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Everything posted by Dpillay

  1. Well games like OPF and Ghost Recon don't run my system but Medal of Honour did run pretty well!! i really don't know whats wrong!! i have a VIA mobo,Geforce2 MX-200 64mb(driver ver 27.70),128mb ram if i try to install the via 4in1 drivers my system starts hanging on the boot up itself!!! plz help if u can!! and the later detonators r also giving me problems
  2. Well OPF keeps crashing....in the sense that the screen just stills but the sound is still running in the background!! My sys -- VIA mobo,128MB ram,GeForce2 MX-100 64mb plz help!!
  3. AGP aperture size is 64 (even tried 128) and the AGP is st at 1x(same prob with 2x) i tried disabling my sound card --- OPF did play for a little longer but then again it froze!!
  4. My northbridge and southbridge r of Via -- i'm certain --- i am unable to install the latest AGP drivers of VIA 4in1 cause -- everytime i do it -- my system then doesn't boot!!
  5. Yes all tests work --- but OPF in Direct3D doesn't even start -- whereas if i choose glide it works for about 5-6 minutes and then it freezes!! Ghost Recon also freezes in the same way on my system!
  6. DirectX 8.1 directx tells me D3D is working!!
  7. Tell me something --- when i install the latest AGP drivers thru' the 4in1 of VIA ..... my graphic card stops responding........moreover in DirectX my card doesn't show any chip type or dac type!! is this wrong?>
  8. is there any particular compatibility issue between the Via Apollo Pro and nVidia's GeForce2 MX-200. please help -- i just bought the card and it's not working!
  9. Well before the nVidia Geforce2 MX-200 64mb i had the SiS 6326 8mb card --- and my motherboard is the VIA Apollo Pro....i am using latest drivers for both and i have 64mb of ram ... the problem is that windows keeps hanging --- it goes into a blank screen with a cursor on top blinking.. and thats it --- some times it boots into windows and then it hangs even when i start games like Virtual Pool3 Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease Help!! -- i am at my wits end!!
  10. Dpillay

    ATI Raedon 7200

    is this card good? i want to buy the card (64mb) if u have used it please reply with what u think
  11. Dpillay

    ATI Raedon 7200

    mostly gaming -- like opf , ghost recon ---- u see it wouldn't take much to satisfy me 'cause i previously owned the SiS 6326 AGP price is $100
  12. Dpillay

    Need some opinions on a brand of computer...

    get one assmembled to ur specifications -- u don't really have to go in for the brands!! man alienware sure has some great systems on offer --- but certainly steep!
  13. Dpillay

    a hardware question

    well i am gonna buy the nVidia Riva TNT2 32MB card!! --- the thing is that i have a SiS 6326 card -- so do i have to remove the sis or do i leave it on? --- will there be any compatibility issues!?
  14. Dpillay

    a hardware question

    it's not like i hammered it open or something --- lol --- u really make it sound so eerie:) warranty over long time ago!
  15. Dpillay

    a hardware question

    why not? take a screw driver and voila --- actually it was good --- i finally came to know the model no. of my VIA chipset!
  16. Dpillay

    a hardware question

    thanx for the caution Cpt Gamer Ftk --- but i think i can handle this -- figured out what to do with much more complex stuff:) and ya i know about the Geforce --- but the thing is i live in india and here things r not in the same price range for some absurd reason!
  17. Dpillay

    a hardware question

    oh yeah --- been itching to that for a long time:) the SiS is in the AGP slot -- so i have to remove it!
  18. Dpillay

    a hardware question

    opened the CPU and figured it out myself!!
  19. Dpillay

    DirectX 8.1 AND OPF

    well maybe u can try this ---- do to the display tab of DX 8.1 and click on "Disable" for Direct3D Accleration ---- the popup says this will now enable all 3d acceleration!! click ok!! hope this helps !!! --- guess there's something wrong with the Dx 8.1
  20. Will OPF work alright in the nVidia RIVA TNT2 32MB card! -- it's pretty cheap and supposedly good! or is there another 32MB card which is better in approx same prics range?
  21. Will OPF work alright in the nVidia RIVA TNT2 32MB card! -- it's pretty cheap and supposedly good! or is there another 32MB card which is better in approx same prics range?
  22. Will OPF work alright in the nVidia RIVA TNT2 32MB card! -- it's pretty cheap and supposedly good! or is there another 32MB card which is better in approx same prics range?
  23. Will OPF work alright in the nVidia RIVA TNT2 32MB card! -- it's pretty cheap and supposedly good! or is there another 32MB card which is better in approx same prics range?