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About DarkSyde

  • Rank
    Private First Class


  • Interests
    Web design, creating OFP addons, and music.
  1. DarkSyde

    Problems with textureswap p3d!

    I didnt try every single one, but went from the a10 to the Cessna Pilot. So, yeah, I think they're all like that.
  2. DarkSyde

    Problems with textureswap p3d!

    1st: Sorry for the bmp. 2nd: No, my p3d was in a new folder I created on my Desktop, then I put unpack-sqm in the same folder. I drug the p3d (named mission.sqm) into the unpack program and it gave me that error. Still clueless.
  3. DarkSyde

    Problems with textureswap p3d!

    I've tried that already. Here's what error I get... http://www.flashpointarena.com/cgi-bin/Attach/unpack_sucks.bmp
  4. Ok. I've made several addons, but now when I try using the textureswap utility, I get an overflow for every single p3d I try opening. Plz help! -DarkSyde
  5. DarkSyde

    Help with hk mp5-sd config.cpp

    Hmm...it didn't work. I didn't change a thing. U know, I DO need practice, but right now, I'm really desperate. So, can I send someone the .pbo and they can fix it for me? Please, I'll give you credit in my readme.
  6. I finished adding jungle textures to a MP5, but there's something wrong with my config.cpp. I need someone to take a look at it... // some basic defines #define TEast 0 #define TWest 1 #define TGuerrila 2 #define TCivilian 3 #define TSideUnknown 4 #define TEnemy 5 #define TFriendly 6 #define TLogic 7 #define true 1 #define false 0 // type scope #define private 0 #define protected 1 #define public 2 class CfgPatches { class DSHK { units[] = {}; weapons[] = {DSHK}; requiredVersion = 1.10; }; { class DSHKSoldier { units[] = {DSHKSoldier}; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 1.10; }; }; class CfgAmmo { class Default {}; class BulletSingle : Default{}; class DSHKammo : BulletSingle { hit=12; indirectHit=2; indirectHitRange=0.1; }; }; class CfgWeapons { class default{}; class MGun: default {}; class Riffle: MGun {}; class DSHK: Riffle { scopeWeapon=2; scopeMagazine=2; model="HK_MP5_SD6_proxy"; modelOptics="optika_HK"; displayName="DS HK MP5 Silenced"; displayNameMagazine="DS HK magazine"; shortNameMagazine="DS HK mag"; drySound[]={"weapons\m16dry",0.000316,1}; optics=1; opticsZoomMin=0.300000; opticsZoomMax=0.300000; distanceZoomMin=150; distanceZoomMax=150; initSpeed=400; modes[]={"Single","FullAuto"}; class Single { ammo="DSHKammo"; multiplier=1; burst=1; displayName="DS HK MP5 Semi Auto"; dispersion=0.002000; sound[]={"Weapons\hk_singleshot",0.000316,1}; soundContinuous=0; reloadTime=0.150000; recoil="riffleSilenced"; ffCount=1; autoFire=0; aiRateOfFire=5.000000; aiRateOfFireDistance=500; useAction=0; useActionTitle=""; }; class FullAuto { ammo="DSHKammo"; multiplier=1; burst=1; displayName="DS HK MP5 Full Auto"; dispersion=0.004000; sound[]={"Weapons\hk_fullauto",0.000316,1}; soundContinuous=1; reloadTime=0.100000; ffCount=1; recoil="riffleSilenced"; autoFire=1; aiRateOfFire=5.000000; aiRateOfFireDistance=500; useAction=0; useActionTitle=""; }; }; } class CfgVehicles { class All{}; class AllVehicles:All{}; class Land:AllVehicles{}; class Man:Land{}; class Soldier:Man{}; class SoldierWB:Soldier{}; class DSHKSoldier:SoldierWB { side=TWest; displayName="DSHK Soldier"; weapons[]={DSHK,Throw,Put}; magazines[]={DSHKammo,DSHKammo,DSHKammo,HandGrenade,HandGrenade}; }; }; class CfgNonAIVehicles { class ProxyWeapon {}; class ProxyDSHK: ProxyWeapon {}; }; };
  7. DarkSyde

    Editing bunkers

    I'm currently working on an edited bunker with Everon Jungle camo, instead of Beige and plain netting. How do I put them in a .p3d?
  8. I'm working on a unit and I want it t o start with a specific face that I include in the p3d. How do I do this??? please help!! -=DarkSyde=-
  9. DarkSyde

    Resistance productions

    Thx skulleye. Yeah, I started it around the first of February, but considering it's on tripod, I can't put too much because of bandwidth. And also considering that all the addons will be mine, except for the units which I haven't mastered yet.
  10. DarkSyde

    Civilian config.cpp

    I'm wondering how I can make a civilian's config.cpp file. Please help!!!
  11. Myself and a friend of mine, StealthAssassin, have created an OFP site, featuring Custom Addons, Missions, and Editing Tutorials. The URL is www.repro.tripod.com so be sure to stop by. Thanx. -DarkSyde. Webmaster of RePro.