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Everything posted by Draxanoth

  1. Draxanoth

    Geforce 4 problems-game messed-please help

    3 Things. Â First, get the latest drivers.... Second, since it wont run D3D in ANY game, chances are the card is bad. Â Thats what happened to my old geforce 2. I bought a Visiontek Ti 4600 and it runs beautiful. Â I would think a 4200 would be pretty close to the same. I suggest calling in on the warranty if your getting problems of that magnitude. Third, if it's not a problem with the card go into your display settings, same way you change your background but it's the last tab. Â Try checking your advanced settings on your graphics card. Â Mipmapping might have to be tinkered with, try a few different settings. If you have fog emulation tables off that can cause problems. Â Ohh and 3d antialiasing settings should be set to let the programs choose the best one. Â If you get greedy with antialiasing by setting it to high some programs freak out. Â
  2. Draxanoth

    Bad looking textures with radeon 8500

    Chances are its the radeon. They've started cutting corners trying to get things built fast. Â Try looking into new drivers or the advanced d3d settings on your card. Â There should be a mipmapping performance drag down box. Â Right click your desktop, go to display properties, settings, advanced. There should be a tab with your cards name on it. Open that and go to additional properties. Â There should be a tab with direct3d settings. Â Under mipmap level you might want to try best quality if its not on it already. Â Your settings menu may be slightly different than mine. I bought a geforce 4 after radeon went down the hole.