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About Drewus

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    Operation Flashpoint, Games, Computers, Beer, Beer, Women, Computers..............<br>Beer.........
  1. Drewus

    EECP - Enhanced ECP

    Thanks alot SU27, much appreciated.
  2. Drewus

    EECP - Enhanced ECP

    yeah i spent a few hours scrounging through every addon site i could find but the t80 pak and the 5 ton are impossible to find. We desperately need OFPEC back up and running, that site had virtually everything on it.....
  3. Drewus

    EECP - Enhanced ECP

    All of the download links on OFP CZ seem to be dead. I managed to track down all addons except Sigmas t-80 pak, and the M-925 5t truck. Could someone please upload these somewhere? thanks.
  4. Drewus

    Llauma's sky?

    What resolution/bit depth do the sky images have to be in for them to display properly? I have a digital camera and a Australian summer sky outside if you need any images.
  5. Hey guys, thanks for the replies. I also remember something about having too many mods causes the game to show up with errors, is this still true? or has it been fixed by BIS? This FDF mod looks incredibly sweet, i'll have to download it tonight and give it a go. Thanks again
  6. Thanks for the links, unfortunately i cant track down 1.071 Neither of the sites have it and all OFPEC links dont work. It's a shame that site went down Is it only down temporarily or have they closed the site for good?
  7. Thanks for the links, unfortunately i cant track down 1.071 Neither of the sites have it and all OFPEC links dont work. It's a shame that site went down Is it only down temporarily or have they closed the site for good?
  8. Also what is the latest version of the ECP mod? I just found a link to version 1.057 at: http://www.edgefiles.com/downloa....057.rar
  9. Also what is the latest version of the ECP mod? I just found a link to version 1.057 at: http://www.edgefiles.com/downloa....057.rar
  10. What is ECP exactly? Like what does it incorperate? Also the only mod i ever originally used was Satchels Sound Addon, which i found to be incredibly well done. Does this sound addon still exist? I dont use MSN sorry Is there a server where you could temporarily upload it to? Thanks.
  11. What is ECP exactly? Like what does it incorperate? Also the only mod i ever originally used was Satchels Sound Addon, which i found to be incredibly well done. Does this sound addon still exist? I dont use MSN sorry Is there a server where you could temporarily upload it to? Thanks.
  12. Hey guys, Well, the last time i touched OFP was around a year ago, after i got Resistance, played half way through it and then had to reformat therefore losing my progress. So here i am a year later with all of these mods having been released. I'm new to all of this OFP mod implementation so bare with me while i potentially make a fool out of myself. I dont play multiplayer, and i dont create my own missions or do scripting, so i'm wondering if there are any Universal type mods available where once they are installed, no matter what mission i play those mods are implemented. One example is if i download say, a special effect explosion addon. Will those new explosions show up in every single mission i play? or do i need to go and edit the mission manually in order for those explosions to appear. I really hate having to mess around with different missions in order to make the game look pretty. I just like downloading mods, dropping them in the appropriate folders and having those mods appear throughtout the entire game, just like what happens with the majority of mods for games. So could someone please explain to me if mod's like these exist, and if so, where i could download them? thanks.
  13. Hey guys, Well, the last time i touched OFP was around a year ago, after i got Resistance, played half way through it and then had to reformat therefore losing my progress. So here i am a year later with all of these mods having been released. I'm new to all of this OFP mod implementation so bare with me while i potentially make a fool out of myself. I dont play multiplayer, and i dont create my own missions or do scripting, so i'm wondering if there are any Universal type mods available where once they are installed, no matter what mission i play those mods are implemented. One example is if i download say, a special effect explosion addon. Will those new explosions show up in every single mission i play? or do i need to go and edit the mission manually in order for those explosions to appear. I really hate having to mess around with different missions in order to make the game look pretty. I just like downloading mods, dropping them in the appropriate folders and having those mods appear throughtout the entire game, just like what happens with the majority of mods for games. So could someone please explain to me if mod's like these exist, and if so, where i could download them? thanks.
  14. Drewus

    The watch

    Gameer, i suggest you save up those penny's and invest in a new motherboard. Just take your computer to a good computer store and have them install it for you, leave all the worry to them. Just make sure you invest in a motherboard which doesn't have an onboard graphics chip, and if possible no onboard audio either (system resource hungry) although you will have to buy a sound card as a replacement (Sound Blaster Live 5.1 are going for very cheap now and are also an excellent and trustworthy card.) Anyway good luck with OpFlash, i just upgraded my PC a few days ago (New GeForce 4 Ti 4200 and a 2ghz P4) and it is like i'm playing an entirely different game. Good Stuff! Cheers.
  15. Regarding a previous topic: http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....t=18004 I was curious as to how the progression of the Res converted sound pack is coming along. I used Satchels sounds way back in the first initial patches of OFP, then went off OFP due to my hardware being out of date. But from what i remember Satchels sounds were a MUST HAVE when playing the single missions of the game, adding greater atmosphere and actually enticing me to continue playing the game on my (what was) low-end system. So here i am months and months down the track. I have a fully upgraded PC and a nice new copy of Resistance which i picked up for half price. Playing the game with the default sounds is a little difficult to swallow after once playing with the almighty sound addon installed. And from what i have heard the sound pack has now evolved remarkably into much more than just a few replacement sounds, what is this i hear of NEWLY added sounds for each individual action??? (drooooools) So anyway, how is this Resistance conversion coming along? i am REALLY eager to grab the proper/final version of the converted sound pack, and when i say eager, i mean eager enough to visit this forum multiple upon multiple times a day for the past week just to download it. Cheers.