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Everything posted by Canis

  1. Canis

    Tank Fire Control Systems

    Thats what I first thought. Your a gent sir. Don't spill anything on my account. And many thanks for the data.
  2. Canis

    Tank Fire Control Systems

    Hi NWD, thanks for the great ballistics mods. I notice your using Initial velocity of 1100 for the 105 HE (M760?) and airFriction of -0.000300. My ballistics calculations show that 650 ms and -0.000078 is 'about' right for just scratching past the 14k mark at 800 mils. Without RAP the M119 doesnt seem to throw out anything faster than 710 as far as I can tell, and they need special permission for that charge as it hurts the gun a tad (testing??). But info on the net is a bit sketchy so I've had to combine L118, M119, M1 and M760 non-RAP info to get a 'happy' 650 ms high charge shot for the M119+M760. Also I 'think' that they run into shell structure stability problems with the M1 and M760 shortly after the 710+ ms mark due to the charge needed, but as I said, solid info is hard to come by and i'm still tweaking the individual charges. Also I'm a bit of a newb to all this. I've written an sqf that calculates the projectile trajectory with the ArmA all-in-one air friction coef included, and can feed that data to the M119 AI Arty. I can hit a t72 at 14k and below with this, Non-scripted rounds, using real Arma physics. I'm intrested in your thoughts as I would like my Arty to be compatable with your ballistcs models in the future. (Have I got something Majorly wrong in short?) Again, thanks for your great work, arma is starting to feel less like a fairground and more like a simulation these days.