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Damage Inc

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Everything posted by Damage Inc

  1. Damage Inc

    Bug in the editor...?

    The hide body option is really weird.
  2. Damage Inc

    Written slang

    It annoys me and makes me want to throw my computer out of the window. how r u m8? aaaaaaaaaargh
  3. Damage Inc

    Rain addon

    Yes but the normal ones look like crap so we could at least have a little better.
  4. Damage Inc

    Written slang

    LOL LMAO m8
  5. Damage Inc

    Rain addon

    The rain effects suck. I could glue bits of paper on the screen and it would look more like rain.
  6. Damage Inc

    Bis developer question

    Nah, BIS probably doesn't sleep
  7. Damage Inc

    Right! when are we gonna get this "oxygen"?

    Only registered members are allowed to access this forum.
  8. Damage Inc

    Russian voices

    The Russian voices aren't exactly the best voice acting I've heard but they're good enough
  9. Damage Inc

    1.48 lags badly

    Edited, forget this.
  10. Damage Inc

    Where are you from?

    No but their fur probably does
  11. Damage Inc

    Bug in the editor...?

    The "time acceleration 2x, 4x" bug has been around since 1.00 and it's hardly a big bug.
  12. Damage Inc

    New un resolution

    How about "terror strikes"?
  13. Damage Inc

    New un resolution

    Nah it isn't a real war. If they were in a real war the Palestinians would have no chance.
  14. Damage Inc

    Opf trainer

    Have you tried pouring lighter fluid in your CPU ? Well trainers are bad anyway and can also activate FADE if you're unlucky.
  15. Damage Inc

    Where are you from?

    Eskimo is a racist word, they prefer to be called inuits.
  16. Damage Inc


    I don't have a problem with those pictures except my IP is on them so I'm going to have to ask you to edit it out.
  17. Damage Inc


    LOL I don't spam that much you framed me
  18. Damage Inc

    Dear forum members!

    I only have 793 posts.
  19. Damage Inc

    Where are you from?

    Galaxy, universe all the same to me
  20. Damage Inc

    Where are you from?

    The universe, Earth, Europe, Finland
  21. Damage Inc


    Nah 1500 posts in 2 months isn't that much.
  22. Damage Inc

    Happy faboulous birthday hilandor!

    Happy birthday Hilandor. As a birthday present I've hardly been spamming the forum at all today
  23. Damage Inc


  24. Damage Inc

    Dear forum members!

  25. Damage Inc

    Suma - gimme weather or gimme sunblock!

    Is this so important anyway?