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Everything posted by Diniter

  1. Diniter

    US Demo Released

    It seems you are actually spawning but the spawn screen stays. Sounds like a bug in the mission scripting. This is big time. It happens to me all the time Capture the Island as well. Almost every game in CTI that I can recall this has happened to me. If not right away at the initial spawn then it's usually after the first death. There should be a kill command for ArmA to get it to exit but nothing I've tried works from inside the game. All in all my experience with CTI has been very poor (rate it a failure).
  2. Diniter

    Chipset/bios update

    What is the brand of motherboard that you have? If it were Intel I'd say that you have got it made. They have got a foolproof system down for inf and BIOS updates. However it does sound like you may have an Asus or something. Yeh you probably need to make a bootable floppy and from there find the flash tool (.exe) and the file for your BIOS and follow the directions. I would recommend you take your time reading any read me files off the website before you jump into things. The chipset updates are easier for first timers. They usually come in a self executable file format that starts the install process. All you usually have to do is click "next" on those. No problems unless the update doesn't like your system or software. Has anyone told you to do this or are you using your own initiative? I'd beware of people who talk about using beta files all the time. Just my two cents. GL
  3. It's such a pain in the you know what to manually add an object and even more pain for the potential downloader to put in the mundane objects everytime he/she wants to play a new downloaded mission. It is a no brainer to me that they should add this to the inside of the mission editor. Everyone would benefit. And you know what it wouldn't be hard to add a new category for "additional" addons so you fellas that don't want to see the clutter don't have to. The "clutter", man, you're making useless excusses now. Tell me how many times you've downloaded a mission that the reviewer says needs no addons only to get it started and it crashes because it says something like you don't have the "streetlights" addon or something. It's always something! Come on we don't need this hassle.
  4. Ab-so-friken-lutely!! Â Not Gunslinger's but their own. It's their code. I can't figure why do they not want to include everything they have in the mission editor? I want an upgrade to the mission builder.
  5. Diniter

    Its ba-ack...

    I went for 3 weeks without the forum until I went to my mom's and connected to it . Turned out to be my computer or isp that was causing me to not be able to connect. So I downloaded a proggy to fix it and reformatted later. Good this time wasn't that long.
  6. Diniter

    What are you excited about resistance?

    I'm just excited about any code revision they do. Let's see what they might do to the existing code that's never seen e.g "strikefist" or "drop" to name a few. It would be wastefull not to fix those things up to work. Also the texture improvements are important to me if I can run them on a 933MHz + 32 meg video card and better AI. Another nice addition I want but am not clear if they are going to bring it are new formations and better sounds. I don't expect their's to be another Red Hammer by Codemaster(which I didn't like), but I'm waiting to see if it going to meet expectations first. I'm not falling for the idea to spend full price for the series of three. I might just wait around for the price to drop if it isn't great. I failed to mention mod tools and reworked multi-play because I hope to see some of it in a patch for OFP: Cold War Crisis.
  7. Diniter

    Prenlod format in object

    YES! It lives. Â I was putting in Obj2PBO the REAL original and not the .p3d_. A-lone-wolf your a King!!! I feel great finally to get something of mine (sort of) into OFP. Thanks for the ideas gentlemen. I'm using your advise to rename my files , Eviscerator. I keep the pbo , the folder, and the p3d all the same name. I change the .p3d_ to .p3d just before I use Pbotool.exe and not sooner. Things are looking neat. And thanks for the tips on tools I needed it earlier today. I hope to come out with NATO armorment ,static objects & civilian things , and then (and maybe sooner) some Russian units if things get heavy on one side.
  8. <span style='font-size:10pt;line-height:100%'>I got back into Milkshape again. I created a new bivouac static object. I want to see it inside OFP now before I go on. I have used rotate and am a little hesitant about using it more.</span> <span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'><span style='color:red'>I get the message "Warning:preNLOD format in object name\name.pbo"</span></span> <span style='font-size:10pt;line-height:100%'>Does anybody remember knowing how to get around this deal? I've tried throwing working .pbo's into the directory path in my config.cpp. I think I Â have verified that the config file is not the problem. It's very simply done (config) and it works when I use other .p3d's and .pbo's as I said above. I did use Stuffpbo and remembered reading to instead work with pbotool.exe.</span> Now I get this message "Warning: preNLOD format in object XXX\xxx.p3d" .
  9. Diniter

    Prenlod format in object

    Ok I'll try it over. Yes , Eviscerator the model is the MDOL (Orig. Demo) form of the Pristresek.p3d that I'm using to start begin with I forgot to say that. I'll try it again. Thanks for the help. I'll let you know how it went. I'm itching to get this to work. Do I need to rename the model before I make the raw .obj blocks? Â Um. Â Do I need to rename the folder, before I begin working, to the finalized Pbo name or anything special? In other words does the p3d and/or .PBO themself have any reference at all to directory paths (aside form what the .cpp or bin have as data ).Does that make sense because I'm confusing myself?
  10. Diniter

    Making models

    Uhh..well..honestly I don't think you'll have a standing change at getting the O2. I don't agree with their tactics at filtering out talent, but without a track record I don't think you even qualify. I'm new at modeling too. I cant seem to get any program (other than Milkshape) to keep textures and groups together without flipping the models around and resizing them. I think it's safer at this time to use Milkshape. I don't want to say too many good things about it . I don't exactly care for the controls on it for one thing, but the thing does work with original demo models and thats a step above the rest right there. Maybe the wait for everyone to get it won't be too long. I think I'll be in the Army by that time though
  11. Diniter

    List of bugs in 1.46

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (russin @ April 18 2002,09:17)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">upon boot up of game my dest top mouse appears in the game the only way to get rid of it is to ALT+TAB but after i ALT+TAB all my setting for vidieo go all dark tottal pain in the ASS!!!!!! PLEASE FIX THIS<span id='postcolor'> When this happens do you go back into video settings of the game and turn up the brightness then put it back down to where is was? If not there you go . I get that to my machine also. Tell me do you get all kinds of lag when you alt-tab out to windows then go back in to the game a few times .eg, alt-tab + alt-tab back in , alt-tab then back in ,etc. ?
  12. Diniter

    The comprehensive ofp tank bug list

    Fucking nice list.
  13. Diniter

    Machineguns too inaccurate

    They have already addressed this in an earlier patch (humph didn't get it right ,though). So I'm betting they wouldn't look over it again unless you paid them!
  14. Diniter

    Please one more patch before resistance!

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (eyes @ April 09 2002,21<!--emo&:0)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Remembered another thing: When firing bullets from the optics view of the tanks the bullets come from the right and head off target to the right then change direction and head closer to where you're aiming at the last second. Whats that about? Also must agree that being able to use the tripod (especially if it took a couple of seconds from the action menu) for the m-60 would be great.<span id='postcolor'> Yeah that one throws me off big time. I find it harder to follow my target when the tracers are going berserk. Iv'e mentioned this one over and over but I'll do it again. (am I fanatical?) When you are detected by the enemy and you take cover inside any vehicles as cargo passanger they cannot see you at all unless you enter when they have their fire already on you (in this case most of the time they continue to shoot). Furthermore if you turn to driver seat although in many conditions the engine isn't even ON , they immediately divert their attention to you. It's not really a big deal I got through the campaign when there was only a handfull of times I could have really used a vehicle without drawing attention to myself. Mmmn the machineguns could use some smaller shot radius too, I agree . Sad, it used to be actually better IMO.
  15. Diniter

    List of bugs in 1.46

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (ALDEGA @ April 06 2002,20:44)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Diniter, the game has been out since june 22 2001. That's over 9 months ago. I can't think of many games that have received support for such a long time. (Yeah we all know Half Life has been getting patches for 3 years. But Valve and Sierra are just milking out that game. They just keep releasing new platinum versions all the time. Would you want OF to be like that?). And remember, this isn't the land of milk and honey. Investing time to research and fix bugs costs time... and MONEY. Money doesn't grow on trees. Don't you agree we've received enough patches and addons (which they didn't even have to do, and they did it for free. Redstorm would ask you $39 for all the addons). BIS are moving on. I'm a very happy owner of this game and I'll be happy when Resistance will be released. btw, regarding the flashing roads. I disabled w-buffer and the roads don't flash anymore. With the previous nvidia driver, w-buffer worked fine though.<span id='postcolor'> ALDEGA, I agree with some of that and have an appreciation for the rest of what you said. ____ I disagree if it gets to the point where they stop "listening". (Now I am refering to "What to fix in the next patch" thread. (link at bottom)) If there is a list of things correctable then I think it is honerable to either come out and give us in "laymans" terms the reason why it's not possible or is too difficult, than to scram to the next project. I think most everyone could come to agree that new models and cosmetics can not be feasible with time restraints if they posted it outright. The other gameplay issues/bugs could be sorted out with a reason not to employ them later without THAT much trouble. To put something out for us to see would at least dignify our regards. Why they have not done anything; I'm only left to speculate that they are saving our feedback for another game. Not that I'm against another game, but as for the above , I feel, this is not the right reason. It's manipulation. The over all goal in mind hopefully is to create a large pool of users that play the game. From a business standpoint is to create more games more often. From a consumers standpoint is to have fewer games with more quality than more games of low playing value. This game is already a jewel in the rough. But it could stand for more than that. It could be what stood apart from the trend of crappy releases "Buy now fix later :P(never)", then people would buy it and that's what it is really all about. Couldn't, wouldn't more people (everyone) be better off if they could fix the things that concern us the most? More people would buy it, more would play it, and more would be interested $$$ in buying neat little flashy addons like planes and tanks , skins ,etc without the patches on their conscious. There is a fundemental problem with releasing addons on top of unfinished work-that is it's still unfinished work. That, to me is why companies like Redstorm are not reaping any benefits from their addons e.g "R6/RS addons. this is the thread I speak about above. http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....t+patch
  16. Diniter

    List of bugs in 1.46

    Surprised? I seems to me that with the new Resistance project going they will not be looking to do anything (or little to nothing) for the original at least for this month. The thing that might happen is if something does not mesh well with the addon then the fix for that might flow over into a Flashpoint patch. I could count the (fitting) items mentioned in that thread alone and compare it to the ones fixed and there is no question in my mind they will mostly remain bugs in the game forever. The last patch was pretty lame. And the lack of mentioning another patch is as if they don't have any plans for it. To me that is saying something. - -edited double negative
  17. Diniter

    List of bugs in 1.46

    I can't help but think that non of it f-ing matters enough to them to do anything about it. I have come to the conclusion that they are just content with releasing the patches they originally said they would and are stopping. Case in point we got the thread opened (by someone working for BIS) What bugs do you want fixed for the next patch? or something to that effect. People swarmed that thread . There were some good points in it, lots of them actually. So what do we get when the patch comes out (besides broken spirit)? Almost none of what we mentioned was thrown in . Maybe two to three fixes. So I just get discouraged when the posts come in now about fix this and fix that. People pour their minds and hearts into the equivelent of toilet paper to BIS. It doesn't matter does it?
  18. Diniter

    Do you want a "official sound upgrade"

    Yes, I think there should be a sound pack addition. By God how is it taking so long for the next patch? I mean the last one was hardly anything . Where's the code?
  19. Diniter

    What would be cool for next ofp

    Fire and better smoke, Really fast machine guns (not just effect), sticky bombs, ability to shoot from vehicles, include a over the shoulder carry & drag (to the same effect). I'd much rather drag somebody to be rescued than to have them crawl to the medic + the OPS hide is lame. Your not gonna like this but cameras and radios/ bugs for intelligence, a bonus DVD soundtrack (optional). Finally (for this post) an in-game browser for multiplayer connectivity.
  20. Diniter

    Sorry guys...

    I wouldn't read too much into "now" it could just as easily mean never. I know they are working on the newest addon and in upgrading the game to support larger textures and better netcode (supposedly), and fixing things here and there. In my opinion most will not hold out for what they really think is worth waiting for (to play something that is different, free, and constantly developed by people at home who still care to do it ). The alternative isn't as attractive to wait that long til the game can be modded, hence they could drop the game. The bottom line is the $ addon won't appeal nearly as much as releasing the tools first. This is a big mistake if it'll go down like that; and it will fall flat over time ,like soda.
  21. Diniter

    Since we aren't getting oxygen

    $$$ for a lawyer!
  22. Diniter

    Best 3rd party mission you played so far...

    Cechnya Winter lite was very good I thought. Haven't played any other really good ones in a while though it looks like things will change after this post. http://www.geocities.com/dwimmerlaik2001/MilesTegMaps.html
  23. Diniter

    Memory leak?

    Thats not what I consider a memory leak. However, there is one in Flashpoint or possibly it's jsut the video cards driver (ATI). It happens when you ALT-Tab a lot. I still use the ALT-Tab --> rename save.fps trick and after doing that like ten times the game will crawl and I have to quit & restart. I think if it gets worse over time then that is a memory leak.
  24. Diniter

    ATI Raedon 7200

    1)What's the asking price? I own a Radeon 32DDR and I really do like it. 2) What else will you be doing with it eg playing games only ,watching DVDs, mostly reading 2d text? 3)How long do you want it to last? Do you intend to play the newest cutting edge games and for how long? The Radeon will probably hang in there for a while longer ,but I think with the second line for ATi closing in fast and with the already hottest card line the GeForce 3 making the trend its making the Radeons future diminish quickly. Mostly peoples gripe about the Radeon line of cards are the drivers don't come out often enough.
  25. Diniter

    What to fix in the next patch

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1-Tank Commander Orders execution delayed because of the dialogs going on. ( Can't believe it's still there after all these patches) This is a VERY frustrating bug.<span id='postcolor'> I forgot about that one. And yes that's a very good point. Why are we waiting so long for a response ? These types of threads are opened for two reasons only. 1 to get more stars by a name and 2 ..Oh I forgot 2. Remind me BIS what 2 is !