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About Daneel

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. If you want to learn to script, try the Mission Editing section of this site and links to other sites. Lots of tutorials and script snippets to download are only a click away.
  2. Daneel

    A worthy question

    I'll look up this heattracker mission if I need to, and open it up. The code should be easy to locate.
  3. Daneel

    A worthy question

    Yes, I was replying to an earlier post, this looks very promising. I tend to use only the non official comref (a bad habit I have to stop) and I missed this one. I'll explore it and see if I can get it to consider distances. Thanks for all of the help guys.
  4. Daneel

    A worthy question

    That one looks like it would need me to repeat for every possible different car.
  5. Daneel

    A worthy question

    no cutting and pasting needed, just use: ? (me in vehicle) && (me distance myjeep <3) && (! me in myjeep): do whatever. I am looking for clarification on how to say (me in ANY vehicle) and asking if there is a quick way than this. Cutting and pasting lines and lines bumps up the size of the mission and I'll end up with a huge download time.
  6. Daneel

    A worthy question

    By the way, I thought of "me in car, me not in "myjeep"" I just want to know if there is an even quicker way
  7. Daneel

    A worthy question

    I am driving the other car, and I am trying to find a single line of code that says "if there is a vehicle next to "myjeep" do........"
  8. Daneel

    A worthy question

    No, I need to make it activate if ANY vechicle is close. I would like to avoid creating 30 triggers, one for every vehicle on the map. Like the title says, this is a worthy question. Thankyou for responding so quickly! (Edited by Daneel at 10:28 pm on Dec. 22, 2001)
  9. Hei, I need a line of code which will activate when another car of any type is less than 3m from my stationary jeep. Any ideas?
  10. Daneel


    You guys are being nicer than I would. This information is on every tutorial on the net. If he can't find that out for himself, he'll be in here every 5 minutes with this kind of question. I don't have a problem helping people out. I've answered a few queries here myself, but if this guy can't be bothered to find out the most simple basics for himself, Im d*amned if I'm goona spoon feed him.
  11. Hei, Jeg tror at du kan lage "1...target....soldier" med din egen stemme (og sĺ selfřgelig i ditt eget sprĺk). Nĺ du har tatt opp alle ordene som trenges (veldig mange) sĺ mĺ du bare gir stemme et navn sett filene inn med originale og set stemmene til dine soldater til den navn du brukt.
  12. Daneel

    Shoot the F*** cannon!!

    If this is a cutscene, then its easy. use a shot with both the vehicle and the wall . cut to a camera between the wall and the vehicle and teleport a civvie behind the camera. order the vehicle to shoot the civvie and film him firing. teleport the ciive away again and cut to a shot of the sandbags use the camcreate to make an explosion there and if you want the bags to be destroyed just teleport them at the same time as the explosion. It's far too late to think up a way to do it outside a cutscene. PS teleporting is using the setpos command.
  13. USe the links section of this site and visit at least 4 other OFP sites. When there go to the tutorials or the downloads section and download EVERYTHING that looks like it may contain useful information. I have a directory with many many many tutorials and code snippets. You should have the same. Use the code snippets to find out how to write scripts. A mission without a script is like a coffee without the cup (you can get what you want in the end, but It'll take you a lot of lickkin').
  14. If you want your player to perform an action you have to do it in a cut scene. Set up a camera on the other side off the island to give a nice little shot of a tank or something and while this is filming your players character will follow wp orders (like firing off shots until he only has 3 rounds left).
  15. www.ofpcinematic.operation-flashpoint.de They have lots of tutorials on making cut scenes and intros. You should have several tutorials on mission building as well as the command list, that is where you find out how use the commands.