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Everything posted by DrDeathGNJ

  1. To me Operation deserves Game of the Year{2001} and maybe 2002 as far as a realism award, who knows whats coming out this year. I have had the game since Mid August 2001 and I still play the game to this day with Admiration and exhileration.The entire scope of what this game is and does has no equal at this moment on the game market, too me anyways. Ghost Recon was a good game but, ya know what? I don't play that game anymore!Ghost Recon's Realism was ok but the invisible wall world annoyed me from the get go. Lack of vehicle interaction and overall world interaction was poor. The Enemy and Friendly AI was irratic at best. Was great at some moments and completely RETARDED at others. OPFP I think had a very straight forward SOLID AI, sure there are some dumb things it does but I find it to be the most compelling AI I ever seen for this type of game. The AI in OPFP has saved and backed up my ASS better then any other game I ever played so thats why I give it high marks. Return To Castle Wolfenstein and Medal Of Honor where fun to play and had some nice realism touches but no where near OPFP. The fact that you can HOP into just about any vehicle in OPFP and Fly it or Drive it just floored me from the start! No other game can touch this wonderful addition to the WAR Genre. On a percentage scale from 0% to 100% I personally give OPFP a 90%.{What ever F'n drugs PC Gamer was smoking, to give Ghost Recon best game of the year award and not even give anything at all to OPFP, I want it it must be good stuff.} Thorn in my Butt! OPFP = Great WAR Atmosphere, Great Weapon and Soldier Physics, good Sound and a exspansive Untouchable game World like no other. SWEETNESS P.S. Gotta work on the OPFP Multiplay some more and tweak it more!!
  2. This upgrade is all revolving around Operation Flashpoint so thats why I am posting it here instead of some other Tech site or something! My Fellow OPFP Players here is what I care about, not some Quake 3 Tard telling me whats what. I have a Tyan Trinity KT 133 S2390 Mainboard at my disposal. With AMD 1.1gig Athlon{NoneXP, can do XP thlon thru BIOS Upgrade Yahoo} and mainboard is also 200mhz front side bus if ya didn't know. Here is my current system and hardware that will be used with this Trinity Mainboard. I would appreciate it if any of you, my fellow hardware geeks\gamers, would give me your input on how it may run with this hardware and if I can look to have problems with certain things. And most importantly can this upgrade handle OPFP at high settings with good FPS? here go's....... Full Tower ATX 300watt Powersupply Promise Ultra 66 Controller PCI Card Gainward Geforce3 Ti500 64megs DDR AGP Santa Cruz 3D Sound Card PCI Intel Ethernet PCI Card 10gig Maxtor 7200rpm 20gig Maxtor 7200rpm 29gig Maxtor 7200rpm Dual Boot OS's running... WinME & WinXP Well thats the meat and potatoes of my hardware. As you can see its fairly new stuff and everything currently works great. I figured that a AMD 1.1 might give me a great boost in performance? But I won't do this upgrade if you people tell me it won't work well with all my stuff! Thanks Again to anyone who gives me their input!
  3. DrDeathGNJ

    Opfp? where does it stand for you as a game\sim?

    Well I am Glad I am not the only one who feels OPFP is in a league of its own. While I do play other games like Tribes 1 and Counter-Strike they really are just a ammusing thing for me too do. They are fun on a very very basic level, thats it nothing more. When I hear Counter-Strike players talk of its realism I literally fall on the ground laughing. Operation is like living a Military life when you play it, imaginary albeit. It takes me away to a very realistic place that no other game to this day has come close too.
  4. Do something that alot of other game makers don't do? Actually concentrate on Hitting the Nail on the Head as far as FIX'es with the original game then add only Tweaks to everything in the game to perfection for the new game!!Of course have a entirely new campaign. Hows that!!! Sounds small if you just glance at the idea but its not! Far too often game makers take a game and redo it only to have completely F'ed it up beyond the original games mistakes! Bring a game to Public Eye Perfection and you will have a strong following for years to come! Can anyone else see what I am saying?
  5. DrDeathGNJ

    Keep us entertained

    HEHE Great idea with PONG but how about having the little laptop have DOOM on it a tiny game to run by todays standard! sharpen your shooting skills for the game when it finally loads!!
  6. DrDeathGNJ

    Fond fond memories of moments like these....

    The whole game has my FONDNESS! But one of the great things was I believe the THird mission, when you have to make it to the extraction zone because the POOP hit the fan but you end up getting picked up by the rebels at the end!! Well while laying in the woods the the Ruskies are searching in patrols and that Hind flying over head! WOW what a wicked feeling that gave me! Total emmersion! This game is just outstanding with portraying realism and emmersion. Man did the tension get high!
  7. DrDeathGNJ


    Ghost Recon can't compare to OFP. PERIOD! I was sickedned to death almost when I saw all these PC Mags saying GHost Recon was the Best Military Shooter of all time! I have never heard suck crap ever in my Life! Ghost Recon is mildly fun. OFP is Flatout Awsome. GR wishs it could be OFP. Great Graphics don't make a game, Great Gameplay makes a good game! PERIOD! OFP is a GREAT GAME WITH UNBELIEVABLE POSSIBILITIES. GR IS A FUN GAME WITH ZERO POSSIBILITIES. THE END
  8. I recently redid my system and tried to reinstall Operation but the CD is all F'ed up. Scratchs all over it. It just won't load. I tried CD Scratch cleaners and everything but nothing worked. If I had too I would go out and get it again but I would rather save the money if I could and just get a replacement. How do I go about doing this? I am a Full Registered owner of Operation.
  9. DrDeathGNJ

    Winter Addons

    I have been out of the mix too long. Those Winter Maps look killer! To bad I may have to RE-Buy the game being my original Game CD is all Scratched up and it won't install now after I redid my system
  10. DrDeathGNJ

    Flashpoint CD Replacement Possible After 90 day Warranty??

    theavonlady has a good point! I have had the game way longer then 90 days. I got the game the day it came out here in the States. And I am not sure I still have the receipt. I mean who keeps a receipt after a long while? I had no intentions of returning the game because I thought it was great. I had no intentions of scratching my GAME CD too, but it happened.Also doesn't my registration prove I own my OWN copy of the game? I registered the game in my name with all important information that was asked the day I installed it. Not to mention I used the Product code listed in the back of my game manual.Those CODES are unique to each game that is bought right? If code was given out to a number people, which I am sure I did not do, wouldn't you know about it in your registration files? I mean I can supply everything that came with my game including my personal information I used on registration but, the receipt is a no show, so far. Well my thoughts above are VALID. Any answers you can provide to me would be appreciated. { Why am I getting the feeling I am gonna have to buy the game again, because registration is nothing but BS info probably being sold to third party companies?}
  11. DrDeathGNJ

    Community Pessimism

    I think the people who b*tch and Moan about OPFP have either never played it, Only played the demo or don't have the mental capacity to move beyond brainless shooters like Q3 and the like. OPFP is by far the most realistic Military Shooter\Simulation I have ever seen. I close friend and former MARINE buddy is blown away by Flashpoint. The shear magnitude of what Flashpoint presents in gameplay should command only respect even from those who can't get into it. Other games like GhostRecon pale in comparison to Flahpoint. It sickened me when I see all these games mags saying GhostRecon is the most realistic military shooter of all time. That is the most load of CRAP I have ever seen and heard. GhostRecons environments can't even compare to Flashpoint's. GhostRecons AI is shotty at best. Either too Good or Too stupid.The command interface in GhostRecon is just above crap.The game is fun on a simplistic level and thats it. Flashpoint makes you feel like your apart of something great. Flashpoint has bugs of course but, its doing something no game has ever done. Combine Flight Simulators,RealTime Strategy and FPS all in one game. And I think they did it rather well. So if you can't see and enjoy what Flashpoint has done and offers then go play Q3 or some mindless run and gun and stop whining. My hats off to those who see, enjoy and respect Flashpoint and its accomplishments.