenced"; displayNameMagazine="DS HK magazine"; shortNameMagazine="DS HK mag"; drySound[]={"weapons\m16dry",0.000316,1}; optics=1; opticsZoomMin=0.300000; opticsZoomMax=0.300000; distanceZoomMin=150; distanceZoomMax=150; initSpeed=400; modes[]={"Single","FullAuto"}; class Single { ammo="DSHKammo"; multiplier=1; burst=1; displayName="DS HK MP5 Semi Auto"; dispersion=0.002000; sound[]={"Weapons\hk_singleshot",0.000316,1}; soundContinuous=0; reloadTime=0.150000; recoil="riffleSilenced"; ffCount=1; autoFire=0; aiRateOfFire=5.000000; aiRateOfFireDistance=500; useAction=0; useActionTitle=""; }; class FullAuto { ammo="DSHKammo"; multiplier=1; burst=1; displayName="DS HK MP5 Full Auto"; dispersion=0.004000; sound[]={"Weapons\hk_fullauto",0.000316,1}; soundContinuous=1; reloadTime=0.100000; ffCount=1; recoil="riffleSilenced"; autoFire=1; aiRateOfFire=5.000000; aiRateOfFireDistance=500; useAction=0; useActionTitle=""; }; }; } class CfgVehicles { class All{}; class AllVehicles:All{}; class Land:AllVehicles{}; class Man:Land{}; class Soldier:Man{}; class SoldierWB:Soldier{}; class DSHKSoldier:SoldierWB { side=TWest; displayName="DSHK Soldier"; weapons[]={DSHK,Throw,Put}; magazines[]={DSHKammo,DSHKammo,DSHKammo,HandGrenade,HandGrenade}; }; }; class CfgNonAIVehicles { class ProxyWeapon {}; class ProxyDSHK: ProxyWeapon {}; }; };
  6. DarkSyde

    Help with hk mp5-sd config.cpp

    Hmm...it didn't work. I didn't change a thing. U know, I DO need practice, but right now, I'm really desperate. So, can I send someone the .pbo and they can fix it for me? Please, I'll give you credit in my readme.
  7. DarkSyde

    Editing bunkers

    I'm currently working on an edited bunker with Everon Jungle camo, instead of Beige and plain netting. How do I put them in a .p3d?
  8. I'm working on a unit and I want it t o start with a specific face that I include in the p3d. How do I do this??? please help!! -=DarkSyde=-
  9. DarkSyde

    Civilian config.cpp

    I'm wondering how I can make a civilian's config.cpp file. Please help!!!
  10. DarkSyde

    Resistance productions

    Thx skulleye. Yeah, I started it around the first of February, but considering it's on tripod, I can't put too much because of bandwidth. And also considering that all the addons will be mine, except for the units which I haven't mastered yet.
  11. Myself and a friend of mine, StealthAssassin, have created an OFP site, featuring Custom Addons, Missions, and Editing Tutorials. The URL is www.repro.tripod.com so be sure to stop by. Thanx. -DarkSyde. Webmaster of RePro.