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About C.L.A.N.Martin

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  1. C.L.A.N.Martin

    Multi-Session Operations v3.3 is released!

    Very good work. As me and my Clan prefer playing with ACE-Mod, I´d like to know if the MSO is compatible with the features of the ACE-Mod.
  2. Hi, I´ve got the following Problem: I generated a Spawn Zone and want to release the Groups from that zone from DAC. What kind of syntax do I have to use in the "condition" of a trigger to check that the Spawnzone "z1" has finished spawning units? In the "on activation" of the SpawnZone Trigger I wrote: fun=["z1",[1,1,0],["20",4,10,4,"cg1"],[],[],[],[0,9,4,0]] spawn DAC_Zone; It is later activated via trigger with: [z1] call DAC_Activate; I created a Trigger to release the Group wit the following in the "on activation" field: {[_x] spawn DAC_fReleaseGroup} forEach cg1; for this Trigger I need to check if the spawning of the Units is done. Can You please help? Thank you.
  3. C.L.A.N.Martin

    Basic Briefing howto

    I solved it this way: -put this in "on Activation" of the trigger: xhandle= [objNull, ObjNull, tskExample1, "SUCCEEDED"] execVM "CA\Modules\MP\data\scriptCommands\taskHint.sqf"; I found it in the Air Cav designed by Xeno.
  4. C.L.A.N.Martin

    Linux Server and Mission Scipts

    The easiest way to solve that problem is to set the server on persistent = 1. You just have to start the mission, dissconect from the server and rejoin.
  5. C.L.A.N.Martin

    Linux Server and Mission Scipts

    Thanks for your quick help. I´ve tried what HitmanFF suggested. Restarting the mission is not working when you´re alone on the server, but if another player JIP and you do a restart then, it´ll work.
  6. C.L.A.N.Martin

    Linux Server and Mission Scipts

    Hi everybody, we are running a Linux Arma Server (latest Version). When playing a MP Mission (Evo for example) the Mission Scripts do not start or do not work properly. Any ideas how to fix it?
  7. C.L.A.N.Martin

    Falseprophet's fx mod..

    I copied the .pbo file into a folder "@fxmod" and started ArmA with the parameter "-mod=@fxmod". I did this on both, Client and Server, then I´ve started AirCav2.0 and tried to attach a vehicle to a Blackhawk but it did not work.
  8. C.L.A.N.Martin

    Falseprophet's fx mod..

    I´m sorry, but this addon does not work for me. I´ve installed it on our Server and on my Computer but it doesn´t work. Can somebody give me a hint on how to get this addon work?