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Dutch soldier

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Everything posted by Dutch soldier

  1. Hey people. Im curious what yall think what is the best driver for the GTS250. I just went back to the 191.07 drivers and had a 5-10 fps increase! even BF3 seems to run smoother... Maybe some of you have some tips and tricks to help me around here. And im wondering what nowadays is the difference between XP and W7, This are my specs : Intel Q6600 2.4Ghz 4GB RAM GTS250 1GB SoundBlaster Audigy 4 Pro Windows 7
  2. I have been playing OFP since the first day it came out, and i was a little dissapointed with arma, but ArmA2? OUTSTANDING WORK!!! Just what I and i think most of us needed :D Screw EA, Ubisoft and Activision with their commercial arcade games! This is the best war game ever made!
  3. Dutch soldier


    i think so, its just an addon not a replacement
  4. Dutch soldier

    Nvidia Vista 64

    Hi, My current system is : AMD64 Dual Core 3800+ 2.01Ghz 2 gig DDR2 Nvidia BFG 7950 GT 512mb Windows Vista Ultimate 64 The question is, What are the best drivers for this game at the moment? And what settings did u use in advanced control panel to get the best quality & performence? Thx SCE_Quekel
  5. Dutch soldier

    Y2K3 Version 7.3

    RHS_GRU needs "RHS_Weap_models" I'm missing that file Could someone mail me that file plz, BartQuekel@Hotmail.com
  6. Dutch soldier

    OFP videography

    indeed an very nice video DPS [CCCP]
  7. Dutch soldier

    XDLL settings

    Iam wondering what most people think what the best settings are for the XDLL, and how u got your brightness and contrast with it
  8. Dutch soldier

    OFP videography

    Wilco i will beat u with my saitek x45
  9. Dutch soldier

    OFP graphics...

    With the correct addons from guys who improved the gamestyle+gfx alot its almost a new game! GJ Guys the OFP community is proud at ya This is how it looks on my system now! http://home.planet.nl/~queke020/Film.wmv
  10. Dutch soldier

    OFP videography

    http://home.planet.nl/~queke020/Film.wmv Addons used Y2K3 Llaumax 1.2 CWC Textures + Replacements Vitaaj3000 Effect pack v0.81
  11. Dutch soldier

    Looking for addon

    An explosion mod. It was like if u shoot an airplane or chopper and it goes down it explodes in black pieces.. Any suggestions were i can find it?Or who has it? Cheers
  12. Dutch soldier

    Looking for addon

    ya then i get thousands of topics
  13. Dutch soldier

    Y2K3 Version 7.3

    hehe ty bro, look ur pm
  14. Dutch soldier

    Y2K3 Version 7.3

    i had that to yeah when i was fooling around with the addons
  15. Dutch soldier

    Y2K3 Version 7.3

    i had those effects a while ago, they worked good for me. I would love to have the explosions in Y2K3,Just wanna try it(my comp should handle it) If u could tell me what to do i would appreciate that
  16. Dutch soldier

    Y2K3 Version 7.3

    http://www.flashpoint.ru/newsimages/Scrin5.jpg Anybody knows how i can use those explosion effects at the same time with Y2K3 BartQuekel@Hotmail.com = MSN
  17. good job BW keep up the good work
  18. Dutch soldier

    Y2K3 Version 7.3

    i got the same problem when i shoot at ground, prolly an GFX error. What videocard u got? i have an Ati Radeon 9600 128MB Omega 2.5.7 Drivers
  19. Dutch soldier

    Y2K3 Version 7.3

    awesome man; but now the exploding bodies are back Could u chnage that to in that config u just posted And how do u open config.bin anyways???so i can try it!
  20. Dutch soldier

    Y2K3 Version 7.3

    thx m8 i own you 1
  21. Dutch soldier

    Y2K3 Version 7.3

    and the effects mod were the planes explode in black pieces were can i find that and use with Y2K3? iam a noob i know
  22. Dutch soldier

    Y2K3 Version 7.3

    Great conversion However i would like the orginial AH1 back in it How can i do this? ANd how can i let GMR explosions work with Y2K3? If u wanna help me with it u can add me on msn BartQuekel@Hotmail.com <iam Dutch
  23. Dutch soldier

    Y2K3 Version 7.3

    Get this message as soon i come in the menu: no entry 'Y2K3 Custom-PE-NXB-TR.bin/cfgweapons.bas_m4desacog' Any1 knows how i can fix that?
  24. Dutch soldier

    Best add-ons list

    Iam using those addons with the Y2K3 Mod Addons List
  25. Dutch soldier

    Requesting a mod

    Well guys soz to be acting like a nooby, but a while ago i download en explosion mod and it was pritty leet when u shot down an plane or chopper then it exploded real nice on the ground and the wrecked plane reallyt broke up in black pieces, instead of just burning, i thought goldmember made it, but i downloaded his GMR1.49 and it wasnt that one any suggestions?