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Everything posted by Diesel

  1. Diesel

    OFPL Mi-8

    This is my last minutes with OFP (I go to army...), so I decide relase my addon, who i made for Operation Carrot Mod. It's only public beta, so there is one model: Mi-8. OFPL Team will finish other version of this chopper (Mi-8 4xnpr, Mi-8 - no gate, Mi-17, all in Polish paints). About addon: - New textures - New model ("based" on Mi8 by Offtime) - New sound and little more. Have fun, and remember: its only beta with bugs  DOWNLOAD Sorry, no pics Edit: One pic, but edited http://www.flashpoint.pl/forum2005/files/mi8_673.jpg Any questions please write on http://www.flashpoint.pl/om/forum/index.php BTW. Sorry for my English BTW2. ViewPilot i made very fast, so this lod can make a lot bugs Goodbye everybody Â
  2. Diesel

    John Doe Model Addons?

    Click here: http://ofp.bmj.pl/index.p....&id=945
  3. Diesel

    No Texture Loaded problem

    You must load textures from virtual partition.
  4. Diesel

    OFP Wallpapers

    <span style='font-size:7pt;line-height:100%'>1024x768</span>
  5. Diesel

    OFP photography - Questions & comments

    NisuMies, damn you, My first thought it's screen from Game 2 Great pic
  6. Diesel

    AH-64 Pack Release

    ...and neither apache with AA. In encounter Vit Mi-24 vs MPIV AH-64 , Hind always win (almost)
  7. Diesel

    New Mi-24 Pack v1.1

    Nice chooper, but... 1. Can you make suspension gear? 2. I don't like main rotor... 3. Ugly pilot and gunner doors 4. Bugs: - .1. - .2. - .3. - Main Rotor: Engine OFF Engine ON - Rockets - hymmm... - Bad pos driver and gunner I hope you'll fix all bugs
  8. Diesel

    AH-64 Pack Release

    You have slow connection, I have 350 kb/s
  9. Diesel

    Opf engine based photography 3 -no pics > 100kb

    Screen by Lenin <span style='font-size:7pt;line-height:100%'>Click to enlarge</span> A: OFPL_Addons, CBT_HMMWV
  10. Diesel

    Paatool 1.1 released

  11. Diesel

    Csla 2

    Where you saw that video? Any link?
  12. Features: - new model - new textures - some new sound - grey and green camo Credits: Diesel - Model and textures Footmunch - scripts Oyman, Kuba, Sejtan - betatester Thanks to: BAS - marking script Inquisitror for cockpit Skaircro, SiD, Ajti and all who help me. Some old pics: http://www.ofp.bmj.pl/phpnews/images/DSL_A10_1.jpg http://www.ofp.bmj.pl/phpnews/images/DSL_A10_4.jpg http://www.ofp.bmj.pl/phpnews/images/DSL_A10_2.jpg http://www.ofp.bmj.pl/phpnews/images/DSL_A10_3.jpg Download: http://net10.lub.pl/~diesel/DSL_a10.rar (10MB)
  13. Diesel

    Opf engine based photography 3 -no pics > 100kb

    A: OFPL Honker (unrelased)
  14. Diesel

    OFP photography - Questions & comments

    http://img105.exs.cx/img105/8048/fsscr0110tk.jpg Oyman A-10, not DSL
  15. Diesel

    A-10 Thunderbolt II v0.5

    IDONTNO, cool, but blue light, what it is? BTW. Very nice pics
  16. Diesel


  17. Diesel


    Lublin, Poland
  18. Diesel

    Opf engine based photography 3 -no pics > 100kb

    A: DSL A10, photoshop
  19. Diesel

    Opf engine based photography 3 -no pics > 100kb

    [im]http://flashpoint.pl/om/uploads/Diesel/DSL_a10_s02.jpg[/img]>100kb Addons: Diesel's a10
  20. Diesel

    A-10 Thunderbolt II v0.5

    Black op (laser) and in init: this removeweapon "hk" or OH-58, in init: this removeweapon "ZuniLauncherOH"
  21. Diesel

    A-10 Thunderbolt II v0.5

    Only laser guided.
  22. Diesel

    A-10 Thunderbolt II v0.5

    A-10A thunderbolt II Version 1.11 Download
  23. Diesel

    A-10 Thunderbolt II v0.5

    Fixed all I think, I relase version 1.11 today No