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Damage Inc

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Everything posted by Damage Inc

  1. Put this in the init field: this action ["engineon"]
  2. In your mission directory.
  3. Damage Inc

    Making an addon

    The error message is because of the { sign you have under maxLeadSpeed=200; Take it off and put }; under modes[]={"Single","FullAuto"};
  4. Damage Inc

    Making an addon

    It really helps if you keep the scope, because some people may be playing without the crosshair. You don't have the " marks in your displayName, displayNameMagazine and shortNameMagazine parameters. You have to have them, for example displayName="RPG90"; instead of displayName=RPG90;
  5. Damage Inc

    Rearming Hind

    I don't think so.
  6. Damage Inc

    The "Unfinished Business" Mission

    I don't think that there is. But you can get more points by shooting Russians in that mission.
  7. Damage Inc

    Tractors Addon Complete

    Tractors rule :biggrin:
  8. Damage Inc


    The link doesn't work.
  9. Damage Inc

    Making an addon

    You open the .p3d file in the hex editor. Then you search for "text string" pac or paa or jpg. Then you look at the path (for example addon\picture.pac) and change it to the directory that your addon is in (for example myaddon\picture.pac).
  10. Damage Inc

    Making an addon

    When you hex edit the .p3d, search for pac, paa jpg or something like that and change the paths to your addon directory.
  11. Damage Inc

    Am I missing something?

    No you don't miss anything that way. 1.20 includes the updates from 1.10.
  12. Damage Inc

    Am I missing something?

    Depends on the upgrade.
  13. Damage Inc

    I\'m pretty new at this!!

    Under the Empty side there is Objects and under Objects is Ammo Crates and Ammo Crates II.
  14. Damage Inc

    Making an addon

    You search for .pac or .jpg or .paa or something like that first. Then you change the directory names to your addon directory.
  15. Damage Inc


    Looks fake to me.
  16. Damage Inc

    Nexts addons

    It doesn't matter if they weren't around in 1985. We've got units and weapons that weren't around in 1985 already.
  17. Damage Inc

    Texturing help please

    The files aren't inside the .p3d. If you got the .p3d from the data3D.pbo, you have to find the .paa and .pac files listed the .p3d from data3D.pbo. If you got it from someone's addon, they should be included.
  18. Damage Inc

    Making an addon

    You have to use a hex editor on the .p3d (I recommend Hex Workshop).
  19. LGB=LaserGuidedBombLauncher The ammo name is the same.
  20. Laser designator=LaserDesignator
  21. Damage Inc

    Can\'t find the sec.shilka

    It's sometimes in a different place when you play the mission.
  22. Damage Inc

    Making an addon

    Looks correct to me after a quick look. The .p3d file is the 3D model for the object. And since nobody can make new models, you have to either take them from other addons or the game models.
  23. Damage Inc

    HTML professional!!!!

    Try putting onClick=mailto:youremailhere after the input type=submit. (Edited by Damage Inc at 8:32 pm on Nov. 17, 2001)
  24. There is such a list. Here. Except that it doesn't list the new weapons.
  25. Damage Inc

    direct 3D sucks ass

    You could try not linking to your desktop. Get some web space and upload the pic there.