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Posts posted by DrDeathGNJ

  1. Hey gotta another thing here concerning ENDING GAME WHEN ALL ENEMIES ARE DEAD.

    Would the same Trigger thing work if enemies are on the move?

    I am working on a Single Player map where the USA base must be defended from Enemy attack. So the West base plus all its troops are pretty much staying inside or near the base and the East will be attacking.

    Will the trigger thing also work for this scenario?

    Thanks again!

  2. All the enemies are dead?

    Easy enough when your player dies thats it but, How can I have a mission END only when EVERY single ENEMY Vehicle and MAN is killed?

    Placing a simple Trigger for "END GAME" at a specific spot is not what I want.

    I have searched the forum but haven't come up with anything resembling my situation here so don't tell me to do a search.

    Also quickly how the F do you get the JOIN and JOIN IN AND LEAD waypoints to work properly? I always get retarded behavior when I try these things.

    Thanks for any help!!! APPRECIATED!!!

  3. DINGER--- I have been foiling with CHOPPERS for a quite awhile to find out things and how they work.

    For one use the "NEVER FIRE" command.

    Set behavior to "CARELESS"

    Set speed to "Limited" to assure ZERO problems. Setting the speed to full will cause the heli to over shoot the area sometimes and then it has to reconfigure itself again to get to the spot. And this causes strange behavior.

    Also I have come to the realization that Aircrafts in the game especially Helicopters need a THING to land on, NAMELY a HELI designated area{heliPad}.

    I have noticed that this way was used in the actual official game itself by the makers.

    What you wanna use is the H{Invisible} helipad and place it where you want the Helicopter to land.Its invisible so it won't show in your game or anything of course.You'll find this in the EMPTY\OBJECTS menu in the editor.

    Providing there is ample room for a landing within REALISM, your HELI will nail the spot every freakin time.

    I have done this and I continue to do this to this very day and it works solid.

    Maybe others know this too, but I don't do much searching here. I kinda slowly figure things out myself.

  4. I recently had to reinstall OFP for my new system and I forgot were I got alot of stuff. I generally use this site...


    CS Zone

    I had a editor upgrade of some sort that made every single object\unit\everything in OFP available in the editor.

    Anyone know where I can get this again. I couldn't find it on the site above I normally use.

    Plus are there any complete World War 2 MOD\Packs people can recommend for OFP?


  5. I recently had to reinstall OFP for my new system and I forgot were I got alot of stuff. I generally use this site...


    CS Zone

    I had a editor upgrade of some sort that made every single object\unit\everything in OFP available in the editor.

    Anyone know where I can get this again. I couldn't find it on the site above I normally use.

    Plus are there any complete World War 2 MOD\Packs people can recommend for OFP?


  6. OK I have WinXP Pro with SP 1 installed. I just installed Operation Flashpoint,Gold and Resistence, I am at v1.75 now and have not yet installed 1.85 patch.

    The game runs almost great except that I have DOUBLE CURSORS. I have the game cursor along with the desktop windows cursor? Its like windows forgot to NOT USE the normal windows cursor when game starts. Its very annoying to play this way.

    Any clues how to fix this up?I am afraid to use the 1.85 patch because I am seeing all these people having problems with it and having to reinstall the games again. I have already done 4 fresh installs and I don't want to do another one damn it.

  7. OK here it is I got the Group to start in heli. I did this by adding the "this moveincargo helo1" command in all the init of each Soldier unit! I thought just putting the command in the leaders init would work, it didn't. HMMMMM

    Now on to the script! I did as you stated above and the troops did not exit the helo1?

    Am I missing something?

    ALIMAG could you please go over what you typed and check for some TYPE O's maybe because I went thru everything you said but the only thing that worked was them starting in the HELI which is a good start!

    Thanks! I am dead set on getting this right if its the last thing I do!

  8. I know this topic has been beat to death around here but its just not working for me.

    I have tried two scripts from this forum that are said to be the easiest to use. Well I can't get them to work! Little details would be appreciated on whats missing or what I am doing wrong.

    Below are the two scripts I have and neither F'ing work and I have persistently gone over and over everything and I can't get thme to work.

    {This script was taken from a tutorial from 3dplanet OFP site and I followed the tutorial to the letter and it still did not work.}

    _aunits = units L1

    _i = 0

    _Max = count _aunits


    (_aunits select _i) action ["EJECT",helo1]

    unassignvehicle (_aunits select _i)



    ?_Max>_i:goto "Here"


    {This script came from someone in this forum stating that this worked fine. It does not!}

    unit_name action ["eject", helo1]; unassignvehicle unit_name


    unit_name action ["eject", helo1]; unassignvehicle unit_name


    unit_name action ["eject", helo1]; unassignvehicle unit_name


    unit_name action ["eject", helo1]; unassignvehicle unit_name


    unit_name action ["eject", helo1]; unassignvehicle unit_name


    unit_name action ["eject", helo1]; unassignvehicle unit_name


    unit_name action ["eject", helo1]; unassignvehicle unit_name


    unit_name action ["eject", helo1]; unassignvehicle unit_name


    unit_name action ["eject", helo1]; unassignvehicle unit_name


    unit_name action ["eject", helo1]; unassignvehicle unit_name


    unit_name action ["eject", helo1]; unassignvehicle unit_name


    unit_name action ["eject", helo1]; unassignvehicle unit_name



    I Have been over and over these and can't get them to work. the second script listed above puzzles me. Do I have to put the name of each troop from platoon where it says unit name? Thats not right and seems like a awful lot of work.

    Also when you create a Helicopter, if its too close to the platoon you just made it gets linked to that platoon.And any waypoints given to the Leader of the platoon make the Heli follow those orders. If the Heli is too far away it becomes a stand alone Unit and it has to have its own separate waypoints to follow.

    In all the tutuorials I read none of them mention about what to set in ranks for the Heli. If it is a rank of private it will follow the Platoon leader which doesn't work right.

    Just seems to be details missing and I am at the point of total confusion now.

    Can someone please explain in some detail how to porper set Troops,Heli, Ranks, Waypoints and Scripts!!!

    Thank much for any help at all.

  9. Hey people,

    I live in New Jersey and was just wondering if anyone here knows of any good solid servers for Operation multiplay. It doesn't have to be Only Jersey but East Coast would be enjoyable. I do have a CABLE connection but for this game I would like the best possible ping. My web search for such servers on east coast has lead me to alot of broken sites and such. GameSpy is absolute CRAP.

    So any help would be appreciated. I am even interested in maybe some good OPFP Clans out there with a killer server, that would be nice also.

    Thanks for any help!!

  10. Hey people,

    I live in New Jersey and was just wondering if anyone here knows of any good solid servers for Operation multiplay. It doesn't have to be Only Jersey but East Coast would be enjoyable. I do have a CABLE connection but for this game I would like the best possible ping. My web search for such servers on east coast has lead me to alot of broken sites and such. GameSpy is absolute CRAP.

    So any help would be appreciated. I am even interested in maybe some good OPFP Clans out there with a killer server, that would be nice also.

    Thanks for any help!!

  11. Ok heres the problem....

    The mission where you have to "Steal the Refueling Truck" and then drive it back to the Chopper and refuel. Ok now I have refueled the chopper. Then I get a mission update and coordinates to fly to "The Repair Truck". Now I fly over to repair truck and the game at this point says "Go here and wait for others" now when I get to that point a "CUT-SCENE" kicks in showing me landing and getting repaired. Then a mission update happens and I have to go save my comrades. After the cut scene the game's "RETRY" point is updated and the game starts. Well it starts and I instantly crash in CHOPPER? HOw F'inf annoying. No matter how many times I retry from that point the game starts my CHOPPER UPSIDE DOWN! Thtas right you heard it right....UPSIDE DOWN. No matter how hard I try it just either lands on the rotors or crashs. And this is the game doing it not me. After the cut-scene it sticks me in the chopper upside down! WTF!!!

    Anyone have this problem? ANyone Fix this problem.

  12. OK let me throw out some specs from the Tyan Motherboard I installed along with the CPU specs.

    The CPU again is a AMD Athlon Thunderbird 1100mhz not a Duron or XP. I verified this by using various pics and charts from some tech sites on verifying AMD cpu's. This AMD is not a XP cpu, it is the last AMD chip before the XP's came out I believe.its maybe about 6 to 8 months old but don't quote me on that.

    The Tyan motherboard is using the VIA KT-133 Chipset{vt8363 and vt82c686a}.I have 256megs PC133 SDRAM installed in bank 1. The memory is made by Micron{generic}.

    I tell ya what, I will list again my former setup and the newer one and maybe someone can tell me why the NEWER AMD setup is NOT faster then my old setup. Just doesn't seem possible.

    OLD SETUP.....

    Full Tower 300watt PSU

    ASUS P3BF-440bx Motherboard AGP x2 Slot 1 100fsb

    Intel P3-600e Slot 1

    356 PC100 SDRAM{generic}

    Gainward GF3 Ti500 64megs DDR AGP

    Promise Ultra66 Controller PCI

    Santa Cruz 3D Sound PCI

    Intel Ethernet PCI

    1.44 Floppy Drive{of course}

    56x Cd-Rom IDE

    Plextor 8/4/32 CDRW IDE

    Maxtor 10gig 7200rpm EIDE

    Maxtor 20gig 7200rpm EIDE

    Maxtor 29gig 7200rpm EIDE

    Logitech Cordless Optical Mouse

    Intel WebCam USB

    Umax Scanner USB

    Microsoft Sidewinder Force Feedback

    17inch CTR Monitor

    Dual Boot OS's WinME and WinXP

    Ok now the New Setup.....

    Full Tower 300watt PSU

    Tyan KT S2390 VIA KT-133 Chipset AGP 1x/2x/4x Mode

    AMD Athlon Thunderbird 1100mhz ZIF Socket A 200fsb

    256 PC133 SDRAM{Micron}

    Gainward GF3 Ti500 64megs DDR AGP

    Promise Ultra66 Controller PCI

    Santa Cruz 3D Sound PCI

    Intel Ethernet PCI

    1.44 Floppy Drive{of course}

    56x Cd-Rom IDE

    Plextor 8/4/32 CDRW IDE

    Maxtor 10gig 7200rpm EIDE

    Maxtor 20gig 7200rpm EIDE

    Maxtor 29gig 7200rpm EIDE

    Logitech Cordless Optical Mouse

    Intel WebCam USB

    Umax Scanner USB

    Microsoft Sidewinder Force Feedback

    17inch CTR Monitor

    Dual Boot OS's WinME and WinXP {xp didn't like the MB change, no biggie}

    So there you have it old setup and new. As you can see little has change outside of MB and CPU.

    So then again I ask, How is it possible the newer system runs no faster then my old system and actually benched slower in 3dMark 2002 then my old system?

    I am baffled!

    I myself see no increase in games or anything? WTF? I am lost. I should have seen something better I figure or maybe the whole AMD 1100mhz isn't what its cracked up to be.

    Well any thoughts or something would be appreciated!!

  13. OK listen to this and tell me how my problem now is possible!!

    Go back and look at my old system and everything so you have reference.

    I put in the Tyan KT Motherboard with AMD Athlon 1100mhz with the 256 PC133 SDRAM I got from my bro.

    Now listen to this!!! I am so puzzled!!!


    I mean I literally had to take a double look inside my computer to make sure I wasn't dreaming I changed the motherboard, because the computer is running and acting identical to my former P3-600. I even have done some benching on 3dmark2001 and actually got a score of only 3801 and my former P3-600 scored a 4320. WTF is going on?

    I am messing around with the motherboard BIOS setting but nothing is changing the performance.Also for some reason I am having doubts that the BUS speed is 200mhz like it should be for some reason but, the Tyan KT board is Automatic so I can't set it myself.Reason I think the bus speed isn't running at 200 because 3Dmark 2001 said my bus speed was only 100! And I know this board is a 200mhz front side bus! So I am confused!

    With the New BIOS patch I did for the motheboard I can Overclock the cpu very high but I am not so into that!

    I thought AMD Athlons where good? I am completely puzzled!

    Any thoughts or help would be appreciated!!

  14. Tales_From_Topographic_Oceans and others thanks for the responses.

    To answer some questions, when I say "I have at my disposal", I mean "I DO HAVE THE MOTHERBOARD AND AMD CPU WITH ME AND READY TO BE USED AT THIS VERY MOMENT".

    I am also aware that Tyan has come out with newer revision of this Motherboard namely the S2390a and more recently the S2390b.

    Someone here had made a mention that the particular board I have, the s2390, can only do 1ghz is both right and wrong.

    Thanks to BIOS upgrades this motherboard is able to go higher then 1 ghz now and maybe even to the lowest AMD XP chip, but I have not received anything from tyan support verifying this.

    See this Motherboard and AMD cpu I have is from my brothers computer. He did not like the performance he got with it in some Graphic Applications so he rebuilt his system to a P4 1.8 gig.

    So this is why I have this at my disposal.

    So some of you are saying go for it and some say no! I don't really have the money at the moment to by squat do to money being tight. So I was hoping I could do my free upgrade here and be happy!

    Also as far as the 300watt PSU some are mentioning, I don't think its a problem and more then enough for my stuff. Reason being is I once seen a AMD server, at a company I did a tech job for, that had 5 SCSI Harddrives,Two Tape Backups drives and 2 CDRWs running on a 250watt power supply! Cooky ass server I ever seen but it ran fine. So I think 300watts is more then enough and if some CPU's need more then that then I say its a crap CPU or a bad chip. Theres just no intelligent reason why 300 watts shouldn't be powerful enough for any system really.

    So there ya have it and again thanks for your input people!

  15. This upgrade is all revolving around Operation Flashpoint so thats why I am posting it here instead of some other Tech site or something! My Fellow OPFP Players here is what I care about, not some Quake 3 Tard telling me whats what. smile.gif

    I have a Tyan Trinity KT 133 S2390 Mainboard at my disposal. With AMD 1.1gig Athlon{NoneXP, can do XP thlon thru BIOS Upgrade Yahoo} and mainboard is also 200mhz front side bus if ya didn't know.

    Here is my current system and hardware that will be used with this Trinity Mainboard.

    I would appreciate it if any of you, my fellow hardware geeks\gamers, would give me your input on how it may run with this hardware and if I can look to have problems with certain things. And most importantly can this upgrade handle OPFP at high settings with good FPS?

    here go's.......

    Full Tower ATX 300watt Powersupply

    Promise Ultra 66 Controller PCI Card

    Gainward Geforce3 Ti500 64megs DDR AGP

    Santa Cruz 3D Sound Card PCI

    Intel Ethernet PCI Card

    10gig Maxtor 7200rpm

    20gig Maxtor 7200rpm

    29gig Maxtor 7200rpm

    Dual Boot OS's running... WinME & WinXP

    Well thats the meat and potatoes of my hardware. As you can see its fairly new stuff and everything currently works great. I figured that a AMD 1.1 might give me a great boost in performance?

    But I won't do this upgrade if you people tell me it won't work well with all my stuff!

    Thanks Again to anyone who gives me their input!
