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About Delius

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  1. Delius

    1.46: frequent dedicated server crashes

    Hi BI and all we have the same here on all two dedicated servers. Since 1.46(1.45) the crashes allmost after 10 Minutes with specifics Custom Maps. The same we have in the Past with the Beta-versions. Here is a link with our context.bin and flashpoint.rpt. I also include one custom map (Arudy LT) where the dedicated crashes verry often. I hope this help debuging. http://www.rc-heli.de/ofp/debug.zip cheers! delius aka nox-OF http://www.oldfreakz.org
  2. Wonderfull!! Thanks a lot ! I hope the patch is comming out this month
  3. Dear BI (and all *g), Since Satchels Sound-Mod (DynamicRange) its now possible for all to modify the config.bin (config.cpp in this case). All can now make a M1A1 1000Km/h fast and Soldiers with Shields like a Abrahams. The Good Thing is, when you simply host a game (cd-version) the host checks their own server-configfile with the configfiles of the clients that connecting. If there is a modified version,a message pops in the global chat saying this. *Fine* BUT, why isnt that feature implemented in the Dedicated-Server ?? What is the Problem to enable that ? I hope you can fix that in the next release. Thanks a lot.
  4. Hello, what settings in flashpoint.cfg do you recommend for dedicated running on a 2Mbit Line ? We now have set the values to: MaxMsgSend = 64 MinBandwidth = 128000 But i guess it can be higher !?