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Everything posted by Devil

  1. Devil

    Anybody want napalm

    Oh sorry, didn't see that
  2. Devil

    Anybody want napalm

    You didn't make that, Shogun did.
  3. Get to the point! When is it out?!
  4. Devil

    Tractors Addon Complete

    Hey! Thanks for all your positive comments (I think my ego just enlarged about 300%) The civilian helicopter only has inside textures complete, but I might work on the rest later. I'm starting to work on a police and news version of the OH58 once I replace the gunner with a cargo spot. oneandsix, no my FTP is down so I cannot edit my site yet. Satellite images is replaced with Projects. Sorry if I disapointed you :cool: What SHOULD I do next ?
  5. </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from Jamesia on 8:20 pm on Nov. 20, 2001 </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from Devil on 11:33 pm on Nov. 19, 2001 Jamesia, it's OK to be mad that I kicked you out of my squad, just please remove the tag from your signature, ok? <span id='postcolor'> Umm ... URKET took over the squad who's Webpage I own? In which about 10 members listen to me? Actually he is co-leader and you got kicked out about 2 weeks ago and I sent you a few ICQ messages. Bye bye, take your tag off, idiot. No devil. I could sware that you resigned and URKET took over. so screw you. + u never told me. <span id='postcolor'>
  6. Devil

    Rope ladders for choppers

    Well I got ladder pics, but my FTP is down.
  7. Well my skinning sucks My programming is better That Harrier will be in OFP soon
  8. C-130 was a joke in which most people got it. I consider it pretty d*amn funny :cool:
  9. Jamesia, it's OK to be mad that I kicked you out of my squad, just please remove the tag from your signature, ok? Back to my retaliation: Bridges are downloadable at my Mission section of my site since 10/25/01. Harrier: Still have no idea about that bridge program.
  10. Uhh thanks for the advice ... not.
  11. Devil

    Between the line addon

    You forgot illegal.
  12. Devil

    Rope ladders for choppers

    Can someone host these pics for me?
  13. Devil

    Rope ladders for choppers

    Hmm ... /me grins
  14. Civilian Helicopter should be done next week. Flamethrower, as I said before, doesn't actually 'burn' anything ... yet. BMW should be finished by the end of the month.
  15. Umm show me a post where I say I have the press demo? Also, what bridge builder are you talking about
  16. I am well known for bulls**ting? You better watch your words, son. Name 3 lies I have said, eh?
  17. Devil

    Jump Island to Island

    You can't travel from island to island, if that is what you mean. You don't need to make any campaign for that and no, you can't 'clear' the island.
  18. Devil

    Dumb reasons for flaming ideas

    Krusty, I see what you are trying to say, but sometimes it can get out of hand. Do you personally like to look at stupid thread titles such as "MAKE A STAR WARS RACER POD!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111" or something like "I MADE A FLOATING TANK!!!!!"? No, we don't want to see those. This is a game of high intelligence, unlike Counter-Strike and all of those moronic games. I just try to keep the addons at some level of decency without it going to s**t. But Krusty is right, y'all :cool: