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Posts posted by Dynablue

  1. I run into a new problem with OFP after upgrading to 1.4. The game will not shut down after an MP session but it shuts down fine after a single player session.

    After all players disconnect and I'm shutting down the server, the game hangs at the screen where you choose the mission. I've left it there for 5 minutes just to see if it was being terribly slow, still nothing. The cursor is frozen, no drive activity, no light activity on my hub. Alt-Tab doesn't work, I have to use Ctrl-Alt-Del to pull up my list of running processes. I highlight operationflashpoint.exe, click shutdown, ok the warning box (the one about potential system instability) and OFP refuses to shut down and remove itself from the list. I can tell when OFP is running because my desktop gamma is higher than normal given everything a washed out look. Even after 5+ attempts to shut the process off, no luck. Then the computer will simply hard boot itself and once it restarts asks to send a serious error report to MS.

    This error has only appeared since I installed 1.4. Ver 1.3 would allow me to run and shutdown multiple multiplayer sessions (without having to reboot) without any errors at all.

    System is XP Pro, 512MB Ram, GF3, Audigy. Updated drivers. Original disk, no cracks/patches

  2. It might impede other programs if the Audigy card accepted DirectX input, but it appears from the earlier tech support request the the Audigy card does it's own thing irrespective of DirectX.

    I now have a setup but still not working VON. My mike works fine with programs like Teamsound or Roger Wilco but I can't figure out why it doesn't like to work on VON. Any suggestions?

  3. Ruskie,

    No problems with the card at all..took me about 20 minutes from start to finish, including hooking up all the d*amned cables on the back of this machine. wink.gif The only problem I have had is the fan on the heatsink has failed a couple times. Finally pulled it, yanked off the prism ASUS label over the bushing and hit it with various stuff..3-1 oil seems to have worked the best.

    I'd send you some driver sites but it would appear you've got all the ones you need. wink.gif

  4. Avon,

    I've had it happen in my 1.3, especially in the Lost Squad mission. Seems that there are a lot of bugs in that mission..shame too since I like the #### out of it.

    I have been shot by a Russian soldier laying prone behind the corner of a (his body is outside) house his head and shoulders sticking through the wall into the interior and he shot me through the other wall forming the 90degree angle. I didn't see him at the time (of course..he was behind a wall) but the death cam showed me his position quite clearly.

    I have had problems like this in another mission for sure, the Revenge mission, I believe. As for tanks shooting through houses, well, it's annoying but it's not unrealistic..they're tanks with 105+mm main guns..big bullets that will shoot through walls. And trees. And more walls.. Provided that the tank can actually see where I'm going, I don't have issue with that.

  5. I have run into a similar problem with an AI group leader and vehicles. And yes, I do have a purchased copy of 1.2 running the CD every time rather than a no-CD crack.

    I will drive a vehicle, say, BMP to where *I* want to go and when I stop he'll order me to disembark, which my character does. That irritates the #### out of me since I don't want to drive my BMP into the thick of things only to wind up standing outside being ventilated by hostile natives.

  6. I've had that happen to me a few times..only to my soldier, not just the AI's. I was playing Lost Squad and was hiding in a building that was surrounded by enemy AI. I was prone and turned to one side and the next thing I knew I was prone outside the building with 2 crew and a soldier standing over me.

    They weren't impressed by my sudden appearance and riddled me..very annoying.

  7. It might not be related but check your ping times to some of the big sites out there, ie, Yahoo, MSN, DSLreports.com, folks that should be up with clean connections most of the time, make sure that you're getting good routing with low pings.

  8. I was playing (actually hosting) the LostSquad mission with some friends and I noticed that there are some problems with the emplaced weapons and the vehicles.

    #1. A friend of mine and I both tried to man up the M2 in the fortification closest to the town at the same time. Result..I got my view stuck on him and my character was unplayable for until he got killed. I was seeing the game from my friends viewpoint but couldn't control anything.

    #2. When I climb in a vehicle, say a tank, and I use that vehicle then I climb out and run back to the town for an M2 emplacement in one of the houses, if I man the machine gun I'll end up back in the turret of the tank as the gunner. If I dismount the vehicle then I'm standing outside the tank again and have to run back to the town.

    #3. I drive the truck to a tank and try to climb in as the gunner, I wind up back in the driver's seat of the truck. However, if I climb into the tank as the driver and move to the turret, things work fine.

    Odd problems..haven't noticed that on any other missions, just this one. Incidentally, that happens when I start it as a LAN game with just myself connecting, not just when I connect via the remote.

  9. I have noticed that under XP the connection is much better for MP (using ADSL) but the disconnecting portion after playing the game is much slower. Under 98SE I used to get a couple seconds and be returned to the main menu, under XP it can take up to a minute and looks like the computer is hung.

    In general though I'm quite happy with the relationship XP and OFP have. I'll gladly take a slower shutdown for a stable connection without folks getting dropped or my game crashing, a frequent event with 98SE.

  10. As a tank commander (also noticed as a helo pilot) I can't designate a target for my gunner when we multicrew. When I find a target, right click on it and get the target <blah> message a pipper doesn't show up for my gunner to aim for. He simply gets the message 'Target <whatever>' and nothing more, no indication of where I was telling him to shoot. Is there a configuration problem with my machine or is it the same for everyone?

    This should work the same as in single player when a commander points out targets and the brackets appear. I play Veteran all the time, so I don't mean the enemy/friendly brackets, I simply want the 'shoot here' indicator to appear for my gunners. Multicrew adds a great aspect to the game, I like OFP multicrew far better than my other online game- WWII online.

  11. After installing a clean copy of XP and OFP, updating to 1.3 and running the game I noticed that the gunshots were almost non-existant. I went to the controls and jacked up the effects to max and still got barely any sound. Disabling the Hardware Acceleration restored sound to the proper levels again. I am using the latest Creative XP drivers for the Audigy card.

    I have also noticed that under XP OFP claims my sound hardware can't make sounds when I try to configure VON through preferences. VON never worked for me in Win98SE but at least I was able to set it up without errors.

  12. I installed XP Professional and clean installed OFP and updated to 1.3. I noticed that several of my keys '~' and '[' in particular weren't responding like they did in Win98SE. Using the assign control key I mapped '[' but it showed up as '&'. After resuming the game, things worked quite well again.

    Figuring XP was screwed up, I backed out and checked with notepad but all my keys are correctly mapped as far as XP is concerned. I'm using the standard 102 key keyboard driver, nothing fancy.

  13. I was playing the Revenge mission and my team had circled around North of Vigny and we commenced to attack from the rear of the enemy. At first we did really well but then as I was crawling behind a building I got shot and killed. The DeathCAM showed that the AI had shot through the entire building, several bushes across a road and through 2 sides of a fence. The AI was prone and couldn't have seen the building I was in, much less use his AK to shoot through it.Why can't my soldiers be like that!?

    I understand BIS went with the collective mind approach towards AI and aiming, but something like that goes a long ways towards detracting from an otherwise very fun game. If there is any way to patch that kind of behaviour it would be greatly appreciated, I'm sure.

  14. I upgraded from a Live! Value to the Audigy and noticed a decent improvement for almost every application. OFP didn't seem to change much, however. I feel that some of the sounds are more vibrant but overall, not enough change to recommend upgrading simply to make OFP sound better. I still have the footstep bug with the Audigy card as well.

  15. This happened to me during a sniper mission..the scope showed a clear shot to the target but the muzzle of the rifle was actually depressed into the ground. I shot and killed myself eventually..just thought I was a crappy sniper smile.gif Turns out I'm a stupid, crappy sniper.

  16. Yes, I've noticed this as well. I was shooting down a hill from the kneeling position and my RPG just shot straight into the ground. I understand elevation for distance but this literally went about 3 meters and took a 90 degree turn for the dirt.
