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Everything posted by Cpt-Fred

  1. Hi again, We played in ZARGABAD with 2.50 and it's very very heavy. server drops from 50fps to 10fps when we enter in the city. In version 2.30 The drop is from 50fps to 40fps. I think theres something activated (units or something) when we enter the city. It's just unplayable in 2.50 our server is a Xeon W3520 8 processor with 24gb ram. It's very strange fps drop. Can you try to see what's going on? Best Regards, Fred
  2. Very nice, thanks! You are welcome to join us in game ;)
  3. Hello, In ArmA Portugal Community, we are funs of insurgency, so even when theres a new version we test it! The last version 2.43 in takistan is having bugs. In this version only pilots can fly, so if we choice a pilot slot we are ejected from pilot seat with the popup "Only pilots can fly". it happens with all pilots "4". I hope you will fix that! Best Regards, Fred
  4. Cpt-Fred

    How Satisfied with Arma2 Are you??

    I love arma II but there are a lot of bugs it's unplayable, a lot of options like the thermal vision, why is in arma II expansion and not in ArmaII? And scripts of load cargo for the C130, a lot of scripts like this...
  5. Name - Portuguese Community of Arma (all) Timezone/location - Portugal GMT + 0 Squad gamemode preference (eg coop or pvp) - ALL Contact email - Comunidade_portuguesa@live.fr Website address -http://armedassaultportugal.forumclan.com
  6. Good :) our community was waiting for that http://armedassaultportugal.forumclan.com
  7. Cpt-Fred

    Patch 1.03 suggestions

    the M270 MLRS Tank from USMC don't have scope. ANd the Ural with rockets his scope is static cannot move with turret. Please Fix. C130 door and Ramp do not open. Please Fix.
  8. Cpt-Fred

    Patch 1.03 suggestions

    I have the 9800gtx (nvidia) graphic card and in advanced video options with 1.02 version of the game i cannot enable the anticrénelage ( in french ) so the game with out that is not so good. So i schearch and i have changed the setings from arma config it was FSAA=0 i set it to FSAA=3 so it active my (anticrénelage) but disable all shadowns :(. So have a look on it please. Arma 2 is an exelent game if you can play on simulation it's the best game with graphics :) Will you enable it in v1.03 ? From OFP, Arma and now Arma 2 we had always problems in the primary versions to so i hope it's normal.
  9. The Portuguese Community team is working on a Mod (Portuguese Mod) which has lot of units and vehicles from the Portuguese Army. At this moment the Mod is 90% completed.We have Finish the new Version of Alouette III for Portuguese Mod at Moment the C-130 Hercules is 90% Finish <span style='font-size:12pt;line-height:100%'>Content:</span> = Weapons:<ul>-G3 -HK21e -Mg3 -L96A1 = Units and vehicles:<ul>-Special Forces (Comandos) whit desert camo -Paras (Tropas Paraquedistas) whit wood camo -Alouette III -SA Pumas -Leopard2A6 -Transport Unimogs -M60 = In progress:<ul>-F-16 [FAP] -C130 Hercules -Humvees Pt [Afghan] -Chaimite V150 -Merlin -More Weapons... <span style='font-size:12pt;line-height:100%'>Screenshots:</span> http://i32.servimg.com/u/f32/12/32/94/63/arma_229.jpg http://i32.servimg.com/u/f32/12/32/94/63/arma_230.jpg http://i32.servimg.com/u/f32/12/32/94/63/arma_231.jpg http://i32.servimg.com/u/f32/12/32/94/63/arma_232.jpg http://i32.servimg.com/u/f32/12/32/94/63/arma_269.jpg http://i32.servimg.com/u/f32/12/32/94/63/arma_271.jpg Work in Progress...
  10. Cpt-Fred

    Portuguese Mod

    Here is the video with Cargo Script by [GIR] abi in the C130. In thes movie you can see a c130 droping troops and a truck with parachute! You can load and load the vehicle from the C130 if you are at stop! And you can eject the vehicles or the troops in C130 ( only pilot ) for drop the truck or another vehicle you must open the ramp! Enjoy
  11. Cpt-Fred

    Portuguese Mod

    i don't think so  You can see photos here: http://www.airliners.net/photo....1495284 http://www.airliners.net/photo....1494183 http://www.airliners.net/photo....1483250 http://www.airliners.net/photo....1404944 http://www.airliners.net/photo....1452848 Sorry not gray
  12. Cpt-Fred

    Portuguese Mod

    The textures are realeased by BlackJAck[VS] who is working in Portuguese Mod and work a lot in this textures ( lot of work hours ) So It's a "primary skin" for give you an idea for the final skin, It's A portuguese C-130 With a Portuguese Army Skin
  13. Cpt-Fred

    Portuguese Mod

    C-130 WIP texture
  14. Cpt-Fred

    RealTimeEditor 5

    sorry where is the test mission ?
  15. Cpt-Fred

    RealTimeEditor 5

    IN 1.15 V and 1.14 V i have a problem when i launch from RTE CAPTURE when i chose RTE EDITOR in Single Player:
  16. Cpt-Fred

    Portuguese Mod

    Thanks for try to help us guys
  17. Cpt-Fred

    Portuguese Mod

    So we ask for the Leo2 for The FFAA people (spanish people) they told me that is our MLOD. So i do not ask more questions and i Work with the Leo2.
  18. Cpt-Fred

    Portuguese Mod

    So the Leo2 is the MLOD of FFAA MOD who they give to me the permission .
  19. Cpt-Fred


    can't wait for this map!! very good work
  20. Cpt-Fred

    Portuguese Mod

    new pics for the Hercules C130 http://img357.imageshack.us/img357/9223/wip2hc4.jpg http://img166.imageshack.us/img166/7444/wipgr4.jpg
  21. Cpt-Fred

    Portuguese Mod

    There are all Units and all Unimogs trucks: Unimogs: Transporte [Truck] Transporte (aberto)[Truck (open] - Reparações [Repair] Combustivél [Refuel] Rearmamento [Rearm] Woodland and Desert Units: Oficial-G3A3 Soldado-G3A4 Sniper-L96A1 Spotter-G3A4 acog Artilheiro-Mg3 Artilheiro-HK21 Sapador-G3A4 Comando-G3A4 Medico-G3A4 Soldado AT-G3A4-M136 http://www.servimg.com/image_preview.php?i=165&u=12329463 http://www.servimg.com/image_preview.php?i=166&u=12329463 http://www.servimg.com/image_preview.php?i=167&u=12329463 http://www.servimg.com/image_preview.php?i=168&u=12329463 http://www.servimg.com/image_preview.php?i=169&u=12329463 http://www.servimg.com/image_preview.php?i=170&u=12329463 http://www.servimg.com/image_preview.php?i=171&u=12329463 http://www.servimg.com/image_preview.php?i=172&u=12329463
  22. Cpt-Fred

    Portuguese Mod

    C-130 Hercules upgrade texture: http://i72.servimg.com/u/f72/12/32/94/63/c130wi11.jpg
  23. Cpt-Fred

    Brazilian Army Mod

    I hope Its look very good Like Units! Good job !
  24. Cpt-Fred

    Portuguese Mod

    So the Pandur II is not in the Mod ..... Maybe when mod is finished don't no..
  25. Cpt-Fred

    [SAAF] Project

    Island looks very interristing