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About CodyLang

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  1. Quick question. I am on Blinded Eyes. I am trying to do the optional task by setting the diversion. I am running ace, RH, HLC, RHS, blastcore, and jsrs dragonfyre. I pick up the explosives and the M57 detonator, but once I go to set the bombs it give me to option to detonate the bombs. Nor can I place bombs down in the interaction menu. I can in the ACE interaction menu, but when I do I still can not detonate the bombs. Thanks!
  2. Where do you place the clientside config at in OA? Thanks.
  3. This is my first time playing around with this, but I have vista. Is it not supported yet? I can't find the P:/ drive.
  4. Where do you place the clientside config at in OA? Thanks.
  5. Thank you, thats what I was looking for.
  6. Just curious though, theres not a 1.3 layin around somewhere to atleast try and get ACE for A2?
  7. Ah okay then, that sucks, but thanks for the help.
  8. I have a question...I just reinstalled A2, not combined arms...and I was wondering what was the preset for that, so I can reinstall ACE for A2. Also I have the Steam version. Thanks..Also I ran into a problem how do I change it on six-updater...I click on 'edit preset' but theres not a drop down menu, so I really don't know how to change it and whatnot, thanks for the help.
  9. I have a question...I just reinstalled A2, not combined arms...and I was wondering what was the preset for that, so I can reinstall ACE for A2. Also I have the Steam version. Thanks..Also I ran into a problem how do I change it on six-updater...I click on 'edit preset' but theres not a drop down menu, so I really don't know how to change it and whatnot, thanks for the help.
  10. Im having a issue locking on targets with the hellfire...It'll lock on when I use the missles or the 30mm but not the hellfires, any help?
  11. Hey Xeno, ran into another problem running the standalone OA...Im usin cba_oa and I get this error before start up. Addon 'Extended_EventHandlers' requires addon 'CATracked_AAV' Also I used Six updater this time, everything downloaded fine, but I use Yoma to launch my mods, but I doubt thats a issue, but just wanted to bring that up.
  12. Same OS I've been using since ACE has come out...Reason why I havn't used six is because I am scared something will mess up and I'll have to reinstall the game, and I can afford that. So me using the Steam, standalone OA. So if I use six to download my ACE what presets do I use since there are 7 of them. Forgive me for being alittle computer dumb, but I want to get it right the first time bud.
  13. Thanks for the response Xeno, but I don't know how to run it as administator, if you mean right click and "Run as admin" I don't have that option, I've tried several times to redownload it, 2 files actually downloaded, the rest didn't. I also turned off my firewall and try it, still the same thing.
  14. I know you guys are busy, but still no response to this?
  15. Hey, I've ran into a problem...Pretty much anything thats over a megabite won't download. Lets say I have a file thats 15 mb, it will download 14 of that then give me an error that says "Can not open file as archive". If its a 2 mb download it will download about 1.8 of it then give me that error, anything thats in KB will download just fine..something I don't understand, also I am using Yoma, and the Kelly Heroes as the config URL. Also the files say .pbo, but I've noticed the ones that give errors show up as example "ace_sys_air_refuel.pbo.7z"..So maybe thats why I am getting that error of why it can not open it?. please help! lol.