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Da Frank

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Posts posted by Da Frank

  1. Don't forget the move command only works if you give a name to a group

    Unit1 = group this

    Now this has to be given in the init field of your group leader and not in the script, because that won't work (havn't found out why though, if somebody could tell why, I'd be a happy man).

    Next you place the Unit1 move [z,y,z,] command in your script and presto!

  2. Hi,

    I more or less have a question about that. I'm making a mission and suddenly I get an error message:

    '€ô~|#|~": Error Type Group, expected Bool

    And the problem is that it stays there (it doesn't fade out like it's making the mistake over and over again). Now by my knowledge I havn't changed anything, and I undid the changes I made but it keeps it up.

    Any idea

  3. K it took a while but here it is:


    ;//[mia1,mia2,mia3,mia4,mia5,mia6,bomb1] exec "spawn.qsq"

    ;//scripted by Da Frank


    ;//assigns bomb1 as the Target (something like a M2 machinegun)

    _bomb1 = _this select 0

    ;//assigns mia's as the survivors

    _mia1 = _this select 1

    _mia2 = _this select 2

    _mia3 = _this select 3

    _mia4 = _this select 4

    _mia5 = _this select 5

    _mia6 = _this select 6

    ;// blowup bomb1

    _bomb1 setdammage 1

    ;//find Target position

    _position = getpos _bomb1

    _x = _position select 0

    _y = _position select 1

    _z = _position select 2

    ;//sets your bomb1 in the ground (so it's not visable anymore)

    _bomb1 setpos [_x,_y,_z-5]

    ;//take some time before getting new position (otherwise you blow up your mia's)


    ;//spawns your miagrp in the house (this might involving shifting the bomb1 around)

    _mia1 setpos [_x,_y,0]

    _mia2 setpos [_x,_y+2,0]

    _mia3 setpos [_x,_y-2,0]

    _mia4 setpos [_x+2,_y,0]

    _mia5 setpos [_x+2,_y+2,0]

    _mia6 setpos [_x+2,_y-2,0]


    ;//moves your mia1 (and the rest will follow if in the same group) out of the building

    _mia1 move [_x+10,_y+10,0]

    ;//the end




    I designed it so that you don't have to know any coordinates just place your M2 (named bomb1) in a house, again this might take some shifting around.

    All your men will then be spawned in the house, and i added a littel movement so they will come out.

    Have fun

  4. Ok I think I cracked it.

    First Daneel, after 'this setdammage 1' letting it get to rest on a surface is indeed nessecery (it doesn't have to be flat, on a slope will give you a nice angle).

    Than let it there for about 10 sec. If the place you 'setpos' it to has a tree in the way, it will start bouncing again, so you have to move it around a bit untill you get the right position, also the azimut has to be right, so you could try changing that around.

    But if you want to be sure just place it in the ground for about a meter [x,y,-1], which is cool because it won't have any wheels anymore.

    Thanx again.

  5. Any one know a solution to Vehicles that won't hold still and try to sneak up a hill or wreck a garden wall while your not looking (come to think of it, even when your are looking).

    Also I would like a helicopter to be crached in the woods, but it keeps hopping because of the trees.


    Any one found out yet how to put a flag to a vehicle even when nobody's in 'm.

  6. For ground units you could allso try unitname setpos [a,b,c], where a,b,c, is the coords of somewhere in the sea and they will be dropped above water and drown.

    If you do setdammage you could hear an explosion, if you would remove the fuel (unitname setfuel 0) you might not and it still would crash in sea. Haven't tried it though.
