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About DrSarcasmo

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  1. Military Simulator running Zombie Apocalypse sim: $40 Slowly starving to death because the military is hording all the food, water, guns and ammo in a heavily armed base: $0.00 Stealing a bus and enticing an army of the undead out of the burning city to follow you to the base and engage in a all out war between the living and the dead as the Sex Pistols "Anarchy in the UK" blasts out of your speakers: Bloody priceless! One of the soldiers let loose with a mounted MG and sprayed the motor pool and the whole base went up. The smoke and flames were hundreds of feet high. Glorious! This was truly one of the greatest gaming moments I've ever had. And I've been playing computer games for 30 years now. Thank you, Daimyo for this insanely fun mission...: ))