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About Devil2

  • Rank
    Private First Class


  • Interests
  1. Devil2

    Devil is saw a bunker of yours

    why can you hurt my feeling i ain`t gay or something maybe you i just love chat fight and maybe in the real world to but if you buy me a ticket i will show up but i wan`t that damm map just be cool be somebody and relax relax is the word the world need to use you look at 11 september and you gonna relax for the tv or you watch movie`s with a mix or just relax when ya wanna relax i like poets try one to make and you we relax
  2. Devil2

    Devil is saw a bunker of yours

    hey i am just a kid of 14 for such a kid it is hard to learn four leanges or how ya spell it but i just wan`t the bunker not more and a name is a name and a person is a person but what you are i don`t know maybe cow maybe a seal but what the hack i don`t know ik wens je veel succes koeien neuker achtelijke baviaan teringleiers computer nerd
  3. Devil2

    Devil is saw a bunker of yours

    and i am also devil2 but now i got my old name back you can forget about devil 2
  4. Devil2

    Devil is saw a bunker of yours

    maybe my englisch isn`t so good and my german and french but i don`t think you guys speak 4 leanguses or how ya spell it some dutch gamers here around but we had this discusion earlier but i was the second devil here i think so realdevil shut up i am a devil so i call me a devil but i wan`t that bunker not a thea party or how you uk and american guys say it i got tree- house nice but i wan`t the bunker with anti aircraft defenses and a nice gat 2 floors etc
  5. Devil2

    Multiplayer Missions

    how you let them respawn?
  6. Devil2


    Well mortars would be nice and atillery also i saw in mp a atillery object but it couldn`t fire so there is the star of the atillerweapon you only there is also ammo i saw by making a map for attilery but there is no device tho use the shels and the gun maybe it would be handy if that goes mortar teams wouldn`t work i think but allready placed mortars with a place for one gunner will be verry nice or mortars with one ai
  7. Devil2

    Devil is saw a bunker of yours

    maybe not the devil at flashpoint but in others i am euhum :W
  8. Devil2

    Devil is saw a bunker of yours

    hey my old name works again yeahoo
  9. Devil2

    Devil is saw a bunker of yours

    but can i get the patch plz and others if there here
  10. Devil2

    Devil is saw a bunker of yours

    this is a story i toll ealyier time but my acount is rejected i can`t get on it The Devil so i made a acount Devil 2
  11. a litle time ago i saw a great bunker of you i have the tree house now but it was a really big bunker with antiairctaft defenses and about a 100 m long i red with a entrence so i wanna make a fort with it but were can i find it i want to place four of then in a kubus and close 3 entres great fort but were can i find the bunker
  12. hey i at the moment just learning i now bizi with flash by a week but i have some great ideas but i can`t really make them why don`t you make a mission in the campain tottaly from the russian side with a hole new general who was kolonel of gorbatjov or hos his name is and cheaten him to set up a third world war and he would be a leader and the west have to destroy him maybe this is a bit like wolfenstein. sorry i was a bit hang in of it. But maybe the stary goes like this that a total new person just from academy as a ranger i found the ranger patch somewere and that you make the big ships availlebel for the campain and make a part of the mission as a sea war with beach landings craft that he first will spawn as a soldier and go on with the landing maybe you can use the bunker devil has made to make a d-day sitiuation if you like my ideas send me a sing by mail or something my msn is the same as my e-mails so sorry for my bad englisch i am dutch guy.
  13. Devil2

    Killing the Scud

    hey is this oobout the second scud i can`t find it